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Aren't we some kind of Team as in you AND me?

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Good day, afternoon or whenever you read that xD


As my title implies it's about lovely team work as in working together - you can read the bold part with an angry voice in your head to enjoy the show a bit more, lol.


So, let's start with my burning inferno of frustration and hateful thoughts.


It is the terrible true story of me and a fellow student - let's call her B.

I acquainted B since a year. She is a nice person, but we do only talk somethimes and so on.


A few weeks ago we needed to form a team for a project about the subject "standard error" - as all of the people, I normally work with, were not there I thought of working with her. In fact, she asked me first and I was like "okay, we can do this ****", because neither me nor she knew much about mathematics.

That was when the problems began:

I tried to figure out everything I could. It kind of worked - yay, Henne understood something, what a glorious day :blink:

However, when we met in order to do something, it was pretty clear that she had not idea what I was talking about, so I explained to her.

But did that fix or help anything at all? No.

The next time we met, she hadn't done anything at all. She was as dumb as before, plus: I tried to calculate something, I wanted to see if our sample problem was right and if I could really understand it (lol). Whereas I tried that, she started to talk to me about some random shit:"How is your family doing?"

"Are you still ill?"

"Can you send it to me later on?"

"How old is your nephew again?"

"Did you see how many women are pregnant here?"

"Can you explain to me how [use random subject] work?"

blah, blah -

When I said to her, that I could answer as soon as I was finished, she looked at me as I had stolen her candy. I bet, I sounded rather angry, I felt bad about that.


Why did I not tell her, that she should do anything or just shut up?

Well, she is much older than I am - in fact she could be my mother, lol. And I felt bad just about thinking to yell at someone like her.



At the moment: It looks like that;

We are finished with the working part - now we have to explain it to other people. She asked me about doing the "simple stuff" aka these things she understood (definition) - I bet, she meant reading the definiton of it. To buy some time I said that I was not sure (about the definition's correctness). So, that is where we stand now. To tell the truth I do not care what part I should do, but I feel rather uncomfortable with the situation as it is. I fear that I have to to everything again or more like that I have to explain it to her and so will not have the time to learn about the other stuff as I am still not really sure about everything, despite asking some people who know about that.



And... have a nice day.



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