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HD 1.5 ReMIX appears in November 22 Famitsu, game is 80-90% complete

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@darklunatic and ShiningFantasia12


Square Enix never used Japanese voices for a release in the west

always English voices with subs

the only exception is Star Ocean International for PS3 which has even German, French etc subs on the Japanese version...a true international version

ah...and before I forget it...Last Remnant for PC has Japanese, too



technically it would be possible to make all 4 dubs available (Epic Mickey 2 has 6 in the EU version), but we all know Square....they won't do it

in case of FFXIII they said that Japanese AND English would be possible and they will think about to make both available, but in the end it was only with English voices

the ones who wanted Japanese voices with English subs had to import the Chinese/HK version


the FMs of KH had English voices because English is the native language of all Disney films, cartoons etc


and I don't worry about English voices for ReMIX and it doesn't matter to me if there will be Japanese voices in the west release or not

I want the dub in my language back!!!

Edited by Mila

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It wouldn't make since not to have English voices for the western release of 1.5, since the voices were already recorded for KH1 and ReCom when they were first released. The only voice work that would probably need to be done is for the new Days scenes.

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It wouldn't make since not to have English voices for the western release of 1.5, since the voices were already recorded for KH1 and ReCom when they were first released. The only voice work that would probably need to be done is for the new Days scenes.


1.5 will have English voices...that is 100%

but Japanese will not because SE never made it available in any game (except 2)

I'm worry about the EU voices

German, French and Spanish are available, too for KH I and II, but will SE use it? or will they give us a kick in the a** and use the English voices only because the last KH games had only English voices, too and because they won't do any dub except Japanese and English for the future games.....


because you never know what is on SE's mind a lot can be possible

no EU dubs for all games in 1.5 = SE wants to save money and are a**h**** to us

EU dubs for all games in 1.5 = Disney gave the order to make/use those dubs...maybe with financial support from Disney

EU dubs for KH I, but not Re:CoM and Days = they are kind because they use the existing dubs, but also mean because they want to save money

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