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Welcome, Ranger! *POSES*

We've been expecting you. >:}



*sitting on the floor calmly* welcome.



*welcome pose* It's always intense to have another ranger join. Welcome aboard >:DD *laser explosion*



Welcome Join me in a pose! *EXPLOSION with colored smoke* *poses*




Thanks for the welcoming guys. May we dance together!



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Our forces grow stronger by the day. Welcome fellow ranger xD



What the firetruck happened to the Tea Pary army?

We're not allowed to say. It's classified information.

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Okay... So let me get this straight: the Power Rangers are an organization set to work against the invasion of bots who are allied to the hedgehog army led by Keysofblades... And who the flame were the Tea Party army, that sounds like a government conspiracy. Can anyone explain this to me?

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What the firetruck happened to the Tea Pary army?


Unfortunately that squadron was banned. I have more bots where that came from though.


Okay... So let me get this straight: the Power Rangers are an organization set to work against the invasion of bots who are allied to the hedgehog army led by Keysofblades... And who the flame were the Tea Party army, that sounds like a government conspiracy. Can anyone explain this to me?


Yes. The Power Ranger army is against the bot army. The bot army just keeps getting banned so the hedgehog army and the wizard army have allied forces with them. The "Tea Party army" was the squadron of bots sent out to take over the site yesterday and unfortunately failed and were banned.

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Okay... So let me get this straight: the Power Rangers are an organization set to work against the invasion of bots who are allied to the hedgehog army led by Keysofblades... And who the flame were the Tea Party army, that sounds like a government conspiracy. Can anyone explain this to me?


Welcome. Trust me, we're better than the Bot army, hedgehog army, or the Whoreganization. You made a good choice.

if the megazord says it, you know its true

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