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Random involving Kingdom Hearts Merchandise

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I wasn't sure where to put this thread so I decided Random was the best spot.


Through Reddit I discovered a man on Tumblr who makes cool little dohickeys...


Belen Lazer Designs


He makes Wayfinders, Pokemon stuff, Zelda stuff, boxes, puella magi stuff and avatar stuff.


It is all amazing and you pay through Paypal so please check this guy out, his pieces are spectacular!


Here is the link to the Wayfinders http://blazerdesigns.tumblr.com/wayfinders

The rest is available on the side bar on his page.


Your welcome in advance, trust me you'll love it.

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*Gasps before falling over*  Those Wayfinders are spectacular!  Thanks so much for sharing. (ugh, and I was trying to be so good and save money...)

Haha, you're welcome and sorry at the same time... =)


You don't need to buy anything until late next year (KH 1.5)

Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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Woah. These are amazing! :DIf only I had the money to purchase one. :/

I feel your feels, friend.




These.. are so beautiful! :DD Next paycheck. I am getting one! xD

Good call, they are truly wonderful.

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