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if you could create a new kh character...

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Riku needs a new romantic interest. So I'd say a girl who's on the 'dark' side but turns out to be good. Her name should be Kura, taken from meaning dark. I could see her fighting with gun or guns. Having shoulder length black hair with bangs covering one eye. Wear lots of black and be totally hot. And really sarcastic. xD

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A character who can control 2 keyblades and can combine them to make one more powerful keyblade. Also they would be able to look through any ones memories, even dead people or possible people yet to exist, and know exactly what happened anywhere or what may happen. They would be neutral, often showing up to torment Sora. And is a kind of like a nobody. Well, he doesnt have a heart anyway. he would also be a good fighter, with great blade skills, powerful magic, amazing reflexes, and the weird trait of being able to sense an on coming attack even if he isnt looking. theres alot more i could tell too, i created this character with a lot of thinking. and there is a great deal of backstory, which i will not post to save everyones eyes.

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Riku needs a new romantic interest. So I'd say a girl who's on the 'dark' side but turns out to be good. Her name should be Kura, taken from meaning dark. I could see her fighting with gun or guns. Having shoulder length black hair with bangs covering one eye. Wear lots of black and be totally hot. And really sarcastic. xD


I totally agree with that. Riku has been very lonely in the series. He NEEDS a girl! She should have a different form of Keyblade and have a close tie with Eraqus of Birth By Sleep (Daughter or Granddaugter).


Other characters should include the Heartlesses of Organization 13 members. And Genesis and Angeal from FF7 Crisis Core.

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Another possible character would be someone who can manipulate the dead members of Organization 13. Maybe one of the parents of Sora, Riku, or Kairi, making them difficult to actually finish off. I mean who would want to kill their parents (Tidus FF10).

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I would put someone that would be able to change their form with their wepon (NOT THE KEYBLADE its over used as it is). They would be the new top dog enemy and when he is defeated you can find a chest or something that transforms your Keyblade to have the powers of his wepon allowing you to change into whatever enemy you have encountered and thats in your Journey/Enemy list (Excluding Bosses). They would be hard as hell to kill like Sephiroth in KH1 they would be able to use strong magic and carry alot of items making the boss fight last for a long time also they would be like Riku using the Light or Darkness to fight for the other side in this case Light to help fight for Darkness.

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I would create perfect darkness. Someone who would embody the soul of absolute darkness. They would be 6.5ft. and have long white hair (similar to Xehanort's heartless) with simple yet menacing clothing (Vanitas suit, but not so one dimensional) and be well built (Hercules status). The weapon would be darkness itself (How Riku uses dark powers) and they could not be destroyed. Because they embody absolute darkness, it would be impossible to destroy because you can never get rid of the darkness no matter how much light there is. Without Darkness there is no Light, and with out Light there is no Darkness. This would be the final boss of the entire series, but you wont defeat it. This may sound insane, but i bet this is how it will all end. A final showdown between Sora (light) and this being (darkness) where neither win, but all is restored because they are tired of fighting with each other.

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Because they embody absolute darkness, it would be impossible to destroy because you can never get rid of the darkness no matter how much light there is. Without Darkness there is no Light, and with out Light there is no Darkness.


Like your theory. I agree. The two must coexist for they cannot exist without the other. The balance and counterbalancing eachother out keeping the world at peace. But darkness got stronger and so the balance was broken.

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Do you know the phrase: "The secret guarded in seven keys"(or something like that, i don't know how to translate this xD)


Well, i was thinking in a caracter that could wield a keyblade, but something diferent from the others, so i created this:


A caracter that wield a "key ring"(is this the way you call the ring-thing to put keychains?) and in this "key ring" he summon seven keyblades, and the ring can levitate around him......

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