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KHDays Is Roxas in love with Xion?

Is Roxas in love with Xion  

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  1. 1. Is Roxas in love with Xion

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as far as I'm concerned the only KH characters that have romantic feelings for each other are Sora and Kairi. I think Roxas may see Xion as a sister and Namine as a very good friend. the Japanese aren't as emotionally stifled as Americans and many things friends do together and say to each other, whether with the same or opposite sex would be misconstrued by Americans as evidence of a romantic attraction and I'm sure this come across the same way in translated media.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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i think roxas did love xion but now he loves namine




thank you *.* that makes a lot of sense to me


Why would Roxas love himself?



that was what i was trying to say before lol


it depends if you want them too. some ppl hav different opinions. you know fan fiction world and stuff but personally i believe a share a special relationship and if i recall correctly Xion said that she loves both roxas and axel when she left the orgy.



that can be the same thing for roxas having a thing for axel


I used to get mad whenever anyone would pair these two together but from reading the comments it is making me see something i don't know

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Oh man, I can't believe I actually typed and wrote like that...But haha, thanks for agreeing with me 8P

Epic love triangle anyone?


actually from reading the comments it sort of makes sense on what they are doing with xion. And the other way i dread what they are going to do in the next two games because they say one thing and then it goes the other way. I have noticed that alot. I had a friend that hated Tifa because she thought it would ruin her love for cloud and aeris. That is why i go nuts whenever i see someone talking about how xion is the most amazing character. It's like we are all having a war on something that doesn't make sense. :P

I sort of have an idea on what they would do in kh3 but i dunno....

I loved akuroku for years because of a roleplay i did and i fell in love with it ever sense. It makes sense at the end of kh2 when namine and roxas smiled at each other. Okay let me back up. Sorry. lol Okay i heard things how xion is a replica of sora's memories that looks like Kairi right? so if xion is just a memory then.....

actually from reading the comments it sort of makes sense on what they are doing with xion. And the other way i dread what they are going to do in the next two games because they say one thing and then it goes the other way. I have noticed that alot. I had a friend that hated Tifa because she thought it would ruin her love for cloud and aeris. That is why i go nuts whenever i see someone talking about how xion is the most amazing character. It's like we are all having a war on something that doesn't make sense. :P

I sort of have an idea on what they would do in kh3 but i dunno....

I loved akuroku for years because of a roleplay i did and i fell in love with it ever sense. It makes sense at the end of kh2 when namine and roxas smiled at each other. Okay let me back up. Sorry. lol Okay i heard things how xion is a replica of sora's memories that looks like Kairi right? so if xion is just a memory.



"And how namine is kairi's nobody i don't know."

Most likely not.

Not because it's "selfcest" or whatever, or "Roxas loves Namine because Sora loves Kairi"

(So what, Namine came from Sora too. -.-)


Nomura did state that NONE of the Kingdom Hearts pairings are canon, so with that said, Roxas and Xion obviously does not share a romantic chemistry in the game.

It could be possible that he would have hidden feelings for her, who knows. But all we know is that they are best friends.

You could say he "likes" her in a way that Sora "likes" Kairi.

Roxas is like Sora, and Xion is a memory of Kairi, so that would explain why Roxas would have a strong connection to Xion.

KH II, you see Roxas and Namine develop a (non-romantic) connection with each other, since they are the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi.

So I understand why people prefer Roxas/Namine than Roxas/Xion, but either way, the three are all from Sora. xD

I honestly don't see any romantic chemistry between any of the characters myself, but Sora and Kairi does come to be the closest. Which automatically makes Roxas and Namine a close second


Roxas couldn't have been in love with either Namine nor Xion, despite the fact that Roxas DOES have a heart.

( despite me being a RokuShi fan )


Roxas did love her ( as a friend ) to the point where he would shed tears after her death, but not in a "more-than-bffs" sort of way.


Kingdom Hearts is meant to be a game of friendship, not romance.



Am I confusing you? Hopefully not. >_<


i get what your saying.

i get what your saying.


your saying roxas is sora and xion is kairi or something like that. So in a way namine is a part of this to urr somehow i think

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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Its not Love. Nobodies don't have any feelings. Roxas can't feel love and Xion doesn't have a heart. There is no love there. SORRY!


i would post something that contradicts that from 3D but i dont know how to put up spoliers

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Its not Love. Nobodies don't have any feelings. Roxas can't feel love and Xion doesn't have a heart. There is no love there. SORRY!


Roxas had Ven's heart in him at the time. Over ruled.

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Why would Roxas love himself?


Maybe he's a narcissist?

Selfcest is unavoidable in this game


This is very true.

By extension, it's impossble to not be romantically involved with Sora, because he's everybody.



Love doesn't exist in Kingdom Hearts!

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Roxas just cared for Xion as a friend- having sea salt ice cream, and helping each other out. He cared for her like he cared for Axel. He didn't love her in a romantic way. Also, I don't think you can love someone that you have no memories of...because at the end of 358/2 all his memories of Xion are gone after fighting her and she fades away (something like that)


I'm just gonna say that I pair Xion with Riku.

I think Riku needs a love interest, and if paired with Xion- it's kind of like him being with Sora ;D



omg thanks! that makes sense big time

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Well if u put in this way yes but the thing is tht roxas forgets his memories and forgets about xion. But the reason I'm mad because he doesn't know xion and axel wouldn't tell him about her because he was jealous of her

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Oh no. I don't think he loves her. Their strong connectin comes from the fact that she was created from Sora's memories and Roxas is the nobody, so they are almost forced to have a powerful attraction to each other, although loves seems to be very strong. Unless you mean brotherly and sisterly love, then maybe.

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Roxas loves Axel <3 ^^



if only because that is my main otp *.*



Roxas loves Axel <3 ^^



Ohh speaking of the which. There was a rumour that Noruma had put in the japanese interview in the manga or something like that that axel and roxas had some sort of a fling. Don't know if it is true or not.


Ohh speaking of the which. I would like to see if there is an interview about xion not returning to the game

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I'm pretty sure even though that Roxas is a nobody he can still feel emotions I don't remember why but I know I read it on the kh wikia and xion is a clone so she can also feel emotions but no they are not in love

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So, how what does not having a heart have to do with love. Love is a power far beyond the heart! It's all in the brain. Although, I don't think that Roxas loved Xion. Maybe as a sister, but not as a couple.

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It was love in the sense of strong friendship or "as a sister" or something... there is no indication that he was ever "in love" with her.

But Roxas represents Sora and Xion represents Sora's conception of Kairi, so I think it was meant to sort of mirror the relationship between those two. But still, no indication that Roxas was in love (unlike Sora, who was in love and this was indicated).


As for Nobodies not having feelings or emotions... DiZ was wrong about that. He was blinded by his own anger at the Organization and so he was generalizing all Nobodies as emotionless and cruel. Roxas clearly feels emotions... Naminé also feels emotions. Since the Riku replica felt emotions then I can assume that replicas also feel emotions, so a replica of Roxas (who could feel emotions) should be able to feel emotions himself. And Xion was that replica. Yes, Roxas and Naminé were "special" Nobodies... but I'd even take it one step further and say that all high Nobodies (such as the Organization) can feel emotions. Axel demonstrated what looked like emotion, in the form of frustration at Xion and Roxas "doing whatever they want" and when he told Roxas that he'd miss him if he was destroyed.

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