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Tournament RP

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Neena relaxed and watched as the fight continued, and then ended. "That was quick." she said. She had been expecting Gexln to win. He had been giving off the stronger aura, but Ace just showed off some very interesting technology. In all of her travels, she hadn't once found something like the stuff he had just used. Not to mention his physical capabilities without his armor were still very good. It had been an interesting, but short-lived fight. Neena had a bad feeling about the next fight. Even though nobody knew the combatants yet, she had a tingling feeling on her spine about it.

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Flexing his fingers the tingling feeling in his side was welcomed compared to the intense pain that had been there. "You know if Gexln was that hard I don't want to know what I'll breaking go against her-" He pointed to ward Neena before continuing. "And that guy right there." Motioning toward the Longering Will he turned toward the two as he gave them a two fingered wave. "We'll I'll see ya after I get some stuff fixed." Turning on his heel the torn up shoes made a slight squeak as he started walking back to the Dorm.

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"Mm." Silver mused, opening his palm. It was gloved, but even then an electric spark came off from it, making a zapping noise. It didn't harm Silver, but it would've done so to anyone else. "I wonder who's next..." Silver murmured, looking to the other competitors.

Some of us don't look capable to fight. I don't want to be put against someone who can't fight back- it doesn't feel right. Even if I get closer to finding my friends... Silver thought, sighing. He looked at the rose he had been given, wondering what it caused it to look gray.

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Once Ace was gone, Yuka let out a long sigh.

"One day...I am going to beat his ass..." she said aloud, looking at Joshua.

"I just hope I'm not next...right?" she said.

'Even though I am pissed right now...'

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Throwing his backpack to the side he fell face first onto the bed enjoying the soft feeling against his aching body. 'Never again. Maybe not. I probably won't be able to keep my mouth shut. Yuka's gonna murder me if I do what I want to do. She has noticed I'm to curious for my own good?' She had left the books behind. Critical mistake to be made.

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I chuckled a bit at Yuka's sudden statement. "You probably could, but I'd still be there to heal him after..." I said calmly to Yuka. "Yeah I know what you mean. I haven't fought one of these guys though, some are pretty intimidating..." I said as I looked around. "And Yuka...you actually remind me a bit of my friend, Karasu."

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Gexln regained consciousness and sat up. He sat still in the middle of the arena, thinking. Part of him was humiliated that he had lost, the other part of him reminded himself that he hadn't really taken the fight seriously until a few minutes into it. Not to mention the fact he hadn't allowed himself to go all out. His right hand curled into a fist. From now on, its kill or be killed he thought. He stood up and, without a word, he walked back over to the stands and sat down. He had tried something new to him in the tournament, he had tried to be more...human, with holding back because he was against not even an adult, and he had paid. He gritted his teeth in grim determination. Next time, i fight to kill.

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"K-a-r-a-s-u? That name is rather odd...but I could say the same for my name? I'm sorry I'm cursing...It just bugs me when people try to get people to believe in things. He is saying that my 'honor' will just back fire on me. I know honor won't do that and I wont allow that! I will regain my honor and be accepted back in my family!" Yuka said with determination. 

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"That sudden feeling you get when you know someone's ready to kill you in cold blood just really sucks." Laying on his back as he looked up at the ceiling realizing that he'd have to pull on a few favors to win this thing. "Oh boy this wild house just got a few more wild cards. That's really gonna make this a fight to the finish." Getting to work he split the suit apart using his fingers to start tearing away at it to add new things. At least he had a taste at what he was going against but would that be enough to win now? "I think I just screwed myself. I guess the only chance I have is to fight magic with a little magic of my own."

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I looked at Yuka and shrugged, "Maybe, but I don't mind. We called her Kara anyway." I told Yuka. The next few fights were undetermined so far, so I shook a little bit in fear of who I'd have to fight. As much as I'd hate to fight anyone, Yuka and Garry would defeat me with ease, I wouldn't be able to fight back I would anyone else.

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"So, the rules say no fighting outside of the arena.." Gexln said to himself quietly. Which means no chance of getting revenge unless i want to be kicked out he thought. He stood up, thinking of a way to get his vengeance while still being in the tournament, kind of. A wicked grin appeared on his face as he imagined it. He left to go find Daxam.

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Nervousness meant that Gexln was out for cold blood. "Okay genius let's make sure I can sneak around without getting severly injured by the dude you beat who holds a better grudge than even you could manage." Sliding on the backpack it at least did the basics. He had more time to work on it when he could make the last repairs when Gexln wasn't out for him. "You want to kill me I'll make it as hard as I can manage." Exiting his room he looked at his hand. "I guess I can't be to picky on who I can convince to help me."

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Garry smiled and gave a small bow before turning and walking away. He took out two more roses,a red one and a lime one. "Two more roses. I should hurry and give these to the ones left,before it's my turn to fight."Garry says as he turned and ran off down the hallway. "If I remember,there were two of them. They are in different dorms though. Hm..."Garry says as he walked around and saw a two way hallway. "One way leads to Daxam's room,the other to Jason's. Well,they both must be tired,I must deliver them both anyways."Garry says as he looked down at the roses. He walked down the left hallway and found the dorm where Jason was. "(He must be asleep. It would be so rude to interrupt. But I do wish to give these good luck charms out before I get taken out.)"Garry thinks. He then breathed and knocked on the door,loud enough for Jason to hopefully hear. "Escuse me,sorry to interrupt your sleep,but I wish to give you a good luck charm. You got crimson red,for fighting spirit and solidarity."Garry says.

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Gexln approached Daxam's dorm, but was shocked to see Garry there. He chose to say nothing to Garry, instead he leaned against a wall. He was trying to look as casual and calm as possible, not at all like someone plotting a murder. He waited quietly for Garry to finish, so that he might speak to Daxam.

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Running quickly next to Joshua and Yuka sliding to a solid stop in front of them. "Help me please. Gexln's planning to kill me in cold blood after I kicked his ass." Granted that was a fair reason but still he didn't want to be murdered. "Seriously I don't know how he's gonna get away with it but he's gonna try to. You saw how mad he was after getting up right?" Seeing the fact he wasn't hear meant he was either plotting or getting help. That meant he only had a little while till Gexln would murder him or try to.

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"Hm?" I looked over seeing Ace, "You're not fighting back if you beat him before?" I asked Ace. "I'm not gonna kill Gexin or anything, but I'll make sure you're not murdered." I told Ace, a bit weirded out.

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"The rules mean if he fights me he's out but I think he's going to use that to make sure he can murder me. I'm annoying yes but I won't outside of the fight inwhich I'm against them." Looking back at the direction he had came from his eyebrow raising in question. "Though I wonder why he's putting so much thought into the planning when he had the perfect chance earlier while I was unaware of it."

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"So Mr.Stark....why do you come complaining to us? We can't do anything...it's against the evil chains called RULES. What do you expect me to do? Protect you?" Yuka asked In a great amount of sarcasm.

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"First of all don't call me Stark. Two I want to catch him while he's still working out the details. You haven't noticed I'm a little paranoid about something's right?" Sarcasm laced in greatly almost to the point of him going into hysteria. "I want to see if I can get closer but he'd attack me or stop his plan if I got to close before he's ready." Holding a hand against his temple trying to wok out how to cut him off short otherwise in this state he was dead.

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Eyes widening in shock before frowning. "Never gonna trust a girl again certainly after seeing that you did exactly what Widow did to me." Pinching the bridge of hi nose he let out a deep breathe. "Fine. I'll quit joking about it. I'll even stand you blabbing about just help me spy on Gexln. I want to see it when he gets kicked out of it." Still he gave her a frustrated look. 'I don't know how I put up with girls at this point. Even if Pepper is really nice.'

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"Fine then....but you better repay me. And I'm NOT good at spying on people so get your rich butt together and I'll help you. Do we have a deal, Stark?" Yuka mocked, standing up.

"Are you clear with me Ace?" She asked sharply.

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He could deal with this. Giving her a firm shake with a smirk. "Deal and your not spying on him I am." Revealing a watch in his hand he gave it to her. "See I need you to look like me for a minute or two while I go looking like you to make a little friendly conversation with Gexln." Tapping his own watch while giving her a flashy smile. "You just gotta be here so he doesn't see duplicates. Thus making sure he doesn't figure out it's really the guy he wants to kill."

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Gexln sighed. "Guess he's asleep or something" he said. He turned and walked into his room, where he shut the door and layed down on the bed. He wasn't going to sleep, he was just trying to relax a little bit while he thought of how to eliminate Ace. He placed Darkness' Sorrow next to the bed and sprayed out on the bed.

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"Nope, I'm not helping you." Yuka snapped after Ace said THAT about becoming a duplicate.

"I'm don't want to walk around half cross dressing, or being a boy for minuets of my life." she said, sitting down again, throwing the watch at Ace.

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