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top 5 least favorite organization members

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(in order 1 = most hate)

I hate

1. Xigbar (hes just ugh)

2. Xemnas (hes crazy)

3. Xaldin ( uncaring meaneh D<)

4. Roxas (Sora with double the depressing)

5. Saix (would've been lower if not for his dieing)


I like (1 = most like 5 = least)


1. Demyx (cute! <3)

2. Zexion (badass)

3. Larxene (also but not quite as badass[but only in the GBA version if Re:COM then no])

4. Luxord (he's awesome 8D)

5. Lexaeus (really why does everyone hate him D8)


Roxas' not double the depressing, he's double the wise! :P (yeah, it's my screen name, totally personal). Yes he looks kinda depressed but it's very normal for someone who's going through all those mental pain.


least like:

1. Vexen

2. Larxene

3. Laxeaus (am i spelling it correctly? whatever)

a gap of score here...

4. Marluxia (why you made him a guy, nomuraa??)

5. Saix, a little bit of Saix

if I can have the sixth I would like to add Xaldin


Most like: Roxas, Xion, Axel, Demyx, Zexion, perioddd!!!

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5. Lexaeus (no comment)

4. Xemnas (lol Mansex)

3. Xaldin (You're kinda boring)

2. Saix (I like saix puppy not regular saix. :P)

1. Larxene (Sadistic bitch -_-'')



1. Roxas (kinda cute but sora's better)

2. Marluxia (baka hentai are always funny)

3. Demyx (cute and cuddly)

4. Zexion (emo's are awesome especially short ones like him)

5. Luxord (British drunk dude)

6. Vexen (I hate science but I love him)

7. Axel (You're awesome for many reasons. Got it memorized? xD

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Do Not Like:

1. Larxene (serious bitch towards you no matter who you are)

2. Xemnas (didnt like to play as him)

3. Marluxia (seriously? a dude with pink hair? and have pink rose petals around him?!)

4. Saix (meanzorz)

5. Demyx (just plain lazy)


1. Roxas (awsome)

2. Axel (cool)

3. Xigbar (complicated)

4. Xion (innocent)

5. Lexaeus (strong, limit breaker)

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1.Larxene (do you really need me to explain? Many others have said it already.)

2.Saix (he's a jerk. But i like his fighting style)

3.Marluxia (what guy has pink, long, girly hair loves flowers and acts like he is awesome.)

4.Xaldin (He annoys me and is a jerk)

5.Vexen (he annoys me, is a jerk, stuck up, and thinks he should be respected.)


Most Favorite

1.Roxas (no clue, just like him the best. Might be because he is infinetly better than Sora.)

2.Axel (cool weapons and nice fighting style. And best personality.)

3.Xion (because she is cooler than both Kairi and Namine. And just because. Deal with it.)

4.Demyx (He is probably the funniest one)

5.Xigbar (he is cool, but pretty annoying to kill.)

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Do Not Like:

1. Larxene (serious bitch towards you no matter who you are)

2. Xemnas (didnt like to play as him)

3. Marluxia (seriously? a dude with pink hair? and have pink rose petals around him?!)

4. Saix (meanzorz)

5. Demyx (just plain lazy)


1. Roxas (awsome)

2. Axel (cool)

3. Xigbar (complicated)

4. Xion (innocent)

5. Lexaeus (strong, limit breaker)


Oh come now. Most ppl are lazy sometimes in their lives.

-points keyblade at yoyo-

Say you like demyx or become a heartless.


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So here's a good quesiton. What are the markings in the Secret Place/Cave on the island about? Cuz I was replaying the game and looked alittle more closer at the markings and saw what looked like to be donald!?!?!?! And as I started to look more around, some of the markings look questionably like disney characters?!?!


Then again it could be me. Any backround, thoughts, info ???

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5. Larxene(Call me crazy, but I actually do like her. I just don't like it when she pops up in a cutscene. I can only take so much of her.)

4. Axel(I don't care for the dude, srsly. I can't put him at number one because he's my bestie's favorite.)

3. Xigbar(He seriously disturbs me. But that might have been slightly biased on all the stuff I've seen on Youtube.)

2. Xaldin(He just annoys me. WHY CAN'T HE GO AWAY!? He takes up much needed space!)

1. Saix(I hate this dude with a freakin' passion. Urrrgrghhh....)



5. Marluxia(Meh, I like him. Not fangirl status, but I like him. Any dude that has pink hair and a voice that deep has got to be somewhere on the awesome radar.)

4. Roxas/Mansex(I like them both equally. Roxas is cool, Mansex is.... Mansex. Not that bad looking either.)

3. Luxord(I think he's pretty darn attractive. And I love the whole 'Drunk Brit' thing.)

2. Demyx(Freakin' love him. His awesomeness surpasses many.)

1. Zexion(Have you not met me?)

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1 Vexen = WEIRDO :(

2 Luxord = everytime i think of his name i get " a challenge is it stuck in my head "

3 Xaldin = hair looks oily

4 Larxene = shes not nice.....

5 marluxia = i think he is fruity

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1.Vexen(Seriously, whats with the laugh?)

2.Larxene(.....endless pain....)

3.Demyx(He's cool but.... not really good at fighting....)

4.Xemnas(I couldn't avoid the "Can you spare a heart attack")

5.Xaldin(Had trouble with him on proud mode.(Stop using those lances))

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I don't know why people say Demyx can't fight. He doesn't want to, but he sure can kick butt. I can't tell you how many missions I was able to lick easily with Demmers. Just because someone's lazy doesn't mean they can't deal damage. I came close to breaking my bestie's arm skin with my teeth - through his denim jacket. And I consider myself lazy(and a world-class procrastinator.)


Then again, my fighting style might be different and more suited to his odds. I dunno.

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[align=center]5.(Or 4) Larxene (I don't HATE her. I don't love her either.)

4. Xion (No comment)

3. Lexaeus (In game fighting hes OK, but His character seems... o.o)

2. Xaldin (See above)

1. Vexen (I just hate that guy)[/align]

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Rebellexa's right, Demyx is super strong (personal opinion included) he's just don't like fighting. And that's what make me like him so much, ain't that cool, having so much power and skill but use it only in time of emergency (like, wanted to be killed by sora).

Besides, Water reminds us about peace, so... he must be a peaceful person, I think.


Demyx specializes in recon.

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1. Lexaeus

2. Larxene

3. Marluxia

4. Saix ( Bossy jerk...)

5. Vexen


Well if there was more than five it would be everyone but, Zexion, Axel, Xion, and Roxas. Oh yeah Demyx is ok I guess.

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Rebellexa's right, Demyx is super strong (personal opinion included) he's just don't like fighting. And that's what make me like him so much, ain't that cool, having so much power and skill but use it only in time of emergency (like, wanted to be killed by sora).

Besides, Water reminds us about peace, so... he must be a peaceful person, I think.


Demyx specializes in recon.


Si, si. He's very good at observing things and putting them together. Mainly because he just doesn't want to do anything better with his non-life. xD



Another thing, why does Lexi take so much abuse? He's a big ol' teddy bear, like Sully. He's big, strong, and ain't too pretty, but I now declare him my KITTIE!

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AHEM why is larxene there people?!?!!??! SHE CAN KIK UR BUTT... or is that why?!

1) VEXEN (actually, it's LOATH not hate)

2) Saix (gets on meh nerves)

3) Xaldin (Stab stab much?)


5) Your face.

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Moved to General because it's not really just about KH Days.

As for me, however:

5. Saix (Attempted to kill Axel several times, and semi-succeeded.)

4. Xaldin (Is a total *ahem* annoyance for no reason.)

3. Luxord (xD He makes me laugh. Don't ask why.)

2. Vexen (Need I say any more?)

1. Lexaeus (He really doesn't have a personality...-_-')

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