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Welcome to the dark side, and we have cookies! I'm Roxie, you can call me Roxie, Angel, or FrodoLove. I'm a tomboy. I was born in Japan but moved to U.S. I'm a huge video gamer. I could play video games all day and all night if I wanted to. So if you got any questions or anything feel fee to PM me.

Edited by Roxie

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Hey welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy here as much as we all do! We have awesome discussions around KH titles, released and future ones, and we have a whole galery of videos and pictures and other stuff! Feel free to look around! Enjoy the crazy people around!

I'm also brasilian, feel free to chat with me, irmão xD

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Welcome to the site!



Welcome! Just remember, all these people who think they are awesome are full of crap, ;)


So, if I thought I was full of crap, does that make me awesome?

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