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KHCoM I'm starting to like chain of memories...

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Okay so I've been playing chain of memories on my phone and I just beat jafar yesterday. What are your thoughts on the the game?

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Rogue Axel, the gorgeous Larxene and Fabu Marlulu, strategic card based gameplay, ever present amazing story at the end of each world so you don't experience a story drought, characters forming tighter bonds, making heartfilled promises with strong convictions and purely amazing writing. What's not to love?  Definitely a great game (my favorite along with the original).

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It's got an amazing story and I like it a lot. I will about that it can get kind of boring after playing it for a while. But on a scale of 1-10 I would give it an 8 in overall quality

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I've never understood why this game gets such a bad rap. Its definitely one of my favorite in the series. I found the gameplay to be very fun and it is way more strategic than other games in the series. It also is my favorite game story wise. Plus I love Namine.

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Glad to know you're liking it! I sure enjoy CoM, and the card system can be a little "WTF is this, why is in KH?", but you get use to it, and start to enjoy. The story is great (even though I think Sora is a bit of a jerk in this game) mostly because of Riku. 

It's awesome. It's KH

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