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In a sentence or two, what character from KH has made the greatest impact on you?

In a sentence or two, what character from KH has made the greatest impact on you?  

185 members have voted

  1. 1. In a sentence or two, what character from KH has made the greatest impact on you?

    • Sora, Kairi, or Riku.
    • Terra, Aqua, or Ventus.
    • Roxas, Xion, or Axel.
    • Any other character? Please comment below.

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  On 12/10/2012 at 1:10 AM, Tycen said:

Its not surprising that most of the votes thus far say Roxas, Xion, or Axel. After all, these three are the most human, even though the are all nobodies. Even though Roxas doesn't know exactly what friendship is, you know the sadness within him when Xion dies. The innocence presented in him also makes us connect with him, because its the small things that matter the most. Xion is a confused one, as many of us are. We don't always know what the right choices are, until the options are presented to us. Axel, being the joking one, is human because... well, how more human can you get? Funny, but sensitive, serious, but understanding. This is the perfect choice. Sora may be sort of human, but is way to happy to be so. Kairi is... well, I don't know, all we know is that she is there. Riku is always like "Eh, no biggy." So I figured they'd be last. Aqua, Ventus, and Terra was obviously a hard one to choose between. They all have thier emotions that they cycle through, and the only true sadness you see is from Ven and Aqua, just like you should. Terra is more confident, so he isn't going to show his sadness alot, but you know that its there. Much like humans as well. And... not really too many other characters to choose from. Just the big three.

I agree with this one a lot, but Ialso think that Riku has made quite the impact on me, he stared into darkness once and had livedin fear that because he stared into the darkness he hadlost his friends, but Sora and Kairi showned him that he could still go home and could still smile, him becoming a Master meant that he hadproven himself worthy of notonly the Keyblade, but of the Light as well. A lot of people think that friends come and go, but the thing is, the friends that come and go are not really friends if they don't stay in touch, if they stay in touch or have had a big impact on you then they are REAL friends. It took me a couple of years to figure out that, like Riku, I had people using me and now that I have true frineds, it is a little overwhelming.

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  On 12/10/2012 at 11:04 AM, Tari Kancheewa said:

I agree with this one a lot, but Ialso think that Riku has made quite the impact on me, he stared into darkness once and had livedin fear that because he stared into the darkness he hadlost his friends, but Sora and Kairi showned him that he could still go home and could still smile, him becoming a Master meant that he hadproven himself worthy of notonly the Keyblade, but of the Light as well. A lot of people think that friends come and go, but the thing is, the friends that come and go are not really friends if they don't stay in touch, if they stay in touch or have had a big impact on you then they are REAL friends. It took me a couple of years to figure out that, like Riku, I had people using me and now that I have true frineds, it is a little overwhelming.

Hm. Never really thought of it that way. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any true friends. They've came and went, but none of them stayed in contact. But I guess you're right. Sora, Riku, and Kairi are more human than I realized.

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Roxas, Axel and Xion.


Honestly, I played 358 before BBS and still find this trio the most 'impacting'. Even now. I know many people go for Aqua/Ven/Axel


But I really think the 358 trio was the most...'impacting' on me anyway xD

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Xion. She is a char with a very sad backround and not only that her future is sad also she had to die and return to Sora so... Xion it is for me:) 



P.S. Her death was the only part of the whole saga that made me cry so this is a bonus+

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Axel, to me, is the face of Kingdom Hearts; he was really the character that got me into this. It was his voice, his personality, the way he did things that really pulled me into the Kingdom Hearts series; if it wasn't for Axel, I don't think I'd be as big of a Kingdom Hearts fan as I am now.

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Sora, he would do anything for his friends, and he helps anyone he can.

Riku, although he's not outgoing as Sora (something I see in myself) he's also is true to his friends and is always there, and he sure helps people as well

Roxas showed me that things don't always happen in the most perfect ways, but you have to keep going, no matter how hard it may be.

Ventus, he sacrificied himself for his friends, without any eminient way of coming back, what shows his commitment to everyone. I guess that's true for most characters in the BbS game, but Ven almost killed himself, seeing how he damaged his own heart, so it had a bigger impact on me.

(I voted for the first one, because it had two characters, instead of only one the others had)

Edited by AntonioKHT

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Roxas, Xion, and Axel definitely. They were the first characters I REALLY got attached too.

Roxas, Xion, and Axel definitely. They were the first characters I REALLY got attached too.

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XionShe, for one is very humble. All she had were her friends, before that she didn't even know what a friend was. Since they were all she was, she held on to them. She taught me to remain humble and remain loyal to those closest to me; and I can relate to Roxas, I've lost someone very important to me with not only their life ending, but their existence overall.

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Vanitas o.o I didn't like Sora's Happy-Go-Lucky Attitude and the fact that he's so ... I dunno, he's just kinda weak imo, he's way too kind ... Vanitas is kinda the opposite of Sora, that's why I'm impressed that something like him could exist in this "Friendship Wins everytime" World ...  and I like the Black Hair in combination with yellow eyes on Soras Body xD

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Sora; he may not be the most developed character, he may not not have the most tragic background story, or suffered the most lost. Despite all these things Sora has proven time, and time again you don't need to be the coolest, best looking, or most powerful. What strikes me most about Sora is despite the obstacles thrown in his way all he needed to guide him through was his resolute faith in the things he believed in. In a lot of ways Nomura's design of Sora was sucessfull. He's proven you don't have to be born extrordinary to do extraordinary things, all you need to do is hold fast to your beliefs, and let the guide you through the path of adversity. Whether it's a belief in god, a belief in gay rights and civil equality, or belief in the strengh your friends give you. No matter the cause there is a bit of Sora's faith in all of us.

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it's really hard to decide because my favorite characters are Ven/Roxas, Riku, ....


I like Ven and Roxas because of their terrible past and Riku because you can say that he's one of the best friends you can have even if he has betrayed you once

Sora is just like always....friendly and the good guy who will help you

so I think....Riku because he had the greatest change of all because he was at the dark side and later used the darkness to help his friends and then went to the direction of the (twi)light

for me Riku is somehow the hero of the KH series

especially in DDD he has the main role because of Sora's situation

so I enjoyed it to be able to play as Riku

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Both Roxas and Riku had a great impact on me. Both of them, together, made me learn that no matter how much people tell you to, you should never change what you think or the things you do just because them want. You're yourself and nobody else, and no one can change that. Just because your way is different from the others, that doesn't means you're wrong. You should always follow your dreams and do the things your own way. And you can be sure that there will always exist people who will love and support you no matter what.

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Axel, because of how he proved to me that even if standards claim it would be impossible for you to feel or do something, it can be done if you believe in it. 

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