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KHBbS OTHER Ienzo Theory. (Not disturbing in the slightest)

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Well some of you, I'm looking at YOU Heart_XIII (lol, just kidding) didn't like my other theory, so I'm giving you another (More likely) one.

Well, I know nomura said Nobodies don't age, well maybe he meant, like, grow old. Maybe nobodies DO age until they are fully grown, then stop. That explains why most of the nobodies appear to be in their early twentys. It would also explain why others (namely Vexen) appear much (MUCH) older. Since they have already reached maturity, they never grew when they lost their hearts. But Xion, Namine', Roxas, and the point I'm trying to make, ZEXION, all appear to be growing. Xion, Roxas, and Namine' just showed it because we saw them when they were only 14. Zexion was in the organization for 10 years before he was eliminated, so he probably reached maturity depending on how old Nomura made Ienzo. I'm almost positive if we saw a game in which the organization was just starting, Zexion would appear younger as well.


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I swear, I will kick you in the butt Gaara. lol. xD


I must object to this one too though. I don't see why Nomura would go against his word, even if this theory makes a whole lot of sense. I mean, the body isn't done maturing, and it's the only thing that's left of Ienzo, so I don't see why he wouldn't grow up. But what Nomura says about KH is law, and YOU MUST NEVER DEFY THE LAW! >:O lol. I'm in a silly mood right now. xP


I have a different theory though: What if he was transported to a different place when Radiant Garden fell to the darkness? I mean, it happened to Sora when it happened to Destiny Island, so why can't the same thing happen to Ienzo? And when he is in the new world some years later, he would lose his heart to the darkness.

I don't know, but that's what I think. :/

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in birth by sleep did they show all of the org 13 members in the game turn into heartless

because mabey ienzo turned into a heartless when he was already in that same age he was in when he was a nobody

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What if it is possible that while exerimenting on the heart, Ienzo accidentally/purposely ends up in a different dimension like the realm of darkness, in which time goes faster so when he returned he had reached maturity

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Or maybe when Nomura said "Nobodies don't age",he meant the lesser nobodies(Dusks,Creepers,Berserkers)and not the OrgXIII members.


that makes sense because organization 13 members are more advanced kind of nobody

and i dont think advanced is a correct word to say but my mind is all over the place so i cant think that strait

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That'll explain everything, but kinda doesn't make sense, like WHY they have to stop aging when reaching 20?

I agree more to Res of Nusquam, though it means there have to be cutscenes about it.

Age by mentality also a doubt to me, since vexen is so immature and Demyx should've been younger.


And, oh, congrats Gaara, for the safety of your butt.

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