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KH2 Why did Sora react like this?

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Because bros before hoes. 


This is the way I look at it; besides the whole "Kairi was safe on the Islands and Sora didn't know where Riku was" thing I think it has to be looked at a bit deeper than that. When Kairi hugs Sora and he looks reluctant while he's bawling his eyes out at the sight of Riku, it's not because he secretly dislikes Kairi but wants Riku's schlong. It's because he feels like an ass. Let me explain.


Promises are very important in KH and are especially important to Sora. When he can't keep them or something gets in the way in keeping them like in CoM where he thought he made a promise to keep Namine safe he's beside him self. This is especially true when it involves his friends because he's so protective of them and when he can't keep a promise he feels like he's failed them so it really hits him in the heart.


At the end of KH1 Sora promised that he'd return home to Kairi, then in CoM he deepened it because he promised himself that he wouldn't go back empty handed and would bring Riku back home, back to Kairi, as well. Sora effectively promised that he didn't want to see Kairi again until he at least found Riku. Other wise he'd think that he failed her.  


On the other end though we have Kairi and promises are also important to her. Because of the events of CoM she doesn't remember Sora well but she remembers he existed and that they had made some sort of promise but unsure of what it is, much like Sora, she adds on to it by saying that she promised herself that she'd find him someday, a promise that somewhat clashes with the one she made with Sora because he already promised to come back to her (on the islands). So we have Sora who promised that he'd come back to Kairi on DI someday but he wasn't coming back until he had Riku in tow and Kairi who doesn't really remember the promise and wasn't told about the Riku detail makes her own promise to find Sora herself. Are you starting to see where there's a bit of conflict here?


To add to it Kairi eventually does remember Sora's promise but it conflicts with the new one she made to herself so she contemplates over what's the better route: waiting at home or going out to find Sora? But for better or for worse that decision gets made for her so yaaaaaaay for abolished internal conflict! :D


Cut forward to when Sora and Kairi reunite at TWTNW, virtually nothing has been going Sora's way. He still can't find Riku, Mickey's hiding things from him, he learned that the Hearts he was freeing were going to Organization XIII's make shift KH and being imprisoned and he couldn't do anything about it, he still didn't know who the Hell Roxas was and was being taunted by it, and then to hit the nail in the coffin Kairi was in trouble. Again. Kairi, who he didn't want to see yet, was put on his "to due" list but it was something he couldn't put off. God knows what they were doing to her (stuffed her in a boring room with out t.v. or toiletries! D:) so he rushes off to save her.


When he gets to her for all intensive purposes she's fine. Which of course he's happy about but there's still the issue of the promise he made to her. He spent all of KH1 fighting tooth and nail to see Kairi safe and sound back home on the islands that he also worked his ass off to get back so Kairi could have a home to go back to, and Riku once he was found, but Riku wasn't found. Sora didn't find Riku and bring him back to the islands where Kairi would be waiting safely with open arms to greet them. Instead she gets kidnapped from the place he thought she was safe, gets put on the battle field in the way of the enemy, and he STILL can't find Riku. The nail was already hammered in but then it gets roughly twisted and shoved in even more when Kairi essentially lies to him and says that she went looking for them because they took too long. 


Sora now feels like a jerk ass. Whether it's the truth or the lie from Sora's perspective their both bad and the lie is probably worse if he believes it. If it's the former Sora took too long to find Riku and wasn't there for Kairi when she got in trouble back home, if it's the latter Sora took so long that Kairi got fed up with waiting and put herself in danger to find him. It's also sinking in how long it's really been. I don't think Sora ever learned, at least though out the course of KH2, that a year had passed. It's not until he sees Kairi and how different she became that it sank in that it must've been a really freakn' long time. How ever long it'd been Kairi was waiting for him all that time and Sora knows she must've been extremely worried, and at worst, dissapointed. He couldn't keep his promise and Kairi was put in danger because of him.


The last thing he expects is for the girl he thinks he dissapointed and hurt to hug and seek comfort from him. As far as Sora's concerned he did nothing right by Kairi so the hug and her words of relief only make him feel worse. It just keeps sinking in further that he hurt her and he probably shouldn't be comforting her but that's what she wants so he reluctantly hugs her back. The kicker in all this is that all this time Kairi's making him feel worse about himself but she never realizes this and relishes in finally finding Sora while he's emotionally wrecked but not showing it. 


Then he finds Riku and explodes. Considering everything Sora went through throughout KH2; all of his emotional buttons being pushed, Kairi must've brought him to the brink and then finding Riku made his emotional lid blow. Something was FINALLY going right. He wasn't a complete failure to his friends.  Granted, Kairi still found Riku first but- (looks at Sora breakdown) let's not fret over it. Riku was there looking like a well sculpted, tall, dark, and handsome stud of a man with muscles that Sora can only dream to ever achieve. Then Riku was already better well endowed before so firetruck! Ansem for some reason but who cares? RIKU! RIKU I FOUND YOU AND I DON'T SUCK AS MUCH AS I THOUGHT!



Sora wasn't happy to see Kairi but not for the usual reasons one might think. After everything was said and done Sora felt that everything was his fault and felt like an ass hole so he shouldn't be the one comforting Kairi. He couldn't keep most of his promises and a lot of bad shit was happening at the time so finding Riku was a huge relief because something was going right. And he wasn't, you know, dead.


*looks at huge post*


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brb, I'm going to go in a corner and die now. 

I read it all. Makes sense exactly. Thank you!

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Because bros before hoes. 


This is the way I look at it; besides the whole "Kairi was safe on the Islands and Sora didn't know where Riku was" thing I think it has to be looked at a bit deeper than that. When Kairi hugs Sora and he looks reluctant while he's bawling his eyes out at the sight of Riku, it's not because he secretly dislikes Kairi but wants Riku's schlong. It's because he feels like an ass. Let me explain.


Promises are very important in KH and are especially important to Sora. When he can't keep them or something gets in the way in keeping them like in CoM where he thought he made a promise to keep Namine safe he's beside him self. This is especially true when it involves his friends because he's so protective of them and when he can't keep a promise he feels like he's failed them so it really hits him in the heart.


At the end of KH1 Sora promised that he'd return home to Kairi, then in CoM he deepened it because he promised himself that he wouldn't go back empty handed and would bring Riku back home, back to Kairi, as well. Sora effectively promised that he didn't want to see Kairi again until he at least found Riku. Other wise he'd think that he failed her.  


On the other end though we have Kairi and promises are also important to her. Because of the events of CoM she doesn't remember Sora well but she remembers he existed and that they had made some sort of promise but unsure of what it is, much like Sora, she adds on to it by saying that she promised herself that she'd find him someday, a promise that somewhat clashes with the one she made with Sora because he already promised to come back to her (on the islands). So we have Sora who promised that he'd come back to Kairi on DI someday but he wasn't coming back until he had Riku in tow and Kairi who doesn't really remember the promise and wasn't told about the Riku detail makes her own promise to find Sora herself. Are you starting to see where there's a bit of conflict here?


To add to it Kairi eventually does remember Sora's promise but it conflicts with the new one she made to herself so she contemplates over what's the better route: waiting at home or going out to find Sora? But for better or for worse that decision gets made for her so yaaaaaaay for abolished internal conflict! :D


Cut forward to when Sora and Kairi reunite at TWTNW, virtually nothing has been going Sora's way. He still can't find Riku, Mickey's hiding things from him, he learned that the Hearts he was freeing were going to Organization XIII's make shift KH and being imprisoned and he couldn't do anything about it, he still didn't know who the Hell Roxas was and was being taunted by it, and then to hit the nail in the coffin Kairi was in trouble. Again. Kairi, who he didn't want to see yet, was put on his "to due" list but it was something he couldn't put off. God knows what they were doing to her (stuffed her in a boring room with out t.v. or toiletries! D:) so he rushes off to save her.


When he gets to her for all intensive purposes she's fine. Which of course he's happy about but there's still the issue of the promise he made to her. He spent all of KH1 fighting tooth and nail to see Kairi safe and sound back home on the islands that he also worked his ass off to get back so Kairi could have a home to go back to, and Riku once he was found, but Riku wasn't found. Sora didn't find Riku and bring him back to the islands where Kairi would be waiting safely with open arms to greet them. Instead she gets kidnapped from the place he thought she was safe, gets put on the battle field in the way of the enemy, and he STILL can't find Riku. The nail was already hammered in but then it gets roughly twisted and shoved in even more when Kairi essentially lies to him and says that she went looking for them because they took too long. 


Sora now feels like a jerk ass. Whether it's the truth or the lie from Sora's perspective their both bad and the lie is probably worse if he believes it. If it's the former Sora took too long to find Riku and wasn't there for Kairi when she got in trouble back home, if it's the latter Sora took so long that Kairi got fed up with waiting and put herself in danger to find him. It's also sinking in how long it's really been. I don't think Sora ever learned, at least though out the course of KH2, that a year had passed. It's not until he sees Kairi and how different she became that it sank in that it must've been a really freakn' long time. How ever long it'd been Kairi was waiting for him all that time and Sora knows she must've been extremely worried, and at worst, dissapointed. He couldn't keep his promise and Kairi was put in danger because of him.


The last thing he expects is for the girl he thinks he dissapointed and hurt to hug and seek comfort from him. As far as Sora's concerned he did nothing right by Kairi so the hug and her words of relief only make him feel worse. It just keeps sinking in further that he hurt her and he probably shouldn't be comforting her but that's what she wants so he reluctantly hugs her back. The kicker in all this is that all this time Kairi's making him feel worse about himself but she never realizes this and relishes in finally finding Sora while he's emotionally wrecked but not showing it. 


Then he finds Riku and explodes. Considering everything Sora went through throughout KH2; all of his emotional buttons being pushed, Kairi must've brought him to the brink and then finding Riku made his emotional lid blow. Something was FINALLY going right. He wasn't a complete failure to his friends.  Granted, Kairi still found Riku first but- (looks at Sora breakdown) let's not fret over it. Riku was there looking like a well sculpted, tall, dark, and handsome stud of a man with muscles that Sora can only dream to ever achieve. Then Riku was already better well endowed before so firetruck! Ansem for some reason but who cares? RIKU! RIKU I FOUND YOU AND I DON'T SUCK AS MUCH AS I THOUGHT!



Sora wasn't happy to see Kairi but not for the usual reasons one might think. After everything was said and done Sora felt that everything was his fault and felt like an ass hole so he shouldn't be the one comforting Kairi. He couldn't keep most of his promises and a lot of bad shit was happening at the time so finding Riku was a huge relief because something was going right. And he wasn't, you know, dead.


*looks at huge post*


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brb, I'm going to go in a corner and die now. 


That's really complicated and long LOL. 

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I was ready to honestly say, 'Right, Nomuralogic'


My take would go like this:


Sora had a few words with Riku only in the last of KH1, and besides, they were close friends even before they met Kairi. Sora had more feelings AS FRIENDS for Riku. So naturally, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' 

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I find that in Kingdom Hearts (or any other jap based anime-like content) is that it completely dissed love and usually focuses on friendship. Friendship is like..a family substitute. "As long as I have you guys, nothing else matters"-Sora to Riku and Kairi.

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Well KH2 was about Sora finding Riku, Kairi just got mixed up in the middle. It hasn't been confirmed that Sora actually likes Kairi but a lot of people think so. KH2 was mostly focusing on Sora's friendship with Riku instead of his and Kairi's, because remember Sora and Riku had only last spoke together as friends at the beginning of KH1. 

well Nomura, and the whole KH story hasnt officially confirmed anything, but there are definitely hints. Like how Kairi is like the biggest catalyst for all his memories considering Xion took on Kairi's form and Namine said to remember Kairi and it will be easy to link all the memories again. He also seems to day dream about her alot too lol

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