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School and video game characters

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I remember writing one once, it was on ughhh who was it >:L Oh yes! Solid Snake and I think I did a Pac-Man one before too owo And I passed both with A's .-.

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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One about mental instability and how it has to do with people. I used Sephiroth as an example. (It had to do with how if you're told something many times, you start to believe it. Like the whole JENOVA thing.)

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Uhh one time for a creative writing assignment back in hs I had to make up my own story and I went with this dude that gets trapped in a video game, and while in this world of make believe he encounters the 7 deadly sins or whatever (I needed to use the sins for symbolism) yea but I took different aspects from different video games it wasn't like the character was trapped in one particular video game world, sorta kinda like how you visit different world in KH (except I wasn't so into KH back then so it didn't really influence my paper). Like for example my character dude met pac man iirc. 


Anyways I ended up getting an A on it, but I remember one of the comments my teacher wrote was like "Very interesting it sounds like a japanese manga" I was just like no don't write that on my paper I was going for symbolism and an easy way to get an A, not manga style writing, save that for the people that actually know manga, not for a derp like me lol...

Edited by WakelessDream

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No, but I've never actually been given a writing assignment where it could be applied. If I could, I'd definitely do it.

Same here I just don't know when I can apply it to a paper. Which means all of the creativity found from hours of video games will once again have to be locked away from school.........again :(

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