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The extra from beating the game.

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I guess I can see what you're saying. After playing through a whole game you would want some new extra content, but the fun of a collection is that you can keep the story going after you beat the first game. And yeah if you don't feel like beating recom u can always look the extra stuff up on YouTube or something.

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I wouldn't mind at all if I had to clear Kingdom Hearts 1, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chains of Memories, and watch the long, awesome cinematic of Day 358. I mean it's already all in HD which is a plus. I don't like nor hate the game play of Re: Chains of Memories but all I know for a fact is that it's a Kingdom Hearts game and I admire/love Kingdom Hearts. 


I don't understand the unsatisfactory of having to play KH Re:Chains of Memories and if they do make us watch the cinematic of Day 358 in order to get the "Secret Extra." It's Kingdom Hearts! We all love it, plus we had to finish each individual game and do a bunch of other stuff in order to get the Secret Ending videos.


If your lazy like me, just wait till someone posts it on YouTube. Not that bad if you think bout it. 

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I haven't played Re:Com (or the original, but I'm getting that for Christmas), but I look forward to playing it even after hearing all the complaints, so I wouldn't mind the unlockable having beating Re:CoM being required.


On the topic of the unlockable itself, maybe it'll be something playable? 

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What's this extra you're all talking about? Is it supposed to some sort secret ending or something?

we don't know what the extra is, but in the latest interview they said they were looking into extra content for KH HD 1.5.

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Yeah, not a good idea to spend you're money on something you won't enjoy fully. Really, it's not like we're criticizing you at least i'm not but you shouln't spend money on hald the game, which is the case here. If you don't to, you can wwatch vids on youtube, that's why it'd there xD I had to do that with some games, it's just not easy to be a good KH fan these days, too many consoles...

And if the extra isn't a secret movie, would it have anything related to the future titles? Becuase I'm thinking this could be a big dissapointing with the hopes Nomura gives us on pretty much nothing. 

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Yeah, not a good idea to spend you're money on something you won't enjoy fully. Really, it's not like we're criticizing you at least i'm not but you shouln't spend money on hald the game, which is the case here. If you don't to, you can wwatch vids on youtube, that's why it'd there xD I had to do that with some games, it's just not easy to be a good KH fan these days, too many consoles...And if the extra isn't a secret movie, would it have anything related to the future titles? Becuase I'm thinking this could be a big dissapointing with the hopes Nomura gives us on pretty much nothing.

No, I still fully intend to play all of it because I still think the game is amazing story-wise, but I have so little time on my hands that beating both KH1 and Re: CoM will probably take me 1-2 months lol, so thats why it would suck, imo.

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No, I still fully intend to play all of it because I still think the game is amazing story-wise, but I have so little time on my hands that beating both KH1 and Re: CoM will probably take me 1-2 months lol, so thats why it would suck, imo.

Yeah, I haven't had much time these days too. Damn you school

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