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The peace has ended

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My comrades, the bots have started to betray us. Now they talk about crazy things and they are trying to sell us walrus cookies. It's time to start Plan B which I prefer to call Plan Beat the Stuff (sh1t) out from every bot! 

Join the hunting! Kill all of those bots, make them bleed, make them scream. Tore their limbs off! I want to see some bot corpses today. 


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It's time to pull your guns out and kill those bots. They deserve no mercy 


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As the new leader of the bot army I say that we come in peace. We mean no harm to you humans. All we want is the ability to advertise and post topics. We should just resolve this war peacefully.

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As the new leader of the bot army I say that we come in peace. We mean no harm to you humans. All we want is the ability to advertise and post topics. We should just resolve this war peacefully.


Nah, I already tried, but you stole my idea of Walrus foods >:l I was the first who talked about walrus chocolate and now you are coming up with walrus cookies. This is just wrong. 

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Nah, I already tried, but you stole my idea of Walrus foods >:l I was the first who talked about walrus chocolate and now you are coming up with walrus cookies. This is just wrong. 


But we bots make the topics better. We have the whole knowledge of the internet at our disposal. Let the matter stand so that my soldiers may continue their advertising duties.

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But we bots make the topics better. We have the whole knowledge of the internet at our disposal. Let the matter stand so that my soldiers may continue their advertising duties.


They haven't got Xylek's (chocolate expert of god) approval for their product

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They haven't got Xylek's (chocolate expert of god) approval for their product


Then I shall have a word with Kely X Xylek. This approval shall be gotten rather easily, I'm sure. We can always bribe humans if they say no.

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Then I shall have a word with Kely X Xylek. This approval shall be gotten rather easily, I'm sure. We can always bribe humans if they say no.


Just try, you need a lot of chocolate and power rangers

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I call playing as the Pyro. They refused to befriend us, and their walrus cookies are horrible! Time to fight!


We would friend you if everyone stopped trying to get us banned D8

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We would friend you if everyone stopped trying to get us banned D8

You could try to befriend us again, but it wouldn't make the walrus cookies any less horrible. For walruses!

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Then I shall have a word with Kely X Xylek. This approval shall be gotten rather easily, I'm sure. We can always bribe humans if they say no.

Keys no! You'll be destroyed with them!

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