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kh without disney! say wat now!!!!

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but kh coudve made their own worlds

if they can make their own characters then they could make thier own worlds

or still keep final fantasy characters and make the worlds that the ff characters were from

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There wouldn't be much difference between Kh and FF if there were no disney characters. It would just be another crappy Square game (Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery), i think disney's involvement is what made Kh stand out.

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There wouldn't be much difference between Kh and FF if there were no disney characters. It would just be another crappy Square game (Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery), i think disney's involvement is what made Kh stand out.


never thought of it that way

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Without Disney, KH would not exist. The game was originally designed as a tribute to Mickey Mouse (Sora's red clothing, disney worlds, donald and goofy following his every move) but it instead spawned its own universe and the game we know/love/obsess/dream. Final Fantasy characters were added to give it a touch of Square because (lets face it) Square has the greatest graphics and an in-depth universe that brought back favorite characters into a new game with updated graphics.

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