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Kingdom Hearts in Big Bang Theory (SERIOUS NERDISM)

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Ahh why do I have to be at school right now! I want to see this but its taking forever to load D: I'm glad my favorite game series got mentioned in one of my favorite tv shows though haha :D


It makes sense though, I remember one time Sheldon mentioning Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy 1~9 or something like that in another episode.

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I saw that when I first saw the episode. I screamed and my brother shouted at me. (I get excited when things I know are on the tv.)


Ha ha, same with me, well, it was my sister, but close enough.

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Seen that scene. It was pretty cool to see a KH advertisement on Big Bang Theory.

did u know that they had to blur out the logo in the back of the comic book so they wont have to pay square enix?

The KH logo was blurred when I saw it.

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you deserve a medal for this


I can't stand the show..but that's pretty cool.


That is so cool! I never noticed that the ad of 358/2 Days was on the back of the cover of Raj's comic!


Nice find! :D


Thank you, thank you and thank you :) also pretty glad other people noticed this too as the friends I immediately pointed this out to are a little worried about me xD

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