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Robbie the Wise

What are you thankful for :)

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I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, the sun that shines, without it we wouldn't be alive, food to eat, friends, family, education, and of course this website, it has an awesome community!

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I'm so thankful for many things my parents gave and offered me as I grew up. They provided me with food and shelter and two brothers, though at times they can be rather annoying, I adore them no matter what as much as they adore me.


I'm also thankful for the friends I made here on KH13 such as King Riku, VanitisKirby, ashiri, Coolwings, Ertyx, Shana, Genn, Keysofblades, Kirux, inori, Flaming Lea, dev, and so many others on here. Without them, I would be friendless and carry on my life without having the feeling that they're for me.


That's what Im thankful for :)

Edited by Silent Maiden

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I'm so thankful for many things my parents gave and offered me as I grew up. They provided me with food and shelter and two brothers, though at times they can be rather annoying, I adore them no matter what as much as they adore me.


I'm also thankful for the friends I made here on KH13 such as King Riku, VanitisKirby, Ertyx, Shana, Genn, Keysofblades, Kirux, Flaming Lea, dev, and so many others on here. Without them, I would be friendless and carry on my life without having the feeling that they're for me.


That's what Im thankful for :)


Fuuu quota :(

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In Germany we don't Thanksgiving, but I would like to post too... Well, I'm thankful that my Father is still by my side, he's very ill, he had 3 Heart Attacks in the last 7 years and also he has diabetes, so I am very happy I still can spend time with him.

I am also thankful for my best friend, he's there when I need him, and I am glad that I have friends which need my help sometimes ...

Well there are many other minor things I am thankful for too.

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In Germany we don't Thanksgiving, but I would like to post too... Well, I'm thankful that my Father is still by my side, he's very ill, he had 3 Heart Attacks in the last 7 years and also he has diabetes, so I am very happy I still can spend time with him.

I am also thankful for my best friend, he's there when I need him, and I am glad that I have friends which need my help sometimes ...

Well there are many other minor things I am thankful for too.


You're more then welcome to join everyone is. Btw my father had a very similar situation unfortunately he did not make, I'm glad he's still there for you and you don't take him for granted, I hope he pulls through.

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I am thankful for the opportunities I have that my parents unfortunately never received I am grateful for the big cats I volunteer with as they helped me realize my passion for animals. For my friends, for being awesome and my family. =)

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I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my plate, and the caring family I have. :) I'm thankful for all the friends I have made here, and they know who they are. ;) But if they don't know... *in no particular order* Silent Maiden, Ertyx, King Riku, Shana09, khLOVER358/2, Shera Wizard, Keysofblades, xXVentusfanXx, coolwings/sexywings/legendarywings, and many more! :D Without them, I would still be a loner here. 8P


I am also thankful for the many husbands and waifus I have on this site. xD For example: Xaon, Keysofblades, inori, Kirux, and King Riku.

I am thankful for the education I am receiving. :) This year isn't my most memorable year, but my friends irl and on the site have made it better. :)

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I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my plate, and the caring family I have. :) I'm thankful for all the friends I have made here, and they know who they are. ;) But if they don't know... *in no particular order* Silent Maiden, Ertyx, King Riku, Shana09, khLOVER358/2, Shera Wizard, Keysofblades, xXVentusfanXx, coolwings/sexywings/legendarywings, and many more! :D Without them, I would still be a loner here. 8P


I am also thankful for the many husbands and waifus I have on this site. xD For example: Xaon, Keysofblades, inori, Kirux, and King Riku.

I am thankful for the education I am receiving. :) This year isn't my most memorable year, but my friends irl and on the site have made it better. :)


Even though I don't do Thanksgiving it wont hurt to try ;)


I'm thankful for so many close and amazing friends I made here like Genn, Lukas, Sacha, Lexi, Ally, Kurt, Felipe, bay (yes even u/shot), Tery, Kirux, Xaon, Sily, VanitasisKirby, Snow, Keys, King Riku, and a lot more. I'm also thankful for my friends in real life, who may not be as close as you guys, but they still made my real life much better as well. I'm also thankful for my mom since everyday she always is in pain but she'd do anything for us to be healthy and safe. I'm also thankful for my brother being a understanding and a nice sibling and always looks out for me. I'm also thankful for my best friend in NJ, even though it's hard to maintain a long distance relationship, we still keep in touch at times and I hope she comes visits soon like she used to or I visit her :3. I'm also thankful for my other best friend downstairs who is an amazing guy and male counterpart to me in a way I guess. I love you all and i'm really happy I came to this site ;u;.


Darn you quota DX

Edited by Silent Maiden

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I'm thankful for my awesome friends I made here, including you Dev, and others like Kishira, Silent Maiden, Kirux, Xaon,Ertyx,Okashira, and many more here .I'm thankful for those supportive of me when i've been ill in the hospital, the blessings I do have, and to God ..No matter how much adversity I may go through I'm thankful for the good things i still have.


...... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png Senpai!!!!!I'm thankful for having such nice friends and parents that even though aren't the best still love me.And living another day in the protection of god.That i'm fortunate to even have the things i do have and i'm healthy.and that so far i have had the strenght to keep on going and be positive.

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I am thankful for my parents, who sacrifice so much to keep my brother and I happy.

I am thankful for my brother too, of course, and all the laughs we share.

I am thankful for the friends I have made in and outside of KH13.


In no particular order











And I can't forget to be thankful for everyone that I have married, and the awesome honeymoon we had on Destiny Islands.

Edited by _The Door To Light_

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I'm grateful for the site and it's members. Also for the KH games. My friends, from the site and from my school. My family, that's always there for me, even though I can be a real jerk most times. Having a good and healthy life, even though I probably don't deserve it.

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Let's see here...


My family...my friends....you guys...my ability to function....my chances at achieving my goals....the roof over my head and the meat on my plate....yeah.

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