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Dusk's (huge?) Christmas giveaway!

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Hello my friends! I'm not sure if you are aware about it, but now it's time of Christmas. The time when you give things to other people and make them happy and more importantly you get things for yourself! 


I'm not sure, how many of you are aware that we have our own KH13 Steam community. Not surprise if you aren't, because we got only 7 members. It's not much and we definitely need more. More to make playing events and weekends hangouts and livestreams possible! More to find easily people to play with and generally more people to have more fun! 


So I decided to make giveaway! What this basically is, every time when we get 10 more members to our Steam group, I'm going to giveaway one game to random member of the group!


All you need to do is to make Steam account: http://store.steampowered.com/?l=english Then add me as friend: http://steamcommunity.com/id/aatelismorso/ (please notify in your friend request that you are from KH13)  then I will invite you to group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kh13/


Forgot to say one thing: You have to had bought at least one thing from Steam to be able to add friends. Just post your Steam ID here and I will add you if you haven't bought anything yet 


I answer in some very basic questions in advance to save some time here : 

"What is Steam?" 

Steam is game application for PC made by Valve. You can buy games, you play them via Steam, they have communities and you can upload you mods there. You can also put your other PC games to your Steam library to play them easily through it and you get trophies (if you care about them) They also have automatic game update downloader, which means that when you start Steam it automatically starts downloading new updates on your games. 


"What games are you giving away?" 

I will mostly give away Co-op games for the fact that you can play them with others. I will choose games that I have enjoyed and which has lot of content on them. Don't expect anything too expensive like Borderlands 2 tho although I would love to give away game like that. 

You may expect games such as: Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Magicka, Killing Floor, maybe TorchLight 2. You may give me suggestion on this list! 


"What if I don't win?" 

You shouldn't be too concerned about winning. Steam has already fairly good variety of Free to Play games and they have great sales on holiday time (I bought Mass Effect 1 & 2 for 8 euros) 


"How long will this last?" 

I dunno yet, it thought that New Years Eve would be nice time to end this. It ends sooner if you rob my all money though ;3 


Oh and after I have added you to Steam group, I probably will delete you from my friend list, because I don't want to fill it too much and I can talk and play you guys via the Steam group. 


You can ask anything concerning this if you feel like it! Now I hope that you all have good time and best luck for winning! :)



10th member milestone winner: Hei (prize Magicka) 

Edited by dusk

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Oh yeah this reminds me of one thing: If you are unsure about your computer's specs and can it handle some game, you can easily check it out from here!: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri

my comp doesn't have java any more, im not sure why but it never finishes its download so i can't check if it can run anything but my comp crashed when i tried to play the mine craft demo not on full screen(3 times)

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We have our first lucky winner dude :3!

Hei, the lucky bastard gets Magicka! Can we reach the 20th member milestone? Will I have to give you more games? That depends on your actions!

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We have our first lucky winner dude :3!

Hei, the lucky bastard gets Magicka! Can we reach the 20th member milestone? Will I have to give you more games? That depends on your actions!

Gratz Hei! :D

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I have something to announce!

The giveaway is not cancelled. Originally I had planned that I will giveaway one game always when we get ten more members, unfortunately there is just 12 members in group currently and people doesn't seem to be interested in this. .. ):

But don't worry! I will giveaway all things in new years eve if there isn't people joining on this anymore! We still have 4 games to giveaway. 4 free and good games ;)

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Thanks to some technical difficulties, I can't give games away on new year's eve. Don't worry guys, I will do it once my computer is back-up again! 


Thanks for your patience! :)


Oh and for people who have been asking: Everyone in the steam group is part of giveaway, not just those who have replied something here

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Thanks to some technical difficulties, I can't give games away on new year's eve. Don't worry guys, I will do it once my computer is back-up again! 


Thanks for your patience! :)


Oh and for people who have been asking: Everyone in the steam group is part of giveaway, not just those who have replied something here

Awesome x3 

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Well I have given away all the games I bought. Once again, Congrats for winners and thanks for everyone who has taken part in this giveaway :D


Winners can reveal themselves if they feel like it and tell what they have won, but you can always keep it private!

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Well I have given away all the games I bought. Once again, Congrats for winners and thanks for everyone who has taken part in this giveaway :D


Winners can reveal themselves if they feel like it and tell what they have won, but you can always keep it private!

After I got off steam I realized i forgot to say Happy New Years Eve xD so Happy New Years eve!, but anyways....


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