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Hikari XIII

Text Kingdom Hearts Brother Complex

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"Hey! Big brother!"


Vanitas looked up from his DS and sighed when he saw Sora's smile.


Usually this meant Sora had something ridiculous to show him.


"What is it, Sora? I'm in the middle of something." He took this break as a chance to take a gulp of water that he left sitting on the counter next to him. With his free hand (His DS was next to him),


he twirled a black lock of hair in his finger, and Sora impatiently waited for him.He rolled onto his back on the plush carpet,


while Sora squatted to meet down with his brother's gaze. Blue stared into gold before Sora looked away.



"Guess what? Me and Roxas learned how to make babies today!" he chirped happily, and Vanitas spit out what he was drinking immediately




"I learned how to make babies today!"


The teen's expression darkened as he stood up, and Sora cocked his head to the side, unsure of his brother's actions.


"It looked hard at first, but it was kinda easy..." Sora continued,before Vanitas slapped his hands over his brother's mouth.


"Not. Another. Word."



Vanitas pulled down a sleeve from his sweater, and patted his little brother on the head, bending the cinnamon brown spikes.


"And who exactly taught you?"


"The man who you call an old geezer." When those words left Sora's mouth, Vanitas froze.


"Stay here Sora," Vanitas picked up the five-year-old and set him on the couch. "Big brother has some business to attend to." The black haired teen pushed the front door open and waved goodbye to his brother.


As soon the door was shut, Vanitas held the X- Blade and his bat up to his shoulder and smiled. "Someone will have a slow, painful death today."




Ven eyed Vanitas holding X-Blade and a bat clearly visible. Something wasn't right.


"Roxas, so how was school?" Ven asked turning to face his little brother.


"Fine, and today I learned to make babies."

Silence erupted, and the soft wind blew their spiky hair to one side, as Roxas fumbled with his heavy burden for a backpack.

Ventus laughed and forced a smile, being slightly oblivious to the conversation.


"So you learned to make- wait, what." "Babies." "... and who taught you?"


"The man who lives across the street was our substitute."


"... so how do you make babies?"


Roxas looked at Ven with an expression that read, "Really?" and huffed, "Replace 'Y' with 'I' and add 'E and S'."


Ven facepalmed and his expression darkened. 'Oh Vanitas... what are you going to do?'


Ven looked down again when he felt a light tug at his shirt, and looked down at Roxas


 "Where was Vanitas going with that bat?" Ven froze, and thought up a reasonable answer. "Um, going to play baseball?"


"But it's that bat spiked with nails and screws... X-Blade too?"

i'll post other KH Brother Complex later.
Edited by Hikari XIII

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"So you learned to make- wait, what." "Babies." "... and who taught you?"


"The man who lives across the street was our substitute."


"... so how do you make babies?"


Roxas looked at Ven with an expression that read, "Really?" and huffed, "Replace 'Y' with 'I' and add 'E and S'."


lmao xDlove it

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Alright. next one xD.


Now Vanitas gets in trouble... lol.




Chapter 2: Hatred

Now. Do you really think Vanitas could go a few minutes without wrecking something?


"C'mon, man. Hand me the tape," Vanitas demanded, holding out his hand.


"Vanitas, you should learn the word 'patient'," Axel grinned, and the black haired teen ignored him.


"Like he will listen to you," Demyx scoffed, holding a bat on his shoulder.


"You'd better hurry up, Van. Ven is coming home soon-"

Vanitas grinned, and wiped the debris on his pants. "Finished. Hand me the rope."


Demyx facepalmed, and handed a long coil of rope to the teen. Short, muffled shouts were coming from the closet Vanitas apparently used the tape and rope in.


You really don't want to know what's in there.


"Everything is set," Vanitas murmured, and Axel gave a thumbs up. "Okay, now just-"

The sound of the front door swinging open caught the trio with surprise, and Demyx yelped. "Ven is home!" He hissed, and Vanitas quickly slammed the closet door.


The nearly quiet screams from inside the enclosed space were heard faintly in the dead silence that followed.


"Hey, Van? Everything okay?" a voice chirped anxiously, and Ventus set Sora down on the carpet when his eyes met with everyone else's.


Vanitas laid against the door, and forced a weak grin. "Sup?"


Ventus saw at the sight of other people other than Vanitas and Sora. Sora stuck a finger in his mouth, and crept away upstairs to his room,


leaving the four teenagers downstairs. "Oh, I didn't know you had-"




Demyx's eyes went wide, and Axel facepalmed. "Vanitas."

Vanitas coughed in reply, and Ven trapped him with a glare. "What did you do."


The blunt statement made Vanitas turn away, 


Ven attempted to push him aside. "Let me see."


"There's nothing in here," Vanitas replied, blocking the way. He glanced at Axel and Demyxi, and the two teens took a few steps back.


"There is. Let me see."


"There's nothing!"


"Come on!"








Vanitas slowly edged away,


Axel and Demyx paled at the few words that were exchanged. Ven stuck his tongue out at Vanitas, who crossed his arms. "Okay, what have you been hiding- holy crap!"


Everyone turned to avoid the glares Ventus was sending them. "Why is Seifer in the closet?"


Vanitas huffed. "Roxas said he was being bullied, so I took care of it."


"Vanitas, are you CRAZY?! I knew you hated the kid, but this isn't the way to handle things!" Ven exclaimed, undoing the duct tape around the child's mouth. Axel rose from the cushion. "In Vanitas's defense, we were in on it too..."


Ven switched glances from Vanitas, to Axel, to Demyx. "So you're telling me... that Roxas was being bullied at school, you told your friends, and you decided to take matters into your own hands, kidnap Seifer, and then beat him up while he is tied up?"


Everyone hung their heads in shame, maybe not Vanitas. But still.


"You guys are IDIOTS! What the heck am I supposed to tell his parents?!"


Just then, Roxas and Sora peeked from behind the kitchen counter, "Yes!" They whispered and they high fived.


xD, Lol hope ya liked this chapter.

Edited by Hikari XIII

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CHAPTER 3 : Vanitas,Roxas, And army of birds?!

Sometimes you just get that feeling... that someday you'd think you've gone absolutely nuts.


Ven's agenda was simple; take Roxas and Sora out to walk in the park while Vanitas stay in home. Simple. Yet... not so simple


"Roxas, please stop," Ven pleaded with his younger brother.


"Stop what?" Roxas replied,


"Stop feeding so much birds, those bread are for us,not them."


Roxas smirked, but didn't answer.


"One day," the little boy muttered, ."We will create a army of birds, and RULE THE UNIVERSE!" Sora shouted.


Ventus Patted  his little brothers head. "No. You will not create a army of birds. You're too young." Still, Ven couldn't shake the feeling that either Sora and Roxas was going psycho, Ven just needed to see a psychiatrist, this was normal behavior for little kids, or Roxas was just trying to scare Ven. All were horrible.


"Then I'll time travel so I can meet my future self, and help him rule the world," Roxas objected, crossing his arms. "... and who says you can time travel, Roxy?" Ven cooed, almost a little sickened of what Sora has to say.


"I do."


"Oh no, little bro. I only took you out to walk around. Not to summon armies of bird to destroy the world."


Roxas huffed, and hit Ven on the head with the stick. "AHA!" Roxas cried, flinging his arms in the air. He dashed towards the end of the path, and Ven covered his eyes. "That little..."


Ven quickly took Sora home and runs to the park again looking for Roxas.Vanitas was in his room,grinning evilly.


Ven crept behind a nearby tree after finally cornering Roxas. Funny thing is, he had no idea where Roxas had gotten a loaf of bread. A huge flock of birds were approaching him, and Roxas was smiling evilly.


"YES! Come my servants, today the park," he announced. "Tomorrow the WORLD!" Ven turned around, and slid down against the base of the trunk. Either he was going psych, or Roxas was going psycho.


Roxas -innocent little boy he is- is summoning birds. Roxas continued screaming out orders to the birds before he yelled, "Yes, my loyal minions!" He rose his arms in the air, and screamed at the top of his lungs.




Ven could've fainted, right there and now. Roxas went quiet, before looking at Ven's direction. Ventus snapped his eyes closed, and he felt the urge just to faint then and there.


Out of shock, he did. Faint, I mean.


Roxas sighed, and pulled a walkie-talkie out of his pocket. He pushed the button, and said, "Mission accomplished. Can I RTC now?"


"Not yet,Our Ven needs some more suprise." a voice reply. Roxas huffed.


"awww,cmon Vani! Ven's lying on the ground(AGAIN) , i don't wanna drag his body again!"


THE END??? ^^

Update later,done for now.

Edited by Hikari XIII

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"One day," the little boy muttered, ."We will create a army of birds, and RULE THE UNIVERSE!" Sora shouted.


Ventus Patted  his little brothers head. "No. You will not create a army of birds. You're too young." Still, Ven couldn't shake the feeling that either Sora and Roxas was going psycho, Ven just needed to see a psychiatrist, this was normal behavior for little kids, or Roxas was just trying to scare Ven. All were horrible.


"Then I'll time travel so I can meet my future self, and help him rule the world," Roxas objected, crossing his arms. "... and who says you can time travel, Roxy?" Ven cooed, almost a little sickened of what Sora has to say.


"I do."


"Oh no, little bro. I only took you out to walk around. Not to summon armies of bird to destroy the world."


Roxas huffed, and hit Ven on the head with the stick. "AHA!" Roxas cried, flinging his arms in the air. He dashed towards the end of the path, and Ven covered his eyes. "That little..."


Ven quickly took Sora home and runs to the park again looking for Roxas.Vanitas was in his room,grinning evilly.


Ven crept behind a nearby tree after finally cornering Roxas. Funny thing is, he had no idea where Roxas had gotten a loaf of bread. A huge flock of birds were approaching him, and Roxas was smiling evilly.


"YES! Come my servants, today the park," he announced. "Tomorrow the WORLD!" Ven turned around, and slid down against the base of the trunk. Either he was going psych, or Roxas was going psycho.


Roxas -innocent little boy he is- is summoning birds. Roxas continued screaming out orders to the birds before he yelled, "Yes, my loyal minions!" He rose his arms in the air, and screamed at the top of his lungs.







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"Urgh.." Ven woke up in his bed . some food and water on the table. Ven sat up.


"wait..wasn't i?.." he questioned himself before he snapped and remembered everything he looked to his window. The Sky was dark, there were many,MANY BIRDS in the city. there were no sign of people.Houses windows were broke,Roofs were recked.Ven snapped.


"no no no ...this can't be real..DID ROXAS AND SORA ACTUALLY DID RULE THE WORLD?!" He screamed mentally.


"Hello big brother."a Voice said.Ven quickly snapped and turned to see his brothers ,Sora and Roxas with evil grin on their face. "S-Sora...R-Roxas.... where's everyone?!" Ven demanded. They didn't flinch,instead they actually laugh


Sora grabbed a remote and pushed a button,revealing everyone on the city asleep in the giant box glass. "a...Vanitas! Cloud! Leon! Why did you do this?"He asked. they smiled as they took a step near him


Ven can do nothing but watch. as they get closer..and closer..


Sora and Roxas were right in front of Ven. they were smirking. Ven was scared.


suddenly they laugh a little.. "ha??" Ven questioned.


"APRIL FOOLS!!!" everyone yelled. The people got out of the box. laughing so hard. "I Cant *snorts* ..believe..*Snorts* you FELL FOR IT hahahaha!" Demyx laughed like there was no tomorrow. Leon,merlin,and Cloud urge to laugh Out loud.Axel,Vanitas,Demyx,Sora,roxas were laughing on the ground holding their stomach.


Ven blushed, how could he forget today was 1st April. Sora and Roxas wiped a tear. "Yuffie! did you take everything?!" Sora asked. Ven turned to see Yuffie with a camera. "IT WAS PRICELESS!" Yuffie laughed


 Roxas took the camera and rewind everything. he laughed again. "ROXAS! SORA!" Ven yelled angrily. So that's the real end of #3rd chapter


Edited by Hikari XIII

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:/ i think its ben a long time sine i continue to write this stuff :T, I'm gonna continue today..



..... ..Kids are crazy, that's for sure.


"Hey Ven-nii?Terra-nii?Aqua-nii?" Sora asked, Ventus, Aqua and Terra stopped working on his homework and looked to Sora and Roxas. Vanitas stopped playing his PSP.


"Yes Sora?" Aqua asked confused, usually the twins would be playing Wii by now.


"Can we play salon?? PLEASE??" Sora and Roxas asked and gave them the big evil puppy dog eyes. "..THE EYES!!" Terra yelled dramaticly closed his own eyes.


Ven and Aqua fought the eyes, but in the end, they were no match for those big blue puppy eyes of Roxas and Sora. "Alright, alright..." Ven said sighed.


Sora and Roxas grinned, and went to Terra, they were ruffling Terra's hair widly, "Hey why wont this stand up?" Sora asked to Roxas, "I dunno, i think its the gel that we have to use.." Roxas mumbled, Terra gulped.


"I heard spitting can make your hair stand up." Ventus and Vanitas said smirking. Terra eyes widened in shock while Aqua resisted the urge to laugh...


"OH YEAH!!! LET'S DO IT!" Sora yelled in happiness, "No wait Sor-" Terra tried to save his hair from the spits but was too late as Sora and Roxas begin to spit to his hair and ruffling his hair again.


Ventus and Vanitas laughed on the floor while Aqua laughed a little, Terra glared at the two.


"You watch out Ven..Van..i'm gonna get you..." He said evilly, but they continue to laugh.


"FINISHED~." Sora sang as they stopped "fixing" his hair, then Ven and Van laughed out loud again seeing the results and this time Aqua laughed more. Terra quickly looked at the mirror.


"HOLY-" Terra yelled but then shut his mouth up, his hair was all over as if he just woke up from 100 years. "Thanks Sora..Roxas.." He said sadly but then thougt of a revenge.


"Why not do their FIXING HAIR as well??" He said nicely, Ventus, Aqua, and Vanitas eyes widened.


'Sneaky Devil!'  Vanitas yelled in his thoughts. Sora and Roxas were happy that Terra said that.


"Lets do it!!" Sora yelled happily as they both drags Ventus and Vanitas.


"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS TERRA!!!!" Vanitas yelled in anger. Ventus was too scared to even comment. '..No... NOT MY YOUTHFULL HAIR!!' Ven screamed mentally.


AS they went into the bathroom and locked the door...  Screaming voices was heard....
















Terra laughed liked no tomorrow, "TAKE THAT!" He yelled in relief. Aqua widened in shock and then Tifa came.


"Hey Aqua, want to go shopping??" TIfa asked, Aqua quickly went to her "Yes." she says bluntly and thanked Tifa in thought for saving her hair from the two evil hair destroyers.


"AND ANOTHER PIECE OF ART~." Sora sang as he openes the door..


Vanitas and Ven looked like they were already dead, their hair had bubbles and spits, their spikes were now more damn messier than ever.


Ven's eyes were showing fear and scared while Vanitas looked like he had bags.


For Terra it wasn;t funny but scared as well.


"Do we approve that we shall never agree to ever let those two hair destroyers 'fix' our hair again?" Ven whispered weakly still remembering the bad expirience. Terra and Vanitas quickly agree.


"Hey guys! guess what?? ME AND ROXAS ARE GOING OPEN A SALON!!!" SOra yelled happily.




And now...another stupid lesson.. never let little Sora and Roxy play Salon on you..EVER...



Edited by Hikari XIII

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Sora was wearing headbands and an Orange jacket, orange pants, and blue sandals.


Roxas was wearing a dark blueshirt that had a cowl. he was wearing a headband and blue sandals as well.


They have been vanishing and vanishing in seconds, like ninja's (well ... they were pretending to be ninja's)


Ven and Van sweatdropped anime as they look at their brothers new crazy obsession.


"Hey Van, your responsible with this, since Roxas and Sora read your comic, they've been... like this..." Ven said to Vanitas seatdropping, Vanitas then looked at him with anger.


"News Flash! YOU were the one who took my Naruto comic and then read it to Sora and Roxas!" Vanitas protested, as they battle mouth, Sora and Roxas watch Naruto on TV.


"Hey Roxy, what are those pointy thingies that those ninja uses??" Sora asked confused, Roxas looked at the shurikens on the screen " i think those are the pointy things that Ven-Nii and Vani-Nii uses.." Roxas mumbled.


Sora quickly rushed to the kitchen and grabs the knifes, and then gave some to Roxas, They throw the knifes radomly, 5 hit the wall, 3 stabbed the couch, 2 more stabbed the wall beside o Ven and Van, they quickly back away, and turns to roxas and Sora.


"Oh no.." Ven said scared. Vanitas was in confusion.


"Sor...Rox...put those knifes down...NOW" Vanitas commanded shakily.


"These are shurikens Van! not knifes! see?" Sora sad cheerfully as he shoots 3 knifes at Van. Van panciked and made really weird move(try to imagine it :P ) , 1 hit beside his face and slashed a little of his hair, 2 hit his clothes.


"YOU IDIOT! YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!" Van glared darkly. Sora stuck his tounge out.


"Roxas... Your the smart one... calm Sora down please?.." Ven asked to Roxas, Roxas looked..badass and tuned away. " I dont know "Roxas', i'm Sasuke, so get it right." he said acting like the cold Sasuke. Ven was anime shocked.


Naruto! Stop attacking them you numbskull! Don't waste it on them!" Roxas yelled to Sora, "Yeah yeah Emo-guy!" He yelled like Naruto as they both vanished.


"OW SHIP!" Vanitas yelled angrily, thinking what they could do with those knifes.




"Saix, how is it?" A rough voice asked to his let hand man , "Clear, no one has stopped our location, superior." He said.


"Good, i-" HE said again but was cutted o by some smoke screen. they all cough until something so fast hit the eye-patches hair and cutted it off.


"DUDE! WHO DID THAT!!" Xigbar yelled angrily, then two little figures came up.


It was Roxas and Sora, they had thousands of knifes.


" Sexy no Jutsu!" Sora yelled as he throws posters filled with girls with no clothes.. Xigbar and Vexen knocked out by it happily.


"Take this!" Roxas yelled as he throws 3 giant Shurikens at Xaldin who tried to reflect it, but it was too many and then K.O.


Saix was about to attack them until a smoke came, after it went off, he found Xemnas head in the wall, he was like "OMG!" and then K.O in shocked (LOL)


"Can't believe Saix fell for Genjutsu!" Sora yelled happily as he crumbles the Xemnas face poster on his face and then Roxas helped him up."Well Saix is really weird when it comes to Xemnas." Roxas sweatdropped.


Xemnas was behind them, ready to attack, Roxas and Sora noticed it but was too late.

Xemnas's blades went nearer and nearer to their faces while the two were shocked to dodge then suddenly Xemnas was given a photo of Xemnas X Saix on his face.


"MY EYES!!" HE yelled as he closes his eyes. "IT BURNS!!!" He yelled again, and then K.O the two anime sweatdropped.


"You two..." A Angry voice said as a hand patted their heads, they both shocked and praid that it wasnt..




"NOOO!!!!!""" Sora and Roxas yelled with a hollow face.


At home..


Sora and Roxas sighed as they look at the green food. Roxas had a disgusted face on his looks as he ate some of it, but Sora spit it out after the second he put it in his mouth.


"Dare to watch Naruto again??" Ven asked angrily, Roxas and Sora quickly shake their heads which means no.


Roxas then had an idea, he chopped the broccoli into two, Ven,Vanitas,Sora was shocked.


Roxas smirked and Sora grinned evilly, Ven and Vanitas gulped.






and remember, never let kids watch stupid anime shows that can make them be obsessed with it (LIKE ME :D)



Edited by Hikari XIII

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Roxas is evil :O


omg xD They are so much trouble. Nice job on this part^^

Oh my, lord!!!! XDXDXDXD


Roxas is evil :O

Just want to say thankyou to all of ur comments , thanks!! :D.

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Terra laughed liked no tomorrow, "TAKE THAT!" He yelled in relief. Aqua widened in shock and then Tifa came.

Posted Image



"Take this!" Roxas yelled as he throws 3 giant Shurikens at Xaldin who tried to reflect it, but it was too many and then K.O.


i would've tried getting a pic for that bu whatevs




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