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Who are your favorite Final Fantasy characters?

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Out of all the many wonderful characters within each Final Fantasy, who are your number one favorites?  You may choose one character from each Final Fantasy in your list, and, if you'd like, a brief description why they're your favorite.


I'll start:


FFIII: Refia -- Just because she was one of the only characters with a little personality.  Nah, I like rebels.


FFIV: Kain Highwind -- Along with rebels, I also enjoy those who turn to darkness and return once more seeking redemption.  I empathized for Kain a lot throughout Final Fantasy VI, which overall just makes him my favorite.  Not to mention I love dragons, and he's a dragoon, sooo...yeah.  You get the picture.


FFVI: Celes Chere (boy, let me tell you, it was so hard to pair this one down...because Kefka along with Locke's up there, too!) -- I get really tired of the average damsel in distress.  I mean, Terra wasn't bad, but I felt she was just a little too fragile for her own good.  Celes is strong, determined, and, again, she was on the side of evil before turning to the good.  Also, I've always been fascinated by Celes and Kefka's past history prior to the game, which has made me love both characters a bit much.


FFVII: Tifa Lockhart -- Another strong female protagonist.  I just like her personality overall, though I seriously felt they ruined her in Crisis Core.  One of the main reasons I dig her would be her and Cloud's past, dwelling on the fine points and details they only hint at.  Also, a bit of interesting content was deleted from the game that went on between those two.  Overall she's just a kind, interesting person.


FFVII: Crisis Core: Zack Fair -- What isn't there to like about him?  I mean seriously, this guy's got it all.  He's what really got me to liking Final Fantasy VII, since I really wasn't sold on the series by Cloud alone.  He's always reminded me of an older version of Sora, which I just get a kick out of.


FFX: Auron -- Probably a strange choice, but he reminds me of Angeal from Crisis Core, in a sense (anyone else feel the same way?  Or am I just severely strange?).  He's got a dry sense of humor, and it's more than fun to watch him and Tidus bicker throughout their travels.  Everyone's a bit cheesy in that game, if I may be so bold to comment, and Auron adds a bit of seriousness/realism that I like.  Wakka's my second favorite.


FFXIII: Hope -- I don't know much about the series, but from the cutscenes I have seen Hope's been my favorite.  He's small, friendly and just...  I don't know, I think he's adorable. :P


And, I have played bits and pieces of other FFs, but I don't know the other characters enough to really list them out as a favorite of mine.

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1. Cloud Strife & Reno

2. Tifa Lockheart

3. Zack Fair & Vincent Valentine


About it, really. xD I've not played several of the games, so my choices would probably differ if I had done. But I know Cloud&Reno would stay top no matter what. :L

Edited by Xalaru

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everyone except squall

Well then damn.

Crisis Core - Zack Fair for being the typical nice guy and being the inspiration for the main protagionist

FFVII- Vincent for being a brooder and a berserker

FFVIII- Squall for being another brooder. Plus, I like lions

FFIX - Vivi for being adorkable but at the same time strong and defensive when it came to the other black mages.

FFX - Auron for being a complete badass. I mean seriously is his arm even broken? 

FFXIII- A tie between Sazh and Fang Since Sazh is a bit more realistic since all he wishes to do is save his son. He provides a foil to the leader, token minority, and when the situation would call for it he would be a hero. While Fang is also protective of Vanille, provides a foil to Lightning, strong female main character, the reason for the whole in Cocoon, and her big sacrifice in the end.( Also enjoy Sazh's blitz and Fang's Highwind)

FFXIII-2 - Noel for being a genderflipped Fang, is a bit smarter than Serah, and for providing a rival toward Snow. 

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Well from the ones I've played 

FFIV: Golbez I don't know why, I guess because to me he's intimidating, powerful, clever and manipulative and reminds me of Darth Vader.

FFV: GILGAMESH is the only choice for me , he's amazing and hilarious.

FFVI: Terra, she's adorable and a powerful to me also a deep character struggling with doubt and constantly questioning herself and everything  around her but can be incredibly determined and protective.

FFVII: Cloud, he's really alot more than meets the eye and if you really get to understand his character than I think you can greatly appreciate him  and understand the things he says or does, Tifa and Aerith are close seconds.

FFVIII: Squall because I can honestly relate to him and the problems he goes through even If I don't always agree with his way of thinking or actions.

FFIX:This is a really tough one but I'm going with Zidane with Vivi a close second, Zidane is honestly one of my favorite FF heroes because on the the outside he cheeful,kind, laidback, and a perv but on the inside has alot of  loneliness  and insercurity making a really fleshed out character to me.

FFX: Yuna she really grows during the beginning to the end of the game, she starts off naive, sheltered, and a bit of a doormat but her journey changes her into a strong willed young lady.

FFXII: Baltheir for being witty, smooth, classy and a interesting past showing why he became the man his is today.

FF:XIII Lightning she's strong, independent and while harsh at times can also be kind and even gentle and believes in doing the right thing. 

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She is bad ass. Has a wicked summon. Is (disturbingly) good looking. Has a gangsta sword gunny thing. Cool family (judging from her sister). She has the coooolest hair . And yeah... She just too cool.


Lightning *sigh*


Oh and I've only played Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2

Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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Zack Fair <3


FFVII: Tifa Lockhart -- Another strong female protagonist.  I just like her personality overall, though I seriously felt they ruined her in Crisis Core.  One of the main reasons I dig her would be her and Cloud's past, dwelling on the fine points and details they only hint at.  Also, a bit of interesting content was deleted from the game that went on between those two.  Overall she's just a kind, interesting person.


Why do you think Tifa was ruined in Crisis Core?

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FFI: Knight (its my favorite job in this game)

FFIII: Ingus (he's the badass of the group,on the PSP remake at least)

FFIV: Kain

FFV: Gilgamesh (He's the only intersting character in this game in my opinion plus his battle theme is EPIC)

FFVI: Sabin (I like using his special move and he's an intersting charcter)

FFVII Sephiroth (My favorite character from any final fantasy game)

FFVIII: Squall

FFIX: Kuja

FFX: Seymour (I like his attitude,he's funny and his hairs are..)

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Zack Fair <3



Why do you think Tifa was ruined in Crisis Core?


I think I mainly didn't like the way they portrayed Tifa in Crisis Core.  They dressed her like a slut cowgirl, which I just totally wasn't a fan of.  On top of it, it seemed like she was always complaining and everyone was making a big deal out of her.  I love Tifa in FFVII and Advent Children, so it's not that I dislike her.  It might just be the way I perceived her in Crisis Core, but she just seemed very OOC.

FFI: Knight (its my favorite job in this game)

FFIII: Ingus (he's the badass of the group,on the PSP remake at least)

FFIV: Kain

FFV: Gilgamesh (He's the only intersting character in this game in my opinion plus his battle theme is EPIC)

FFVI: Sabin (I like using his special move and he's an intersting charcter)

FFVII Sephiroth (My favorite character from any final fantasy game)

FFVIII: Squall

FFIX: Kuja

FFX: Seymour (I like his attitude,he's funny and his hairs are..)

Wow, and I thought I was the only one who liked Seymour! *cheers and throws confetti*, I guess I'm really not insane like everyone always told me I was!  Actually, there's a lot of characters I like off this list.

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I think I mainly didn't like the way they portrayed Tifa in Crisis Core.  They dressed her like a slut cowgirl, which I just totally wasn't a fan of.  On top of it, it seemed like she was always complaining and everyone was making a big deal out of her.  I love Tifa in FFVII and Advent Children, so it's not that I dislike her.  It might just be the way I perceived her in Crisis Core, but she just seemed very OOC.

Wow, and I thought I was the only one who liked Seymour! *cheers and throws confetti*, I guess I'm really not insane like everyone always told me I was!  Actually, there's a lot of characters I like off this list.

Yeah,I like Seymour a lot actually,he brings a very intersting twist to Final Fantasy X,I like the fact that he's so corrupted and he lives beyond death.He has a lot of nice Quotes,like when the party tell the inquisitor(if I'm not mastaken) that Seymour killed his our father,he's like '"Oh,have you not heard" or something like that,he's so funny.When they annonced Yuna to be in Dissidia 012,I was really excited because I was expecting Seymour to be in the game as well as Yuna's rival, but they didn't put him it the game,that's sad.

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I think I mainly didn't like the way they portrayed Tifa in Crisis Core.  They dressed her like a slut cowgirl, which I just totally wasn't a fan of.  On top of it, it seemed like she was always complaining and everyone was making a big deal out of her.  I love Tifa in FFVII and Advent Children, so it's not that I dislike her.  It might just be the way I perceived her in Crisis Core, but she just seemed very OOC.


Well, it's been a while since I played Crisis Core, but she's around 15 in the game right? But I see where you're coming from, thanks for the answer ^^ 

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I think ur question should be: Who are NOT ur favorite Final Fantasy characters?

that question would be easier but anyway here goes my list:



Zidane, Freya, Beatrix, Blank from FFIX


Sabin, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Gau, Celes, Terra, Relm, Strago, Mog from FFVI


Auron, Tidus and Wakka from FFX


Laguna, Squall, Selphie, Zell and Irvine from FFVIII


Barts and Faris from FFV


Palom, Porom, Kain, Cecil from FFIV


Zack from FF Crisis Core


Penelo, Baltier and Rasler from FFXII


Marche, Montblank and Cid from FF TActis Advance



Those are all for now hehehe

Edited by Ultima Weapon

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Final Fantasy I: Black Mage. By far the most useful for me.

Final Fantasy II: Minwu. Sorry, just crying...

Final Fantasy III: None?

Final Fantasy IV: Edge. The first cool womanizer.

Final Fantasy V: None...

Final Fantasy VI: Edgar. 

Final Fantasy VII: Vincent, Sephiroth, then (in order) Barret (tied with Red XIII), Cloud, Tifa, Aeris (tied with Yuffie), then Cait Sith.

Final Fantasy VIII: Laguna, Squall and Quistis.

Final Fantasy IX: Zidane, I guess.

Final Fantasy X: Auron, no contest.

Final Fantasy XII: Balthier?

Final Fantasy XIII: Hope

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Final Fantasy 1. White Mage. Just love the clothing he/she has. 


Final Fantasy 2. Minwu. Such a brave and noble man. So underated. 


Final Fantasy 4. Rydia. She was so brave when she was younger and everything she went through. And she becomes older she's so bright and spiritual.


Final Fantasy 5. Bartz.  Friendly, kind, a animal lover, and a huge goofball. 


Final Fantasy 6. Almost everybody minus the Yeti and Gogo character whatever the fudge he/she was or supposed to be. FF V Gogo ? 


Final Fantasy 7. Tifa. She's so supportive of all her friends and she's so supportive of Cloud. Not to mention she's a warrior monk. 


Final Fantasy 8. Irvine. He seems like just a playboy but deep inside he's a sensitive, shy and caring character. And his limit break's are badass.


Final Fantasy 9. Vivi. So cute and so mentally strong. Even though he goes through alot of hate and racism, he still stands strong. 


Final Fantasy 10. Lulu. She's a little snappy at first, but then later on she becomes a soft Mother role to Yuna. 


Final Fantasy 12. Penelo. She's so cute and cheerful. It's a shame she sort of gets pushed aside by like characters like Ashe and Balthier. The game should of really been about them, but that's a different topic. 


Final Fantasy 13. Fang. Tough, strong and does what she thinks is for the best. 


Crisis Core. Cissinei.  She seemed nice and really helpful. It's a shame that she hardly gets any attention or praise by the FF Fandom. ]=

Edited by axele

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FF1- Me :D

FF2- The Emperor

FF3- What characters?

FF4- Kain

FF5- Never played it

FF6- Never played it

FF7- Not a huge fan of the characters.  Maybe Barret or Cid?

FF7: Crisis Core- Zack Fair

FF8- Squall (He has a nice jacket...)

FF9- Zidane

FF10- Jecht

FF11- Shantotto

FF12- Balther FTW

FF13- Anybody but Hope, anybody!

FF14- Never Played it

FF Crystal Chronicles: Me again

FF Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers: Layle

Edited by NightfallXIII

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