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Shard the Gentleman

Good ways to end the Kingdom Hearts series

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As we all know, someday, the Kingdom Hearts series, one of the best series in video game history, is going to end. When that day comes, we will all be in deep sorrow. (I wonder what is going to happen to this site when Kingdom Hearts ends?) Anyways, We would be less Sorrowful if it had a memorable ending, and I'm not talking story wise completely. What do you think would be a good exit for Kingdom Hearts?I think it would be cool to see all the characters to an Acapella version of Simple and Clean.... What about you? How would YOU like the series end to go?

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okay my dream job is to work for Square Enix. I won't let it die I have big plans for it and I will want to give a big thanks to all the fans who have supported me.

 I plan to stay apart of this site to get feedback and maybe have fans have a HUGE part in the plans!

Edited by ReikuSSR

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I think it would be cool if we were shown all our favorite characters fast forward in the future and show us what became of all of them later in their lives- perhaps all grown with kids of their own and a legacy to pass forward for generations to come .

Yeah, but instead of just showing the future, it can start out at the first game and then go through all of the games to the future. Meanwhile, it should play simple and clean.

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I'm not too sure though, it would be something like a huge time-warp, after all the story stuff ends, it's like Sora Riku and Kairi go back to Destiny Islands, just like the intro of KH1 and in the part of the storm, no darkness is seen, just a mighty ol' storm, destroyed their raft, now have to build it again.


Whilst in BBS, Ven, Aqua and Terra successfully pass their MoM and Xehanort never turned to evil either that or he never existed. 


About Xion/Namine/Axel/Roxas, they all magically exist and finally meet on the clock tower and have a nice sea-salt ice cream together. With Isa too.


King Mickey Rules over Disney land with pride and prosperity, Ansem kept his research to a level. The end.

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Mmmh, Sora maries Kairi, both raise some children. Goofy and Donald are their witnesses. Riku finds a hot chick himself, Xion. Roxas is regognized as Ventus with amnesia and reunited with Aqua and Terra.

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Roxas is regognized as Ventus with amnesia and reunited with Aqua and Terra.


This means that we will know it and we will want the other to learn it too. In other word this thing will turn in a drama cause they want to find the real Ventus and the story will go on with Auqa and Terra trying to find their real friend...Sora will be a dad so he won't take part.....in other words....A New Saga begins

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This means that we will know it and we will want the other to learn it too. In other word this thing will turn in a drama cause they want to find the real Ventus and the story will go on with Auqa and Terra trying to find their real friend...Sora will be a dad so he won't take part.....in other words....A New Saga begins


No way, I meant he reveals himself to be the real Ventus who lost his mind while encountering organisation XIII. It was like a bitchslap to the die hard fans who think they know every single detail. A Nobody? No buddy. :D

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I think if Xehanort manages to create the X-blade he'll get defeated and the worlds will go back into being one big world. <<< Someone else's theory 

But that would be the end to the Xehanort saga and Nomura already said he wanted to continue so.... It'll never end! :D

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I think if Xehanort manages to create the X-blade he'll get defeated and the worlds will go back into being one big world. <<< Someone else's theory 

But that would be the end to the Xehanort saga and Nomura already said he wanted to continue so.... It'll never end! :D


That's why Sephiroth returns and with him a super villain. :)

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I thought kingdom hearts would end up like final fantasy, where it was meant to be one game and over and spawned into a massive franchise. I think kingdom hearts would go on like that, after kingdom hearts 3 we'd get games specifically about one characters story after all the lights pretty much go separate ways. Meaning at least 7 games, there's also the story for bbs volume 2, a story where there's a new evil to unite against, really endless possibilities. Like Mario or Zelda(or most other games now, where there's a fan base there's money to be made) I don't think it'll just end.



If it was to, id say a future shot would be seen, Kairi and Sora living on destiny island, their son playing with a wooden key as a sword. ("uncle") Riku visiting, landing down on his own armour ride thing like bbs transportation, returning from his journey destroying heartless, maybe with his own companion.

Even then I'm sure it could turn into a story, and game like that.

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The reason I think the series is eventually going to end is because I think Nomura said that Sora will always be the main character, but I'm not sure. Also, Final Fantasy is not one consecutive story, while Kingdom Hearts is. All stories end at one point. Every life has a story, and every story ends. Anyways, I think they may keep it going through like maybe movies, or some spin off games, but I'm not sure.

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I think that Sora should have to sacrifice himself to save the worlds for some reason, and all of the characters would be really sad but all conflict is over and the worlds are saved. Then Kairi would visit the secret place on Destiny Islands and find Sora passed out. She would find the others and they take care of him, He would wake up in an infirmary on another island, or Disney Castle(which ever would be better). They all celebrate the end of all the battling. It then fast forwards to about 25 years later and show Sora and Kairi's kid(who's like 10 and doesn't look like any previous character so they keep it fresh) building a raft. He wants to know if there are other worlds and, without telling his parents, leaves. THEN END pops up on the screen and a new game will have started.

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warning : read this on your own risk



I want everyone to come back at the end! I hope Master Xehanort doesn't die..maybe get purified or something? xD I don't want anyone to die really (I'm sorry Master Eraqus for killing you) The ending.. I sorta wanna see Sora RIku and Kairi going to school together. And then Lea and the other past orgy 13 members can be a teacher or something hahahaa. Mickey will be the protector of the world. And then no more fights and stuff EVERYONE CAN BE HAPPY.

But really though I don't think something like this will happen www But I really do want a scene where SRK go to school together.../shot



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