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KH2 Say you ended up in Kingdom Hearts, how would you react?

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I would become God and create a new world to my liking. Then...iunno. I'm God. What do you do that's more fulfilling than that? I guess I'd destroy the old universe or something.    

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I'd wonder what was in the food I ate....then freak out from excitement....then create a makeshift weapon out of coconuts, paopu fruit, sticks, and gems...then find a Moogle for necessary life supplies...then make Hand in Hand my background music...then find someone to help me fight off hoards of Darkness so I don't die xD

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I'd go to Yen Sid and train to get my Keyblade. Everyone's got one these days! Than i'd fight those who lurk in darkness.

And i'd give some adivice without making people think I'm crazy.

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I would wake up in a ocean,destiny island ocean. I would make a toy sword and fight wakka,tidus,and selphine. I would fall asleep wake up in a dream world(transverse town)befriend meow wow and leave the dream world. I would make a raft and then I would teleport to twilight town go meet namine and say I love her and get a ride with meow wow n namine. Stop walk into the hangout say hi to roxas and have a struggle with him. Then I'll be serious but by then a keyblade chose and meet sora in the old mansion and have adventures with sora and meow wow! In the end before xenmas dies I go up to him and slap him.

Edited by Lucem Sora

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I would probably be really confused at first, try to find out how I got here, and then most likely try to find a way back home because I got friends and family here I need to take care of. Buuut if our whole world became kingdom hearts then I would try to become a keyblade apprentice and try to become a master so I could protect people. That's my life goal anyways.

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Depends on when and where I was. If the situation was necessary I'd use darkness to have fun, in another situation I would probably fight the darkness. It all just depends

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If I wake up in a world I don't like, I'd open a Corridor of Darkness (after finding out how to do that) and go to somewhere in the Realm Between. Then, I'd try to get myself a black coat and some powers. And someday I'd get a Keyblade BY MYSELF. I like being self-made. If I ever became a Nobody, I'd go kill my Heartless ASAP. I'd find it somehow. Oh, and grow a Heart...


But... I guess I could use some friends.

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