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KHDays Changes you would have made to 358/2 Days

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What the title says.


My changes:



- Replace Neverland with Port Royal. Neverland was extremely annoying, and it would take over 45 minutes to locate a simple Unity or Ordeal Badge.. As for it not appearing until KH2, hey, same with Beast's Castle.. a small plot similar to Xaldin's in Beast's Castle that foreshadowed on his appearance in KH2 could happen with Luxord.

And so Xigbar could be in that world. He'd practically blend right in.


- Replace Wonderland with Land of Dragons. The Heartless in Wonderland, I swear... and half the missions were irritating, especially when you needed to avoid those jackass card people.


- Add in Hollow Bastion. Hey, cameos by FF characters, could do the mission where Axel and Roxas set that bird free, etc.


- Get rid of Emerald Serenade. Let me see a raise of hands from people who have fought this thing and not hated it.


- Change the title music to the Organization XIII theme.. Hey, it's a game about them, after all.. the existing stuff is kind of not fitting.


- Add in a secret boss. I'd make it either Master Xehanort, Lingering Sentiment, or Vanitas. It wouldn't have to be canon. It really sucked that they didn't throw in, say, Master Xehanort, to build a little more hype for BBS. You'd have to do something specific after beating the game, and you'd unlock a new mission where you'd fight the boss.. preferably with a party member. I guess I'd make it just some Vanitas clone, and beating him would unlock Aqua. Speaking of that..


- Add in at least Aqua to unlockable Mission Mode characters. Maybe Terra too, meh. You'd unlock her by beating the secret boss.


- Unlockable Mission Mode-specific missions, as well as treasure chests staying intact in mission mode.




- Ability to have a party in single player Mission Mode..why not?


- Some more cutscenes. If the GBA can handle 2 hours worth of 3D animation with voice acting, the DS can hold much more.


I'm not trying to complain, these are just the modifications I would have personally made..

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- Replace Neverland with Port Royal.


- Replace Wonderland with Land of Dragons.


- Add in Hollow Bastion. Hey, cameos by FF characters, could do the mission where Axel and Roxas set that bird free, etc.


- Get rid of Emerald Serenade.


- Change the title music to the Organization XIII theme.


- Add in a secret boss. I'd make it either Master Xehanort, Lingering Sentiment, or Vanitas. It wouldn't have to be canon. It really sucked that they didn't throw in, say, Master Xehanort, to build a little more hype for BBS. You'd have to do something specific after beating the game, and you'd unlock a new mission where you'd fight the boss.. preferably with a party member. I guess I'd make it just some Vanitas clone, and beating him would unlock Aqua. Speaking of that..


- Add in at least Aqua to unlockable Mission Mode characters. Maybe Terra too, meh. You'd unlock her by beating the secret boss.


- Unlockable Mission Mode-specific missions, as well as treasure chests staying intact in mission mode.




- Ability to have a party in single player Mission Mode..why not?


- Some more cutscenes. If the GBA can handle 2 hours worth of 3D animation with voice acting, the DS can hold much more.


1. Not a bad idea. But then where would you obtain Glide?


2. Maybe. But what would the (minor) story be?


3. I like the concept of Hollow Bastion; maybe we'd get to see (and help with) some of the rebuilding. But what was that part about a bird?


4. It was definitely annoying...


5. Not a bad idea at all. Maybe they did this so it wouldn't break the "combo" they had going.


6. I thought the Dustflier was technically the secret boss? As for BBS characters as bosses, there's really no point. Everyone knew it was coming, and who would be in it. Maybe Xemnas instead?


7. Contradicting myself on the last point, it would be pretty cool to use Aqua or Terra... Oh wait, that's what BBS is for. My bad. (FYI: no sarcasm intended whatsoever.)


8. That'd be nice.


9. Hell yes.


10. Sure, why not?


11. You make a very good point. After all, we only really heard Xemnas, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Namine, DiZ, and Riku. What about the rest? Just battle noises.


Again, not trying to rain on your parade or anything, just giving my two cents.

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I kind of agree with those suggestions. Emerald Seranade was a PAIN! And all that so I could unlock Sora. ^3^ The change in title theme I'm not too sure about. Yea it was about Org. XIII, but overall it's still a KH game. Changing the ever so familiar theme at the begining would have made things feel akward. Some of the worlds did get annoyingly repetitive, overall this game wasn't my favorite. Kind of bummed me out since I bought a DS so I could play it. Once I unlocked Sora and Mickey I put it away and haven't played it. x'D

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- Replace Neverland with Port Royal.


- Replace Wonderland with Land of Dragons.


- Add in Hollow Bastion. Hey, cameos by FF characters, could do the mission where Axel and Roxas set that bird free, etc.


- Get rid of Emerald Serenade.


- Change the title music to the Organization XIII theme.


- Add in a secret boss. I'd make it either Master Xehanort, Lingering Sentiment, or Vanitas. It wouldn't have to be canon. It really sucked that they didn't throw in, say, Master Xehanort, to build a little more hype for BBS. You'd have to do something specific after beating the game, and you'd unlock a new mission where you'd fight the boss.. preferably with a party member. I guess I'd make it just some Vanitas clone, and beating him would unlock Aqua. Speaking of that..


- Add in at least Aqua to unlockable Mission Mode characters. Maybe Terra too, meh. You'd unlock her by beating the secret boss.


- Unlockable Mission Mode-specific missions, as well as treasure chests staying intact in mission mode.




- Ability to have a party in single player Mission Mode..why not?


- Some more cutscenes. If the GBA can handle 2 hours worth of 3D animation with voice acting, the DS can hold much more.


1. Not a bad idea. But then where would you obtain Glide?


2. Maybe. But what would the (minor) story be?


3. I like the concept of Hollow Bastion; maybe we'd get to see (and help with) some of the rebuilding. But what was that part about a bird?


4. It was definitely annoying...


5. Not a bad idea at all. Maybe they did this so it wouldn't break the "combo" they had going.


6. I thought the Dustflier was technically the secret boss? As for BBS characters as bosses, there's really no point. Everyone knew it was coming, and who would be in it. Maybe Xemnas instead?


7. Contradicting myself on the last point, it would be pretty cool to use Aqua or Terra... Oh wait, that's what BBS is for. My bad. (FYI: no sarcasm intended whatsoever.)


8. That'd be nice.


9. Hell yes.


10. Sure, why not?


11. You make a very good point. After all, we only really heard Xemnas, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Namine, DiZ, and Riku. What about the rest? Just battle noises.


Again, not trying to rain on your parade or anything, just giving my two cents.


1. It could just be a normally-acquired panel.


2. Just some various missions. I'd have to rewatch the cutscenes from KH2 to see what Xigbar was doing there in that game.


3. It was in a novel, I believe. Axel and Roxas went on a mission there to set Maleficent's bird free.


4. Or at least make it less irritating to attempt to kill off.


5. Combo?


6. Not really. It's just one of those extra enemies, like early in the game with Vexen there's a Heartless that pops up.

A BBS secret boss wouldn't be really pointless, it'd give a little promotion to BBS. It could just be a Vanitas clone or something like that, no need for it to be canon in particular..


7. The same could be said for Sora and KH1, CoM, and KH2

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Wi-fi for mission mode, and a better script.


Or, even better, make it a movie, instead of fans having to waste 6+ hours on a game that no one even cared about, needed to play, or is even important to the KH series until it existed. -___-"

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[align=center]*likes the game as it is*


If I could change anything, I would get rid of those Emerald Serenades, add in more variety of Heartless instead of Heartless that looked exactly the same except with a different color scheme, add in Hollow Bastion and Pride Lands;

Hollow Bastion~ In the novels, Axel and Roxas have a mission there where they find Diablo in a cage and release him, thus leading to Maleficent's return in Kingdom Hearts 2!

Pride Lands~ *wants to see Roxas as a kitty T.T*


I would also change the layout of Neverland. "o.o[/align]

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Wi-fi for mission mode, and a better script.


Or, even better, make it a movie, instead of fans having to waste 6+ hours on a game that no one even cared about, needed to play, or is even important to the KH series until it existed. -___-"


This was my favorite KH game. -___-


But i would have replaced never land with port royal and left wonderland alone, because i like wonderland and dont like land of dragons.

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-twitches- I hate the Emerald Serenades.


-sweatdrop- Anywho~ I think more cutscenes, Hollow Bastion, Pride Lands, and Neverland replaced with Port Royal would have been great.

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(Wow, my second post and I'm already getting into this)


My main thing would be more screentime and interaction with the members that keeled over in C.O. Seriously, it's like five minutes into the game when they go...




Single card multiplayer for me as well. Like if someone you wanted to play with lost his freakin' card... >.>


Haven't attempted the ES yet, and from reading everything I'm not sure I want to. xD Shoot, I don't like Sora that much anyway xD


Kick out Neverland and Wonderland and bring in Port Royal and Pridelands. POTC LK FTW


I can understand unlocking Riku and Xion. Mickey even, I mean, he IS the big cheese. [Plus the poster in my room for KH2 has him in a little Org robe. :D ] But Donald, Goofy, and Sora? What sense does that make? I thought this was Org centered.


More panel slots. I'm in the 350s and I'm just short of having two pages. [Then again when I do this again in standard mode I need to do all the bonus missions, I guess ^^;] But it's hard fitting four or five level up link zones along with all the magic's level ups and extra casters along with all your abilities. I had to give up the Glide to defeat that stinkin' Leechgrave. Nearly killed me. I like flying :D


... No Leechgrave. I HATE that thing. Once I figured out how to do it, I licked it. But I still hate that thing. HAAAATE.



More cutscenes.

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I would have took the Emerald Serenade out. They should have put a Hollow Bastion(Radiant Garden) world in there. I would have put at least one day with castle oblivion in there........... That is all.......

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Okay... today I tried the Emerald Serenade, just to see...


Don't think I'm being mean. I'm not tryin' to. It seriously wasn't that hard for me. Once I got a rhythm, it was pretty easy. Just a little time consuming. Then again I did have the... Champion Gear+ I believe. Time it right, you can take down half of one of the HP bars at one time.


Now the Land Armor on the mission with the device. THAT needs to go. Away. Faaar away.

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The only thing I'd change is:

I'd make it so you can connect to wi-fi and play with random ppl ( that way mission mode would be so much easier ).

oooh and I'd add radeint ( spelling?) garden and take out icky neverland.

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1.Get rid of the Emerald Serenades/missions. A.PAIN.IN.MY.@$$!!!


2.More freakin' cutscenes.I don't get enough!


3.Add in Hollow Bastion/Raident Garden. So what if this was The Organization's game! The FF characters we know from KH 2 don't even show up in BBS! I would have liked to see that world for at least one mission.....


4.Make it so that it's easy to unlock Mickey and Shorty(my nickname for Sora).It's pretty hard to get all those blasted Mission Crowns and Challenge Sigils.


5.I can't believe I'm saying this,but add Peter Pan to Neverland.That way my friend Saya(Jeni) will stop saying"SCREW YOU TINKERBELL!!!" Seriously.It's very stressful to hear EVERY time we talk about Days.

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Ven as unlockable character

Sora as a Secret boss (KH2 when Sora fights Roxas in TWTNW)

WI FI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I like wonderland and never land, but the maze in wonderland was annoying

and teh Emerald Serenade was easy just use a Blizagga right before he gets to you and then hit with Firagga or Thundagga

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