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Who are your favorite Final Fantasy characters?

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FFI: Garland, because he'll knock us all down

FFII: Guy, he can speak beaver

FFIII: Uhh... yeah... moving on.

FFIV: Rydia: Her character was great. Even though losing almost everything, she was still the one that would bring the party back together in times of crisis. Also, her magic and summons were really helpful

FFV: Gilgamesh: I haven't played V, but I know enough about it to say it's Gilgamesh. Seriously, it's impossible to hate this guy.

FFVI: Terra: Her background of being raised in the Empire to being part of the rebellion was great, and she's half Esper, making her cool overall

FFVII: Yuffie: I didn't really like the characters in VII to be honest, but Yuffie was pretty cool. I like ninjas, and she was one of the happier characters, a nice change from the rest.

FFVIII: Laguna: Similar to Gilgamesh, you just can't hate this guy.

FFIX: Vivi: I haven't played this one either, but Vivi seems pretty cool

FFX: Yuna: Even knowing she'd die at the end of her quest, she still fought hard and accepted her fate. She was also one of the easier characters to become attached to, and probably the most powerful with all her summons

FFXII: Ashe: I thought of her as the main character of the game. Once again, the characters in this game didn't appeal to me, but I thought Ashe seemed cool

FFXIII: Sazh: He has a baby Chocobo living in his 'fro. I haven't played XIII either, but seriously, this guy is just cool.

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Final Fantasy III: Luneth and Refia

Final Fantasy VII: Aerith and Cid ("Just sit your a** down and drink your goddamn tea!")

Final Fantasy VIII: Squall

Final Fantasy IX: Zidane

Final Fantasy X: Rikku and Auron

Final Fantasy XII: Balthier, Fran and Vaan

Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning and Fang

Edited by _The Door To Light_

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I'm not that BIG fan of these series, even tough I find the storyline interesting and cool.


I got to know about Final Fantasy becaue of Kingdom Hearts and I started to like some of the characters.

I've played a Final Fantasy game called: Dissidia Final Fantasy and Dissidia 012. It's a mix of all FF characters in 1 game.

I also played XII... but I don't like that type of gameplay... I prefer KH's gameplay. Dissidia's gameplay is fine but the FF's normal games gameplay are RPG...you choose the type of attack... like a pokemon game. xD


I've seen the anime of FFVIII(just 1 episode of 20 minutes). I've seen gameplay of the VII one and I'm sad that Aerith dies... xD

I'm gonna play Crisis Core...maybe today, I'm getting the game..


So... My favorite character from the Final Fantasy series is....CLOUD!

Yeah! Cloud's the mot epic character of the series that I've ever seen and he appears alot in KH as a boss or partner. His ENEMY, Sephiroth, is also amazing and I love to see them batling. I wanna see Advent Children so bad but I can't find it anywhere to buy...and online...to download. xD


WHat about you?




P.S: Try to put a photo of that character... I don't know all character from the series...

Edited by Marcomax

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I honestly couldn't tell you for sure at the moment.  There are just so many different characters that I can't narrow it down.  However, one fellow does come to mind:


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Sephiroth or Aeris Aerith. The closest thing I've got to playing Final Fantasy is watching Advent Children xD. You can watch the complete movie on YouTube btw. That's what I did :D

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Favorite Final Fantasy characters? Hmm, hard to say. There is a ton that I like.Yuna - I like her because she was really brave. She knew that she was going to die, but she just kept on smiling.Lightning - One kick-butt girl. Brave, smart, and... well, kick-butt. She does an awesome job and really lives up to past Final Fantasy protagonists. (actually, she might be my favorite overall)Vivi - This little guy is my favorite because of how he develops as a character. At first, he's scared, but grows into someone powerful and determined. Even when he found out that he was a fake. (My second favorite in total)Least favorite?Non-ff7 Cloud - I don't really like him because of how LOLLIPOP TIME he acts, when really, he shouldn't be.Snow - I don't know why, but I don't like him.Barret - In ff7, hes not too bad, but I don't like him. In AC, HOLY CRAP THAT'S RACIST.

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