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Lu Xun

How many years have passed since you first fell in love with the KH series?

How many years have passed since you first fell in love with the KH series?  

241 members have voted

  1. 1. How many years have passed since you first fell in love with the KH series?

    • 10 years... It's been such a long time.
    • 9-7 years... It's been quite some time.
    • 5-3 years ... It's been a while already.
    • 2-1 year(s).. It's been awesome ever since.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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When I went to an Ice Cream Shop 5 or 6 years ago, I saw a boy who's playing Pokemon in his GBA first, but time later he was my friend, and sometimes I visited him, he had a PS2 so he had the Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, When I saw the game I really liked it! Because Disney was part of my childhood, But he's from EEUU so he had to get back to EEUU, 1 or 2 years later my parents bought me the PS2, so when I went to buy some PS2 Games I saw Kingdom Hearts II! So inmediately I bought the game, some months Later I finally found the first game of Kingdom Hearts!

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I had the game for about 3 years but had gotten stuck and only played it when I was bored but then the summer before Days came out, I became inspired by the Nintendo Power for KH Days to finish the first one. I had 3 months to beat the entire series in time to be up to date with Days. I stayed up that entire night and finished the first KH. I spent a whole week mowing laws and doing yard work to get enough money then I went to gamestop and got KH2 and COM for gameboy. I beat them over the course of the next 2-3 days. I then had the dilemma of realizing I again had to get money for Days. The next week or 2 were full of work. It was somewhere in this huge mess the I fell in love with KH. Days is also special to me because it was the first video game I ever pre-ordered in anyway.

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