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Chronic Tumor

Warning Points

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WHat are they and how do I get the most?

Bringing back memories from when we had Reps on the site, and you had the most negatives. xD


There is a prize for getting a lot of them, its called the Ban Hammer.

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They are points given for doing actions that are deemed as wrong in some way.

To get the most I recommend trying to start shitstorms about other members on threads. That should get you plenty of them fast. 

Edited by Keysofblades

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They are points given for doing actions that are deemed as wrong in some way.

To get the most I recommend trying to start shitstorms about other members on threads. That should get you plenty of them fast. 



It used to be fun starting "storms" when everyone here was 13. NOW YOU IS ALL GROWED UP

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WHat are they and how do I get the most?

for the love of website created by DChiuch,you don't want to be like me......if you know what i mean....



It sucks that i was the only one who has a Warning Points! DX


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