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Soul Eater Evans

Kingdom Heart's Wrong Answers Forum Game

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Take a right on Heartless ave off of Nobody blvd.


Is Namine really as innocent as she seems?

No, Namine is a nasty little devil! Trust me, she is 100% not innocent! ;)


Will Sora remember his time fighting against the copy data versions of Org 13 in KH2 Final Mix?

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Don't you know Disney Characters don't age that was all Mickey just over the years as clothing styles changed. 



Will Donald X Old Xehanort be confirmed?

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Yes, Riku dyes his hair the way he does is so he can look like that kid who left the island all those years ago.



What school subject is Sora the best in

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Skuld and Ephemra they had the player and then time traveled their kid back to their young selfs to stop the chaos but all the player ends up doing is end up casuing a even worse chaos, the Keyblade war


Does Gula enjoy sewing

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Luxu was actually the real Ava all along, the Ava we know is just a illusion.



Who is the Master of Masters

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