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What's the point of Region Locking?

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Well, as you know the only PS3 game that is region locked is Persona 4: Arena. I have to say, even though Persona 4: Arena is out in the States and Japan what's the whole point of region locking a game? I mean really. The game is out in English already so why not just let people in other countries (talking about Europe since they still have to wait for the game to come out) import the English/Japanese version? I seriously hope that game companies don't decide to region lock their games in the future. Especially if Sony finally makes a PS4. That would be a real bummer. So far i really hate region locking, like with the DSi, 3DS, and now Wii U. Not only did Nintendo region lock the console, but they also region locked the Wii U gamepad controllers? Really? Who would want to import a freaking controller when you can buy one cheaper in your own country?


I really hope game companies don't region lock future consoles/games. The way i see it, region Locking is becoming a big issue for gaming and for people who want to import a game from another country

Edited by Tails

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I honestly don't see what there is to gain. Not region locking means you could get more people outside of the region to purchase it as well so I don't get what they gain from this.

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Well, as you know the only PS3 game that is region locked is Persona 4: Arena. I have to say, even though Persona 4: Arena is out in the States and Japan what's the whole point of region locking a game? I mean really. The game is out in English already so why not just let people in other countries (talking about Europe since they still have to wait for the game to come out) import the English/Japanese version? I seriously hope that game companies don't decide to region lock their games in the future. Especially if Sony finally makes a PS4. That would be a real bummer. So far i really hate region locking, like with the DSi, 3DS, and now Wii U. Not only did Nintendo region lock the console, but they also region locked the Wii U gamepad controllers? Really? Who would want to import a freaking controller when you can buy one cheaper in your own country?


I really hope game companies don't region lock future consoles/games. The way i see it, region Locking is becoming a big issue for gaming and for people who want to import a game from another country

Persona 4 Arena came out in america close to japans realease date, alsotheres an option to change text t japaneese. japaneese people could easily import it for acheaper price

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I hate it too, but to actually answer the question, It's mostly to discourage people from importing games from countries where they're cheaper.


In Japan at least (which is the most relevant example), consumer goods cost a good amount more than they do in North America.(From my experience, it can be up to twice as much.) The region locking forces the importer to buy a console/device along with it, which is likely to override any savings that the consumer would have gotten from importing the software/media by itself.

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Persona 4 Arena came out in america close to japans realease date, alsotheres an option to change text t japaneese. japaneese people could easily import it for acheaper price

yeah I know and people can't import the game because they region locked each regions disc of the game.

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The Gaming Industries think it's a good way to prevent piracy. But they don't see how not Region Locking could possibly help them to make more money, they only see "OMG, there are people who copy our games! Quick, lock it for every other Country except for our own!"

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They don't want kids/teenagers under the age of 18 to buy the awesome games that are kept in Japan. *coughKingdomHeartsFinalMixescough*

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I believe it has something to do with the economy in each country. I know that in Australia they ('they' being the government and retailers) don't want us to buy in games from other countries and I would guess it'd be the same in lots of other countries. So I guess to keep the government and retailers happy, companies regiion lock games. The retailers wanna keep everything local and expensive. (For me it is sooooo much cheaper buying from America instead of Australia!),

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Far is I knew the only purpose is to stop other countries getting it before their due date/getting country specific exclusives. Other than that there is no reason to region lock. if most Japanese versions came with a patch or English options hardcore gamers would import (normally they're released earlier in Japan) to fulfill their gaming drive sooner. Meaning their own countries retailers are potentially losing out (but when its an exclusive I don't know how you can use that argument, its like the whole "they downloaded 400 songs that's a grand worth of loses for the industry. If they had a grand it would have never been spent on music, same as the money spent on an imported exclusive wouldn't have been spent on the same game in she country, cause it was exclusive. Duh.)


I feel it really stunts the industry though. I would have imported re : chain of memories if ps2 weren't region locked (too difficult for reasons I mentioned before to mod)

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