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How many friends do you have in real life?

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I was just curious how many friends people have in real life versus those on the internet.  I have several good friends online (maybe 5), but only two in the real world.  I've always thought that I'm the only one this way, but then I got to thinking others might be the same way too. (And maybe I'm not as antisocial as I once thought; wouldn't that be nice!)

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For me to answer this I have to know what is considered a friend.

Definitions of friends always change, but basically someone that you can relate to and enjoy their company.  I have a few "acquaintances" that I can converse with, but I can't really consider them friends because outside of whatever activity we're participating in we have nothing on common.


I would say a good dozen owo

but all of them are just people I hang out with at school

it's like impossible for me to go anywhere xD



13...13 really good friends

so you like to yell inappropriate things on the intercom too huh?

Aw, you guys are lucky. :)  I've always wished for friends like that!


I can tell you that I am NOT friends with Walmartian's(people who work at walmart)


but I dunno, I know a bunch of people who I randomly become friends with eventually o.e

Walmartians; I like that one. ;)

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I have a large group of people that are like friends/acquaintances, but only 2 that I consider very close friends.  And I've had many friends over my life but they never stick around :/  They always seem to end up moving or change schools or get terminal illnesses.  I have no luck.

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I have a large group of people that are like friends/acquaintances, but only 2 that I consider very close friends.  And I've had many friends over my life but they never stick around :/  They always seem to end up moving or change schools or get terminal illnesses.  I have no luck.

Took the words right out of my mouth!

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I have around 4 really close friends, 10 or so people I would consider friends, over a dozen acquaintances and a whole bunch of people I find very annoying but I'm nice to them. And about 6 or so people already brought up that would have my back no matter what. 


Everyone says I'm really popular (most of the school knows me, for good and bad) but I really hate being called that. I'm just pretty outgoing and friendly. Still though, I hate the thought of me being even somewhat popular. It's probably from all of those mid to late childhood TV shows that portray all of the popular people as jerks. I'm rather quirky and say weird things so I guess that grabs people's attention but I don't know I hate that word "popular".


But anyway I have a handful of friends that I couldn't imagine leaving my life forever. We will definitely stay in touch and get together whenever possible once we go our separate ways after high school. 

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All my facebook friends are people I know in RL. (that's why I only have 20)

I'm lucky. I have 5 or 6 true friends. You know, the kind that are you're always there for and who are always there for you no matter what. The kind that always make time when you really need to talk and give you good advice.  The kind that always tell you the truth and not just what they think you want to hear. Yeah those kind.

It's funny, most of them I made after Highschool. I was working at a place that I wanted to get the hell out of ASAP and had know intention of getting to know any of them but they barged their way into my life and now I can't imagine it without them.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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I've recently attained a decent social circle from my archery club at university (sometimes we hang out after practice, and I once went drinking with a few of them), but I only have two best friends that I can truly confide into, who I've known since middle school.  I'm not someone who's so outgoing that I need a bunch of people to hang out with, so who I have now is fine by me.  I'm not shy, I'm just not super social.

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