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DChuich's Daily Troubles Part 1 (Hitler Parody)

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I can't remember when hitler jokes have been amused me so much:D! The humor was pretty much perfect!

The text is hard to read in some parts though, so you should change white to something else .

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Thank you. Don't worry, after the next episode I will hold a little contest for permanent character positions or I could suddenly decide to give a character that has a few lines multiple personality disorder and have a line-up of people who want to be him. Not sure what I'll go with.


I love this, it had me laughing for a while! xD Please make more!! c: You're very talented at a storyline even though it is pretty random. <3


Thanks! It is rather random but it should come together a bit more in the end I might even make a part 3 for this storyline to make a coherant ending. I've seen the full movie and parodies enough to know what scenes I want to use and a rough idea of what the dialouge will be in them.

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I can't remember when hitler jokes have been amused me so much:D! The humor was pretty much perfect!

The text is hard to read in some parts though, so you should change white to something else .


Thank you! The white text is annoying to read in some parts I know, however other colors tend to be even more annoying to read. Rule of thumb with these things is white no matter what. I haven't figured out how people get around those tough to read spots though. I'll have it fixed by part 2 of this storyline though. :)

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Thank you! The white text is annoying to read in some parts I know, however other colors tend to be even more annoying to read. Rule of thumb with these things is white no matter what. I haven't figured out how people get around those tough to read spots though. I'll have it fixed by part 2 of this storyline though. :)


The white text isn't that big issue, there is just few words that are hard to read, because most of the walls are already white. I have to admit that I hate to read text colors like red..

I really liked that part where "Sora96" walked in front of mirror and then suddenly realizes something xD I don't know if I have weird sense of humor, but that was one of the funniest parts for me. This is pretty much matter of opinion, but Dchiuch shouldn't use word Firetruck so much, I haven't seen him using it and it kinda don't fit on his personality, just pointing out because I don't want to see it get overused in this

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