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top 5 least favorite organization members

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Oh, I was just wondering this isn't in days forum... This is includes kh2 and com, but come on, we're lacking of theads in days... couldn't this be there? ^^ well I guess not.


My God, Brixta, Vexen is not that bad... On what base you said that?

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5. Xemnas (just for being another poser who uses Ansem as the basis for thier name that isn't Ansem)

4. Xaldin (His boss fight was just annoying)

3. Saix (He hates on Xion and Roxas and sucks up to Xemnas... not cool)

2. Larxene (she just hates everyone)

1. Vexen (he just creeps me out)

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Oh, I was just wondering this isn't in days forum... This is includes kh2 and com, but come on, we're lacking of theads in days... couldn't this be there? ^^ well I guess not.


My God, Brixta, Vexen is not that bad... On what base you said that?


  • He created Replica Riku
  • He looked at Roxas in Days as though he were something that he really really loved.
  • He also created Xion
  • It's just a personal opinion.

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Oh, I was just wondering this isn't in days forum... This is includes kh2 and com, but come on, we're lacking of theads in days... couldn't this be there? ^^ well I guess not.


My God, Brixta, Vexen is not that bad... On what base you said that?


  • He created Replica Riku
  • He looked at Roxas in Days as though he were something that he really really loved.
  • He also created Xion
  • It's just a personal opinion.



Hm... HE created replicas because he's the only one who can do it and maybe he looked at him in scientific way... I see, it's your personal opinon, that makes me pity on vexen even more, maybe I should join Rebel's vexen-lexi anti abuse association.

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Oh, I was just wondering this isn't in days forum... This is includes kh2 and com, but come on, we're lacking of theads in days... couldn't this be there? ^^ well I guess not.


My God, Brixta, Vexen is not that bad... On what base you said that?


  • He created Replica Riku
  • He looked at Roxas in Days as though he were something that he really really loved.
  • He also created Xion
  • It's just a personal opinion.



Hm... HE created replicas because he's the only one who can do it and maybe he looked at him in scientific way... I see, it's your personal opinon, that makes me pity on vexen even more, maybe I should join Rebel's vexen-lexi anti abuse association.


I remembered another reason why I dislike Vexen so much!


I could not beat him for the 1st fight and I tried beating him for 2 weeks straight. Then gave up and abandoned the game for 5 months.


That is why I learned to dislike him, he made me so mad! xD I was actually begging my PS2 to let me win against him. I was bribing it as well. I was saying "Who's the best PS2 ever!!! You are!" My dad tried getting me past Vexen, in between him asking me, "What do I do?!" And him complaining about Cloud's hair flipping when he was summoned. XDD


Vexen is just frustrating to fight against.

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He just representing his element WATER!

peace, clam, cool ,flexable ,ect.

But if u want to be a heartless, Thats fine with me:3

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If you look through older users, you'll find that Demyx's fans are only people who have similar personality to him. (<-with the list that Firefox said) (like me! :D I'm a Demyx fan~!)

And (nowadays, because I haven't seen Demyx-hating post in 2009) people who don't hate him at all enough to defend him are those who have similar-to-Zexion personality.

weird how those two can ever be connected

Well, guess water-like personality's can't expect much ppl to fan him. :D

I don't see other proper Demyx's fans lately... There are quite several in old 2009 posts...WAIT, IS THAT BECAUSE OF '09? lol weird, or it's just me?

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1. Xemnas (for trying to keep Kingdom Hearts all for himself)

2. Saix (for being... Saix)

3. Vexen (for being a creepy old man who stalks children)

4. Xaldin (for being a jerk and extremely hard to beat)

5. Larxene (love her and hate her, really)


Ugh, it was so hard to think about which ones I hate the most, because I love most of them!

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1. Lexaeus

-He just has no role. He's boring. >w>


2. Xaldin

-Annoying as hell, not to mention how difficult the battle with him was. D:


3. Vexen

-Creepy. Just creepy. o-o;;


4. Demyx

-I don't dislike him really, but I had to put someone here. x3;;


5. Xemnas

-Same reason as above.


Boy, that was hard. owo;; I like most of them, so the last two were tough ones to figure out~

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1. Vexen (hescaresmysoul)

2. Lexaeus (I just don't like him... and his name spells sexual. O.o)

3. Xaldin (his voice and his design I juts HATE)

3.1/2. Luxord (I just dont like him that much.. he doesnt have much character development)

4. i dunno. xD

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I don't see other proper Demyx's fans lately...





The only ones I hate are Xaldin and Xion. I <3 all of the others.

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I don't see other proper Demyx's fans lately...





The only ones I hate are Xaldin and Xion. I <3 all of the others.


I had never seen you when I wrote that O_O

And you're technically '09's member! Which adds to the theory, '09 is Demyx's lucky year :D

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1. Vexen (4 being weird, a stalker, and sounds really awesome)

2. Xigbar (4 being annoying and being an a$$hole when fighting him in KH2)

3. Xemnas (4 being selfish)

4. Saix (4 being a wannabe somebody)

5. Larxene (4 being an a$$hole)

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Why does everyone hate Larxene? I mean, I don't like her as a character, (she is one of the worst characters) but in 358/2 days she is a pretty good character to be because she is really fast.

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Why does everyone hate Larxene? I mean, I don't like her as a character, (she is one of the worst characters) but in 358/2 days she is a pretty good character to be because she is really fast.


the reason why i dont like(cuz i dont know how everyone else thinks of her) is cuz she is a b!@@h.like i said this what i think

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Ohmygash I forgot Roxas! D:

HE'S MY LEAST FAVOURITE! What an emo jerk. >:c


Why would people think Roxas is an emo? T_T seriously, what part of him is emo? Okay he's introvert but not emo.


First it's Demyx, now Roxas...My idols are getting mistaken D8

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5. Zexion


- Zexion is all-talk peson. He does not truly make any actions, just let`s Lexeaus (Really Hard name to type!) do the dirty work in COM.


4. Roxas


- Roxas in 358/2: "What the hell is going on, why can`t i understand anything?" Use your brains jerk!


3. Xemnas


- Like Zexion, all Xemnas does is sit behid is chair and do nothing. He isn`t serious thread in KH2 before he starts to act as final boss. I was waiting for all time at TWTNW that Saix would had assinaited him, but no. Loyalty sucks, Saix.


2. Demyx


- He makes me sick. All the time in KH2 he act`s very stupidly. Why can`t we have a boss that has BRAINS?


1. Vexen


The least favorite Org. Member. All the time in COM Vexen cares only about his experiments, and is trying to make excuses to do them. Thank God he was killed.


I like these Org Memebes: Larxene, Axel, Luxord, Saix.

The Neutrals: Xigbar, Xaldin, Marluxia, Xion, Lexeaus.

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well i hate

1.-vexen (i cant beat him in com)

2.-vexen (i can't beat him in re:com)

3.-vexen (he is scary)

4.-saix (he is jus too... saix)


( i said i hate vexen)

and the ones i like more are demyx, marluxia, luxord, xigbar, zexion and axel

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