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KH2 Anyone else notice?

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Yes Namine is Kairi's nobody, but she was born from Sora. And She doesnt have an X in her name because she is not a member of the organization and was not given her name by Xemnas. Besides what name could you make out of Kairi and X? It also might be because Namine was not a nobody associated with the darkness.

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[align=center]Namine has no X in her name because she is not a member of Organization XIII, and so the Organization did not name her.

As for her appearance...

*digs out old post*



Namine, as we know, was created when Sora released Kairi's heart from inside himself. Sora has a connection to Ven, who is blonde. So perhaps in her "birth" process, Namine borrowed traits from Sora ( her ability to manipulate his memories and those associated with him ), Ven ( her blonde hair ), and Kairi ( her face and general appearance ). She's like a complicated genetically created lovechild....of three parents..."o.o[/align]


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Namine is Kairi's nobody and the reason for why she dosen't have a X in her name is because she isn't a member og Organization XIII...




i dont think namine is a nobody cause kari has no darknessin her heart


You don't need Darkness in you to make a Nobody, you need darkness to make a Heartless. Kairi doesn't have a Heartless because she has no Darkness in her but she can still have a Nobody...

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You need a body to make a nobody, and a heart to make a heartless. Namine was a slave and not a member of Org. Xlll so she has no "X" in her name. But still...why name her Namine? Is that a common name in Japan?

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You need a body to make a nobody, and a heart to make a heartless. Namine was a slave and not a member of Org. Xlll so she has no "X" in her name. But still...why name her Namine? Is that a common name in Japan?


[align=center]"Namine" refers to "Kairi"

Nami = wave

Kai = ocean


It's to further show their connection.[/align]

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