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Nora Valkyrie

~Keeping In the Psycho!~

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~Keeping in the Psycho!~


In the Future A LOT has changed. Technology, buildings, people, but most of all the Cops. The madness that was once in the world has disappeared from Today’s modern technology and the help of rather rebelling people. In Tokyo there is a Police force known as SIBYL (Public Safety Bureau) many types of people work here and even some of the criminals themselves. Using the ultimate weapon known as the Dominator (a weapon known for reading people’s madness) this world locks away those who have a high reading of Psycho-Pass (your madness). However if this world managed to keep this method would it be able to survive? Are you the one who could break down and cause the forbidden Psycho to come out?  


In this Roleplay you are either a Psycho hidden in the Mafia unit of Japan or a member of SIBYL Unit 2 (only 7 members from who you’ll have to choose type) If you are apart of Unit the only weapon you have is the Dominator. Here’s info about it http://psychopass.wikia.com/wiki/Dominator  


-Character Sheet- 








Psycho-Pass Level- (level of madness ranges between 90-200)


Theme Song: (Optional) 


-Unit 2- 


Emotion In the group u are the one to show true human nature and thinks everyone should have a equal right. However you’ll have to get use to the fact that life is not a fantasy.






Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70)  

Theme Song-  (Optional) 

(Played By Sora's Baby)


Smart  The know-it all of the group. Without you the others may not survive. 






Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional) 

(Played by Riku's Aspect 11)


-Silent  Very quiet and clever people can mistake your character. Man were they wrong.






Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional)  

(Played by SolarFlare)


-Goofy  You’re the one who sure likes fun. The joy of the group. 





Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional) 

(Played by Tyrahnee)


-Sexy  Your a bit different to the rest of the team. Instead of fighting you work at the lab in SIBYL. Yet you kind of try to gather those of who you want. 






Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional) 


Observant  Like Emotion you observe things but not people, you observe areas. You are the group’s map. You are also the LEADER of the group.  





Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional


Protection  One thing maters to you and that is the others in your unit. You’ll do anything to protect them. 





Were u a Criminal or not?:

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 

Theme Song-  (Optional  

(played by Sodom)


 * PG-13 People, however if u want to get a little gory that is fine
* At least three sentences please….. 
* No Bullying, Going against other religions, Killing other characters (unless the user says that’s fine) and Using other’s characters 
* Please try to follow along. I really don’t want something like a big battle is happening and your character stops and goes to McDonald’s
* You can make 2 characters but I prefer 1 please. I’ve decided that the best way to be in personality is to only stick with one. 

* If a person needs help cause their lost on the Roleplay try to help them and not get all mad like, “Why where you not here!!!! We needed you!!!” Some people like me are very busy. Lee is also free to chat to.
* Don’t try to abandon this :( If u want to just ask me.  



Hi guys Lee here! So….ok well I really wanted to test a Psycho-pass Roleplay with a style like Lee’s. NO U DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH THE ANIME TO JOIN. Lee has only seen 2 episodes. But I might Re-post this topic later since it’s near Christmas and many people are traveling. Lee hopes you sign up and we can begin soon. If u want more info here is the wiki-> http://psychopass.wikia.com/wiki/Psycho-Pass_Wiki  Also if you’re the Leader then you’ll have make the missions so please be wise in your roles.



Edited by Lee Loves KH Forever

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Name: Todd J. Wyatt

Age: 21

Appearance: Lab Coat that's white, Black Pants, Wears Glasses, Bald, And Black Boots.

Bio: When his aunt was killed, he went into her steps of becoming a scientist.


Psycho- Pass Level: About 30

Weapon: A shotgun, his brain, And a Bow

Theme Song: none

Edited by Riku's Aspect 11

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Name: Doesn't have one

Age: 19

Appearance: His black hair covers both of his eyes yet he can still see (somehow). He usually wears a regular suit with a dark blue tie.

Bio: He doesn't tell it that easily

Were u a Criminal or not?: no

Psycho-Pass Level: 20

Theme Song-

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Here Lee! Another Yandere!




Name: Kuro

Age: 17

Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/263474]Posted Image[/url]

Bio: Kuro was furious when the students at school continued to bully her about her being overprotective. They passed the line when they said they would hurt her family. Kuro ended up losing control, hurting her family in the process. After knowing she killed her family and friends, she continued as a Serial Killer, the red marks on her arms are tattoo's of the dates she has killed people, thought of killing people, thoughts of suicide, or thoughts of causing disasters in cities. She soon was found, and put in the facilities, she is far overprotective.

Where you a Criminal or not?: Yes, a serial killer.

Psycho-Pass Level: 95

Theme Song-

(Yes, I just have to use the new Vocaloid song)


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Name: Todd J. WyattAge: 21Appearance: Lab Coat that's white, Black Pants, Wears Glasses, Bald, And Black Boots.Bio: When his aunt was killed, he went into her steps of becoming a scientist.Non-CriminalPsycho- Pass Level: About 30Theme Song: none


Hm....sorry to say but Lee is rather confused if your in Unit 2 or not

Ooh...Cool rp, but it'slate. Promise to join inthe morning.

Thank u Yuffie ^_^


Name: Doesn't have one

Age: 19

Appearance: His black hair covers both of his eyes yet he can still see (somehow). He usually wears a regular suit with a dark blue tie.

Bio: He doesn't tell it that easily

Were u a Criminal or not?: no

Psycho-Pass Level: 20

Theme Song-

Sorry Wolf but due to them being in the Police system each character Must have a name and a bio :(


Here Lee! Another Yandere!




Name: Kuro

Age: 17

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Kuro was furious when the students at school continued to bully her about her being overprotective. They passed the line when they said they would hurt her family. Kuro ended up losing control, hurting her family in the process. After knowing she killed her family and friends, she continued as a Serial Killer, the red marks on her arms are tattoo's of the dates she has killed people, thought of killing people, thoughts of suicide, or thoughts of causing disasters in cities. She soon was found, and put in the facilities, she is far overprotective.

Where you a Criminal or not?: Yes, a serial killer.

Psycho-Pass Level: 95

Theme Song-

(Yes, I just have to use the new Vocaloid song)


Accepted Sodom ^_^

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Gosh darn it

Name: Code

Bio: At first he was the governments secret spies until a recent mission. He lost both of his eyes but he has great hearing being able to hear 60 miles away. Many people doubt him but the government put him with Unit 2.

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Gosh darn itName: CodeBio: At first he was the governments secret spies until a recent mission. He lost both of his eyes but he has great hearing being able to hear 60 miles away. Many people doubt him but the government put him with Unit 2.

Accepted, and LOL that sound like your character in the real Psycho-Pass

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Name: Lisa

Age: 18

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: sassy, sarcastic, depressed, conflicted

Bio: Lisa was a child of a member of SIBYL. She grew up learning about conflict, and the Psycho-Pass. However, her mother went insane, and her father was forced to jail her. Seeing this trauma, made Lisa go out the window. She blames SIBYL for all bad things, and has gone into hiding. Though she is confused and conflicted. Lisa knows it isn't her fathers fault her mother had to go away, it was all the law. She often tries to use logic against herself, but it doesn't seem to affect anything. She is stuck in her thirst for revenge.

Psycho-Pass Level: 100

Weapon: Special knuckles made of a new metal, they are pretty much unbreakable, and can easily break bones.

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Name: Lisa

Age: 18

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: sassy, sarcastic, depressed, conflicted

Bio: Lisa was a child of a member of SIBYL. She grew up learning about conflict, and the Psycho-Pass. However, her mother went insane, and her father was forced to jail her. Seeing this trauma, made Lisa go out the window. She blames SIBYL for all bad things, and has gone into hiding. Though she is confused and conflicted. Lisa knows it isn't her fathers fault her mother had to go away, it was all the law. She often tries to use logic against herself, but it doesn't seem to affect anything. She is stuck in her thirst for revenge.

Psycho-Pass Level: 100

Weapon: Special knuckles made of a new metal, they are pretty much unbreakable, and can easily break bones.



Lee thinks she might be sending PMs to go gather other people to join too. 

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Name: Anthony 'Ace' Stark

Age: 17

Appearance:  Posted Image

Personality: Smartass, smug, and to a point caring.

Bio: Rich boy Ace after his family was taken down for making weapons there insanity levels reaching the max left to make money on his own. Making his own weapons he set out as a killer called 'Nightmare' to try and make it so he could pass around normally when not out to kill someone. Despite everything even after losing the majority of his family still cares for people. That doesn't mean he still won't take you out if he has to.

Psycho-Pass Level- 180

Weapon-  Metallic gloves that can fire a variety of laser based attacks. Black boots used for hovering. Can go to about sixty feet intot he air.

Theme Song: 

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Name:Jay C. Pennies

Age: 20

Appearance:Posted Image

Bio:A girl who will cry or laugh when others need her to. She rarely showes her own ture emotions, chosing to live though others. So she tends to be shy and only talks when something truely scares or angers her. Being this way makes her go form happy to balling  making her more prone to Psycho. Most of the time she keeps a brown school bag with her which carries anything from food to a frist aid kit. Even her teddy bear which is the only thing that can calm her down. Sometimes she talks to herself,other than that's she's pretty normal.

Were u a Criminal or not?:No

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 70

Theme Song- (Optional)


Edited by Sora's Baby

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He's the smart guy in unit 2



Name: Anthony 'Ace' Stark

Age: 17

Appearance:  Posted Image

Personality: Smartass, smug, and to a point caring.

Bio: Rich boy Ace after his family was taken down for making weapons there insanity levels reaching the max left to make money on his own. Making his own weapons he set out as a killer called 'Nightmare' to try and make it so he could pass around normally when not out to kill someone. Despite everything even after losing the majority of his family still cares for people. That doesn't mean he still won't take you out if he has to.

Psycho-Pass Level- 180

Weapon-  Metallic gloves that can fire a variety of laser based attacks. Black boots used for hovering. Can go to about sixty feet intot he air.

Theme Song: 


Accepted and thank u for reading my PM :D

Name:Jay C. Pennies

Age: 20

Appearance:Posted Image

Bio:A girl who will cry or laugh when others need her to. She rarely showes her own ture emotions, chosing to live though others. So she tends to be shy and only talks when something truely scares or angers her. Being this way makes her go form happy to balling  making her more prone to Psycho. Most of the time she keeps a brown school bag with her which carries anything from food to a frist aid kit. Even her teddy bear which is the only thing that can calm her down. Sometimes she talks to herself,other than that's she's pretty normal.

Were u a Criminal or not?:No

Psycho-Pass Level: (If u were a criminal yours has to range between 60- 130 if not then between 15- 70) 70

Theme Song- (Optional)


Accepted and Lee still likes your Profile Pic. Lee Loves Pandora Hearts!

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Name: Isaac Ghiral
Age: 31

Bio: Living a somewhat normal life as a scientist, Isaac didn't discover but was able to actually acquire a piece of space's dark matter. The effects of this drove Isaac into a temporary craze-- he went berserk. Loving to dissect since he was a child, Isaac found his family and dissected them one by one. Evidently, Isaac loved the feeling, dissecting many innocents and avoiding the authorities, a fugitive for Death Row. Isaac is now part of the Mafia, but of course, still craves to dissect every living thing.
Were u a Criminal or not?: Yes
Psycho-Pass Level: 193
Weapon: Dissection/Skinning Knife; Can also fight hand-to-hand
Theme Song- (Optional):

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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MafiaName: Isaac GhiralAge: 31Appearance: (I'll have to put a photo later, I can't now)Bio: Living a somewhat normal life as a scientist, Isaac didn't discover but was able to actually acquire a piece of space's dark matter. The effects of this drove Isaac into a temporary craze-- he went berserk. Loving to dissect since he was a child, Isaac found his family and dissected them one by one. Evidently, Isaac loved the feeling, dissecting many innocents and avoiding the authorities, a fugitive for Death Row. Isaac is now part of the Mafia, but of course, still craves to dissect every living thing.Were u a Criminal or not?: YesPsycho-Pass Level: 193Weapon: Dissection/Skinning Knife; Can also fight hand-to-handTheme Song- (Optional): (Have to put link later) Mephiles' Whisper

Psycho-Pass Level:Over 9,000.

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MafiaName: Isaac GhiralAge: 31Appearance: (I'll have to put a photo later, I can't now)Bio: Living a somewhat normal life as a scientist, Isaac didn't discover but was able to actually acquire a piece of space's dark matter. The effects of this drove Isaac into a temporary craze-- he went berserk. Loving to dissect since he was a child, Isaac found his family and dissected them one by one. Evidently, Isaac loved the feeling, dissecting many innocents and avoiding the authorities, a fugitive for Death Row. Isaac is now part of the Mafia, but of course, still craves to dissect every living thing.Were u a Criminal or not?: YesPsycho-Pass Level: 193Weapon: Dissection/Skinning Knife; Can also fight hand-to-handTheme Song- (Optional): (Have to put link later) Mephiles' Whisper

You make me want to use Cassidy again just to screw them over and push her limits with his 'sanity.'

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