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KH3: Worlds That Won't Work - Toy Story

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Hello, hola, bonjour, moshimoshi, and gutentag, KH13. I've just noticed that's it's been a little more than a month since I've done one of these...and I'm really bored right now...and sick...so, yeah, here's another one of these.


Fair warning: my mind may go in weird directions more than usual because of the sickness.


Anyways, once again, I am going to give a full break down of a Disney movie/movie franchise that, IMO, should not be adapted into a world in KH3, or any future KH title in general. Why exactly? Well, I'll explain:


Toy Story. This is a franchise I grew up with. I saw Toy Story 1 when I was 3, I bought the VHS, and I even recorded it on a tape. I've seen Toy Story 2, as well, and I also bought the VHS for that movie too. Then I saw Toy Story 3 around the time it first came out. No DVD for that...yet. Who knows, really? I do have the ambition to collect Disney movies anyway, more paticuarly the ones that have appeared in KH already (Toy Story is actually in that category, but I'll explain that later.)


So, what Toy Story is about, basically, is the "underbelly" of a toy's life. When their owners ages 7 and up leave the room, they come to life and act as a sort of community. It's really magical, really.


Now, why can't this be a world in KH? Well...


First off, this isn't really an actiony type world. There's been some punching and kicking in these movies, but not at a level that can match up in a Kingdom Hearts game. I've seen this world being portrayed in the KH verse in fanfiction, and for the most part, it's alright, but realistically I don't see it happening. That's because the overall properties of this world would be a little weird to work out. I mean, besides the magical toy stuff, this is still a modern day series. This isn't a universe set in a magical world, or a parallel realms with dragons and wizards and stuff...this is basically real life. Except with toys that walk and talk. That's it. And another thing: how would the enemies function work? Sure, we can have Heartless or Nobodies that are shaped like toys...actually, wait, why WOULD there be toy Heartless or Nobodies in the first place? Why would these enemies going after toys in the first place? How about they go after the humans who have actual hearts? The Keyblade would attract them to this world, no doubt, but after that, why go after toys? It just doesn't make sense from a real world perspective. One last thing: combat in general would be pointless. Again, this is a modern day world, so kids with giant key swords fighting enemies wouldn't mix, especially when everything would be really easy to beat. (Zurg would get his butt whipped with Sora, or even the Old Prospector or Lotso. Again, these are toys going up against a JRPG character. Even with the power of Darkness, these motherf**kers can't hold a candle to any Keyblade Wielder, or any KH paty member for that matter.)


Now, to be fair, there IS some hope for this franchise, but only so much. You see, both Woody and Buzz Lightyear were planned to be summons in...uh, I'm pretty sure it was KH2...anyways, they were scrapped and their code can still be found in the mainframe. Now, this is a better substitute; generally, a summon is easier to justify than a world. Their credibility is less pounded on, as they don't have to a good explaination as why they're applicable to appear in the series. They can just pop in and no one bats an eye. I'll admit, some summons haven't been too realistic (Dumbo and Bambi, for example), but they worked out fine, and I'm sure that a Woody or Buzz Lightyear summon can be worked out, too, but only to that level.


Well, that's all I got. If you have a different opinion or would just like to add a comment, then do so below. (Ha...rhymes.)

Edited by Firaga96

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Well, any movie could work actually. But the problem for me is different from what you meant.

I liked the Toy Story movies a lot, and like you, I grew up with them. But  I'd hate to see them in a KH game. They're way too childish and wouldn't present a good plot for me. Nomura seems to have his sights set on this world (or just Tai, but for him to say that in an interview, he most likely had someone's consent), but it would really disencourage me to play KH. I'm really against this idea as well...

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Maybe in the nbew Kh saga....

the whatever forces of darkness could want something to do with Andy, and his toys have to stop them... or wutever

either it's a regular world with Toy Heartless

or maybe it'll be full of minigame boss battles against bosses that are bigger than you.

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