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Lu Xun

Have you ever bought a game system at launch just to turn around and sell it at a profit?

Have you ever bought a game system at launch just to turn around and sell it at a profit?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever bought a game system at launch just to turn around and sell it at a profit?

    • Yes, and I'm picking up a Wii U just to resell it.
    • Yes, I've done it before, it's a great way to make money,
    • No, but I would if I had the time and/or money.
    • No, ''scalping'' game systems is morally wrong.
    • No, and I absolutely hate people that do it.

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Nope never done it. That's like...selling your children...they're too precious!! D8 Lol but seriously, I love all the game systems I buy. Each one shows all the time and energy I put into them in order for me to purchase it in the first place ^^

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The only way your going to make profit is by selling what ever console you decide to buy by raising the price by 200%. Just a bit ridiculous if you ask me.

Once this guy at my local game store bought all the Nintendo DS when it was popular and was selling them about 500 feet away from the store for about $100 more expensive. Just... no comment...

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It's pretty wrong to do so, but I wouldn't hate anyone that does it. They're just people that want to make some extra cash & buy some nice xbox 360 games ;)

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What about the choice "No and I don't rly care either way" ?


I don't rly find it wrong. It's not illegal and it's the ppl's fault for actually buying stuff more expensive when they can find better. If you can make more money and you don't deceive anyone, where's the problem? And not just abt consoles but figures, limited editions etc, if you can gain something more, why not? Though in those cases it's sad that they take the opportunity from others but most pre-orders abt limited editions of figurines and such, produce as many products as their pre-orders sooo yeah. People who blindly buy stuff they randomly see are just asking for it. The rest can find a better deal.

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i personally wouldnt do it, because i dont think the time would be worth the possible profit. i dont think its wrong though. i mean if the person youre selling it to is dumb enough to not realize they could get it for cheaper in store's thats their own fault.

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People do that, but I think the better question is why do people buy it from the "re-sellers" if they can buy it cheaper (normal price) at the store? Uh, where's the logic?

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"Another Option: No"


I don't tend to just go out and buy game consoles (which most are usually more than £100 at launch) on a whim, I research it, see what games are out on it and actually look into the product before I spend money I've patiently saved up on it.  So If I buy a game, it's for me to keep, not to sell on.


Also, if someone does do that I see no problem with that, no offence if someone is stupid enough to not just go buy it in store for a cheaper price (and if it's out of stock it's their fault for not being patient enough to just wait for it to come back in stock or pre-ordering if they were desperate for it).

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I'm indifferent about it, if people want to do that, it's their thing.

But I haven't and never plan to do it in the future.

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I never have, but i don't hate it when people do that. its wrong, but i'm not going to hate that person for it.

I don't tend to just go out and buy game consoles (which most are usually more than £100 at launch) on a whim, I research it, see what games are out on it and actually look into the product before I spend money I've patiently saved up on it.  So If I buy a game, it's for me to keep, not to sell on.

That's how i think about games exactly. i know some of my firends just buy games for the heck of it, not even know what it is.

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I never have, but i don't hate it when people do that. its wrong, but i'm not going to hate that person for it.

That's how i think about games exactly. i know some of my firends just buy games for the heck of it, not even know what it is.


Same.  I don't see how people can do that, when there's more things you could spend your money on that you really want.  I've actually got the way i'll spend my EMA (£30 a week for attending college from the government) planned out up til April.  

I basically can't afford to buy anything on a whim so I have to look into it and make sure it's something I'd enjoy, I'd rather spend time (less than an hour really it'd take) researching something before I buy it, instead of getting something, hating it and being raged I wasted my money on it.  Money that could be spent on whiskey ):

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