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KHDays Is Roxas in love with Xion?

Is Roxas in love with Xion  

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  1. 1. Is Roxas in love with Xion

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Its not Love. Nobodies don't have any feelings. Roxas can't feel love and Xion doesn't have a heart. There is no love there. SORRY!


Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance directly contradicts to that statement.

Anything can grow a heart


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i always saw it as "axel, xion and roxas are best friends" thing, with roxas "loving" namine, since you know she is kairi. then again xion is sora's memories of kairi, but i digress. i see it as xion and roxas are friends, nothing more.



you know it makes sense because xion is kairi from sora's memories and at the end of kh2 roxas and namine both returned to sora and kairi

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well guys Roxas does have a heart cuz




In BBS ven loses his heart and it finds itself into sora then sora turned into a heartless which then made Roxas. Sora only lost vens heart so that made roxas have a heart. Roxas has Ventus's Heart.

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Actually Roxas Can love - Three Reasons


1.Nobody can create their own heart as stated in DDD



2.Roxas had Ven's heart , that happen when sora was became a heartless , and roxas was created - roxas took ven's heart.

- bbs spoiler

3.roxas had a feeling , because how is the other nobodies acted like they have feelings? they had memories from before , SO they didn't feel anything but they knew what they should feel if they had a heart in some circumstances and they acted like it.

Roxas didnt have memories from before , but he knew what is to feel depressed or what is like to be sad , SO HOW WAS IT? he could feel a little bit(I think nomura said it - i don't sure)

Edited by LiavGever

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As Xion is a Replika of Sora, she must have a heart. Riku Replika said this in CoM "Where my heart will go ? Will it disapear ?" or something like that. So Xion must have her own heart too.


Roxas, well hu... I definitively think he has no heart. Axel, him, or anyother member of the Organization would have notice it. I see him much more like Naminé. He is Sora's body with Ven's apparence thanks to Ven's heart within Sora, just like Naminé have Sora's body with Kairi's apparence thanks to Kair's heart within Sora.


Because if Roxas has a heart, Xemnas has one too. And Xemnas said he has no heart, THEN, that just mean to me that Roxas has no heart either. BUT, that don't mean he can not feel anything. It'd more like Axel. Axel can "feel" within Roxas, and Roxas can "feel" within Xion's heart wich is a clone's one of Sora's.

So I thnk.

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As Xion is a Replika of Sora, she must have a heart. Riku Replika said this in CoM "Where my heart will go ? Will it disapear ?" or something like that. So Xion must have her own heart too.


Roxas, well hu... I definitively think he has no heart. Axel, him, or anyother member of the Organization would have notice it. I see him much more like Naminé. He is Sora's body with Ven's apparence thanks to Ven's heart within Sora, just like Naminé have Sora's body with Kairi's apparence thanks to Kair's heart within Sora.


Because if Roxas has a heart, Xemnas has one too. And Xemnas said he has no heart, THEN, that just mean to me that Roxas has no heart either. BUT, that don't mean he can not feel anything. It'd more like Axel. Axel can "feel" within Roxas, and Roxas can "feel" within Xion's heart wich is a clone's one of Sora's.

So I thnk.


actually xion is a replica of roxas whose holding sora memories of kairi( a memories that was at roxas at the beggining and went to xion because she his replica)

she didn't have a heart.

Repliku had a fake heart that was also replica

like Xion Keyblade wasn't real it was a sham.(but it had powers to collect heart like any other real keyblade - but it wasn't real one- i guess)

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Didn't Xion created with the memories of Sora that Xemnas stole to him at Hollow Bastion ?

And I suppose that, if a fake keyblade can free hearts, a fake heart can give feelings too.

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Well, I believe that Roxas is in love with Xion. There isn't any evidence, but he did shed a tear when Xion went back to Sora. Then again, anybody would cry if their best friend left pretty much, died. I love reading Xion and Roxas fanfics though, but as the name suggests, it's fan-FICTION! I dunno, it's most likely a maybe. Also, nobody's do have emotions, it's just that Xemnas told them that the didn't because he wanted to make them all, Xehanorts vessels. You'll get it if you play KH 3D Dream Drop Distance. 

Oh and yeah, anybody or anything could grow a heart , if it/they don't already have one.

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as you can see by my profile pic (ack i kno its too adorable!!!) rokushi is my favorite OTP. and there are many reasons why i love them together. but i wonder why so many people hate it... and of course i voted yes!


sure pairings arent canon NOMURA SAID SO. but half of the kingdom hearts universe was made by the fans. so some of the things that are put down to be weighed by the scale of uncertainty are decided by us. so even if they arent TRULY canon, we can still support any pairing we want. you can follow whatever pairing you like. kh is a fan world too you know.


now to the point that the reasons why rion and rokunami are impossible:



Rion is impossible. The reasons for this is simple; Xion states in her Secret Report that she loves Roxas and Axel. See that? Roxas and Axel. No Riku in sight. Also, Riku has no time for any romance; he's kinda busy trying to get his best friend back, you know? ;)

So, if Riku truly loved Xion, then he would have put her ahead of Sora. But he didn't. He only remembers her in Day 358 because he had her Keyblade.

And Xion sees Riku as a big brother. She never mentions any love towards him, and as for Riku holding her in Destiny Islands; he's not heartless! Really, could you leave someone who reminded you of one of your best friends (Kairi) lying alone? No, you would hold them. And Xion would remind him too much of Kairi; maybe even Sora, to truly fall in love with her.


"From my best estimate, Roxas knew Namine for about a week, and had about 3 or 4 conversations with her in that week. You know, in the midst of all of his mental trauma that he's been forced into suffering through, and the fact that Namine is essentially planning his murder/forced suicide the entire time, and not to mention that everything she's doing is with the intention of helping SORA, not Roxas. Honestly, I have never understood how the RokuNami shippers took the line, "You...were never supposed to exist, Roxas," and turned it into, "Roxas, I'm falling/in love with you." Ugh. And the whole thing about them being Sora and Kairi's Nobodies...well, I've stepped into this issue plenty of times already, but that excuse isn't good enough for me. Roxas and Namine have zero chemistry, were born from the same body at the same time (i.e. Sora's body), which practically makes them Nobody siblings, did not have enough time anyway to genuinely love each other, neither of them would really benefit from such a relationship, and in my mind, it rather defeats the entire point of them as characters if you force them to love each other just because their Somebodies may be in love. I mean, really, that would just epically suck, wouldn't it, being told that you HAVE to be in love with this one person, and that all of your feelings and actions are completely based on other people, never mind what you want, and never mind the fact that, again, the entire point of making Roxas and Namine separate again is that they are their own independent persons, who have their own identities and memories and thoughts and feelings, and who should under no circumstances, therefore, be rightly forced into merely mimicking the actions of Sora and Kairi." -credits to Kiryn from the League of Xion Lovers

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as you can see by my profile pic (ack i kno its too adorable!!!) rokushi is my favorite OTP. and there are many reasons why i love them together. but i wonder why so many people hate it... and of course i voted yes!


sure pairings arent canon NOMURA SAID SO. but half of the kingdom hearts universe was made by the fans. so some of the things that are put down to be weighed by the scale of uncertainty are decided by us. so even if they arent TRULY canon, we can still support any pairing we want. you can follow whatever pairing you like. kh is a fan world too you know.


now to the point that the reasons why rion and rokunami are impossible:



Rion is impossible. The reasons for this is simple; Xion states in her Secret Report that she loves Roxas and Axel. See that? Roxas and Axel. No Riku in sight. Also, Riku has no time for any romance; he's kinda busy trying to get his best friend back, you know? ;)

So, if Riku truly loved Xion, then he would have put her ahead of Sora. But he didn't. He only remembers her in Day 358 because he had her Keyblade.

And Xion sees Riku as a big brother. She never mentions any love towards him, and as for Riku holding her in Destiny Islands; he's not heartless! Really, could you leave someone who reminded you of one of your best friends (Kairi) lying alone? No, you would hold them. And Xion would remind him too much of Kairi; maybe even Sora, to truly fall in love with her.


"From my best estimate, Roxas knew Namine for about a week, and had about 3 or 4 conversations with her in that week. You know, in the midst of all of his mental trauma that he's been forced into suffering through, and the fact that Namine is essentially planning his murder/forced suicide the entire time, and not to mention that everything she's doing is with the intention of helping SORA, not Roxas. Honestly, I have never understood how the RokuNami shippers took the line, "You...were never supposed to exist, Roxas," and turned it into, "Roxas, I'm falling/in love with you." Ugh. And the whole thing about them being Sora and Kairi's Nobodies...well, I've stepped into this issue plenty of times already, but that excuse isn't good enough for me. Roxas and Namine have zero chemistry, were born from the same body at the same time (i.e. Sora's body), which practically makes them Nobody siblings, did not have enough time anyway to genuinely love each other, neither of them would really benefit from such a relationship, and in my mind, it rather defeats the entire point of them as characters if you force them to love each other just because their Somebodies may be in love. I mean, really, that would just epically suck, wouldn't it, being told that you HAVE to be in love with this one person, and that all of your feelings and actions are completely based on other people, never mind what you want, and never mind the fact that, again, the entire point of making Roxas and Namine separate again is that they are their own independent persons, who have their own identities and memories and thoughts and feelings, and who should under no circumstances, therefore, be rightly forced into merely mimicking the actions of Sora and Kairi." -credits to Kiryn from the League of Xion Lovers


Since none of the pairings are intended to be canon then by default all efforts to debunk others are moot. There's also something about trying to prove why a non canon pairing that'll never happen is better than other non canon pairings that'll never happen that I find...unsportsmanlike? I mean if you support a paring and feel that there are adequate reasons for it then say why you think it works, don't deflect by saying why other pairing suck more. It just makes me think there's nothing really good to say about it and this sort of thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care much for shipping either way but you can't say that fans can follow and support whatever pairing they like but then try and debunk others because it somehow detracts from your. :/ 

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That question has been going around since 2009 and that's kinda like the same question like,"Is Rixas in love with Namíne?" maybe. Most likely not because Xion and Roxas were just friends nothing much.

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Since none of the pairings are intended to be canon then by default all efforts to debunk others are moot. There's also something about trying to prove why a non canon pairing that'll never happen is better than other non canon pairings that'll never happen that I find...unsportsmanlike? I mean if you support a paring and feel that there are adequate reasons for it then say why you think it works, don't deflect by saying why other pairing suck more. It just makes me think there's nothing really good to say about it and this sort of thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care much for shipping either way but you can't say that fans can follow and support whatever pairing they like but then try and debunk others because it somehow detracts from your. :/ 


i know that this is REALLY late but i would like to congratulate you for figuring out my ruse! hahaahha. i'm stupid...


yes there is no point in arguing whether he loves her or not since the question is an entirely fan territory one. 

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