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Gaming Masterpieces: What are yours made of?

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i made this thread just to see what othere people think makes a master peice and what games they consender a masterpeice in there own way of seeing it my master peices would have to be


DMC(all games)

the dmc games have always keep me on track the storys are interesting and the soundtrack music is very moveing in a way to me the gameplay has always been stylish from the first game and is still stylish in the upcoming reboot of 2013 from the time i was small and played the first game tell now in this point and time dmc remains a master peice for its

scoring of a great 9.75/10 my top M rated game and all time orginal fav(25 was takin off cause of dmc2's lack of weapons)

uncharted(all games)

is one of my fav playstation exclusives i love naughty dog's games and cant wait for "the last of us".the uncharted games have been a fav of my for a short while and shall remain that way the third person shooter i love that gives great detail to its surroundings giving you action/ adventure story a true veiw for a game there system runs smooth and is simple to follow the story is very deep for a game such as uncharted makeing me love it even more over all the games iv played it scores a lovely

9.25/10 my top rated T game


now journey of all games that are not a cd to start and is not voilent in anyway journy is the game for just about everone it uses a wonderfull asortment of colors to make the world look fantastic truly the psn guys did work while playing online you must coop with other playes but you wont know who they are untell the end of the game but it helpes you understand that you dont have to be choicy in who you play with cause haveing fun and enjoying otheres company is the main point of this game truly for a rated E it deserves this score


this are only the games that to me created there own genre in the gameing world true master peics there are more but im busy so pleas inlighten me with what makes your masterpeice a masterpeice

Edited by darklunatic

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Basically took Zelda and ran with it, giving it a better soundtrack, better art style, deeper story, more varied gameplay, with better design and overall more interesting takes on an already great franchise.

Little King's Story

Basically Pikmin, Animal Crossing, and a sense of humour, blended together. It vastly exceeds the sum of its parts, creating a truly unique, and deplorably unsung, experience

Radiant Historia

This is the best RPG I have played in years. The writing is fantastic. The setting is excellent. The characters are amazing. Music is great too.

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is a great ride. I'll never forget the sudden shift in tone when you go to the future, and the tone suddenly shifts, going from a light hearted and cartoony trial scene to find a dead man lying next to the rotting remnants of the last of food, belonging to the last of humanity. great stuff.

Final Fantasy VI

This is just a classic. VI is possibly the most well crafted RPG ever. It was also the first game to nearly bring me to tears.

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a lovely rpg created by cyberconnect 2 one of my fav companyes i love the .hack games and the animes i grow up on them i have them collected and togther they make one of the biggest master peices i have for being one of the most orginal and giveing you the most freeroam in alot of ps2 games as well as alowing you to keep playing after you beat th main story of 1 cd you could transfer your data from the first game into the next game being highly leveled already the game is truly an orginal from its source great music lovely art many places and a great diffculty winning a award of 9.75/10 a collection of the first story has 4 differnt games the G.U has 3

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Half Life 2.

This game has amazing atmosphere. You really feel like that you are Gordon Freeman and that you really are in the middle of event thanks to well thought and paced story telling. The gun play feels very fun and it has some of my favorite weapons in games like Gravity Gun, Electrified crossbow, Ant lion pod , good ol' shotgun and crowbar. The graphics are simply amazing when you first time saw them in 2004 and graphics still look nice. The AI works well and enemies vary enough to not make game feel repetitive. The game has enough challenge for even more experienced players and the puzzles give you some thinking although they are pretty easy in the end of the game when you already know how the puzzles work. This is probably the most modded game so far and some awesome games has started as mod for this game. Only real complain I have is that ending was kinda disappointing, but I really didn't care because I started episode one after finishing HL2 and that continued the story with good way.

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