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Hikari XIII

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these are words that are randomized




I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Thephaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the fsrit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

if you can raed this psas it on!!


That's pretty cool huh?

That was the most depressing story i've ever read ;-;like if you cry everytime

Too easy. Give me more of a challenge next time.

dsjfhufh fifjifj  igj fdg ji i gij rigjgnifjfio fd fjigjri dif jrji iidifi  g gjiofj g gj fijrig oidj iewo  fiefirg jijfijf iewo fe fiejf oi jfiefjorgjisodf jg f if joif jidj fif fkjgiofgof fdif ri dfj jajajajajajaja  iehdfuhfosdjdsp oeiofjidfj d ffijfie fdifjdo osjf ig  sod jdi sd ji e cjf fjdisjhof dje eid dige o eeof rjif sof jeiekffj eri iro isd roiuf ciofhvocmxgvvrncx ch go gvnc gvbc fvbfinc fncgvoehief iejf ofkfdhfoirghiod rgjirifi gijigrfif urf hof figu iwogjk rogjsijfri r og eifjodojgoskojofjajajajajajajadehfij oef rijfedfhif efjfjeikla firhs ir iwfrj fwf ie wf ejiedj r ieri fier  eirie e i e dfei wi re ei rr ri op dfoi ef gfdkfjrghri ie uhf if ee feif uroiwidffowofh iwwefuieweeeiiiiireie feifjduefedfjief iejifje figriasfi ffifuddkdkdkd ifjig ir i dfi g ifr sfijgorjod fief o fief of ri d ireoi dfirieoifi di ieorisiiii if r si fiewldjoeefpeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fe i iefi e. 

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I read it it and understood it completely... BUT THAT WAS A DISASTER!

Edited by Beta

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I really understand completely- but I just learn english,and I don't speak good this language(just reading good, and understand everithing ). xD 

I read this writing in my language version in the past year, just different wording.

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I remember reading that in my language a few years ago. I'm surprised that it also worked in English for me. Should try Spanish next.

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*snickers* :D alright, here's another one you can guess.


lwel hatt wsa saey fro ouy ghitr? hten rehe. hwy nto tsih eno ? htis mite veyer drow is drdmaenzoi lal vore. veen i dah mose meit girufgni hsit uto. mand, fi oyu anc giferu htis otu , oyu rea mazaging. spas it on! i deam hsit eon mslefy. dna i ophe tis is cllaneggnih rof uyo!


sorry its little. but im beat making this one. i'll give more challenges later.

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*snickers* :D alright, here's another one you can guess.


lwel hatt wsa saey fro ouy ghitr? hten rehe. hwy nto tsih eno ? htis mite veyer drow is drdmaenzoi lal vore. veen i dah mose meit girufgni hsit uto. mand, fi oyu anc giferu htis otu , oyu rea mazaging. spas it on! i deam hsit eon mslefy. dna i ophe tis is cllaneggnih rof uyo!


sorry its little. but im beat making this one. i'll give more challenges later.

That was pretty easy too a bit harder though :3

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