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Lexa Infinite

Kingdom Hearts: KHXIII (Roleplay)

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Alright, let's get started!





I glared at the computer. "God, I hate you so God-awful much..." I scowled as the loading bar on my project move a millimeter. The first it had moved in about a minute.


"You. Fail. So. Much." I started swearing under my breath.


I tend to do swear (lovingly) to all my electronics, particularly when going after a boss battle. Except much louder.


I shook myself out of the errant thought as a blip noise came from my Google Chrome Browser. My eyes widened. "The admin...?!" Oh, dear Kingdom Hearts, what have I done? You know that feeling you get when you get called to the admin's office at school or work? Yeah, that about sums up my feeling as I open up the IM box.


A single link stood beside the DChuich's name tag. "O...kay...?" I clicked on it. The screen turned white. "Dafuq?!" I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del. No dice. "Oh, Jesus Christ!" My thoughts went to my video projects. I hadn't backed them up. I went for the power switch. I stopped as I heard insane laughter resonated from my headphones. "Old Man?" I said. (<-This is my nickname for Master Xehanort.) I felt myself being pulled in. I gripped the edge of the desk. "NAH-UH! YOU WON'T PULL ME IN TO-"


I opened my eyes to see a blank, white platform. "Wha-"


Welcome, child. You know what you must do.



"Open the door." I said. The platform disappeared and the towering castle of Radiant Garden apppeared...along with several hundered people I had never met before.




Good luck!

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"Quite..." I murmured, ignoring my homework duties -Such as procrastinator, I am- and playing around on this Kingdom Hearts themed forum. I was 'chatting' with a friend, merely trying to keep myself entertained before my parents got home from work. Naturally, I was awkward as ever, but I managed to at least pull some humor out of it, even if I demoralized myself.


I'm not a social person. I grumbled, leaning back as far back in my chair as the poor thing would go. It gave a creak, and I lent forward. "Gah, this day is so boring..." My eyes flicked a bit wider when I heard a distinctive 'blip', signaling someone had started (or was continuing) a chat. But it wasn't my friend at all. It was the 'big admin' of this site. The chat held no actual information, just a link. Fearing the worst, I clicked it. What's the worst to happen?


Well, my screen turned white, for one thing. "Oh for gods sakes!" I muttered, "Of all the times my computer has to fail on me....." I tried every maneuver I knew, any way to restore my computer. Then I heard laughter, it sounded familiar, as if I heard it before. "No way..." I muttered, taking out my ear-buds. Then I felt myself getting sucked, like a vacuum was on my shirt. Except, it was all over me, "What...the...heck...?" I yelled, but sadly, no one was home. Before I knew it, my computer had sucked me into itself.

(Okay, that was a long one...)

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I sighed bored. Well this isn't new.I thought.


I sighed and paused my anime. I had nothing better to do. I looked down at my chat bar....nothing. "Ugh I hate when they don't reply." I mumbled and went back to watch my anime.


I smiled laying down on my bed. My anime was playing but I was tired. So I closed my eyes. A quick nap wouldn't hurt. Then I heard a 'blip' sound. Maybe he's finally ready to talk some more.I thought, but when I went to look, after pausing my anime I saw it was DChuich.


"What!" I exclaimed.


I clicked the chat it was just a link. Thank goodness. I thought.


Though, the next thing that happen was my computer turning off. "Not again." I cried and yanked out my headphones.


I went to unlock my door, but, then I heard laughter. I rushed back over to my computer to see what was going. There was nothing on the screen. This kind of scared me. So I grabbed my favorite stuffed animal and poked the computer. My hand went inside and I started to get pulled into my computer. I want to scream but couldn't make a sound and somehow fell into Radiant Garden.

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I heard a voice whisper in my ear, as I was sucked in. The area around me was a blank white, yet I could still feel myself falling.

"Open the door." It whispered, and suddenly, I was no longer in blank space, but I was still falling.


"Oof!" I yelped, as I hit what felt like dirt. I looked up groggily, trying to take in my surroundings. Before me was a large castle, with many glistening water fountains. "Radiant...Garden...?" I said, looking around. Sure enough, the place was exactly as Radiant Garden looked like. "Radiant Garden?!" I exclaimed again, this time more aware of where I was. I looked down at myself, brushing off the dirt I had collected.

"I certainly hope I'm not dreaming." I mutter, beginning to pace around.

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I landed in front of a boy (Silver.) "Um hi. So I'm a girl and your a boy, So what's your name? I'm Mist Layce Heat or~ If you know what Kh13 Sora's Baby~" I laughed and flashed a Sora like smile.


I tilted my head. "So out with who are- almost forgot this is my bunny, hehe. I named her Rukia." I said gleefully with a huge smile.


"Any enough about me, with all my blabing you couldn't say a word. I'm sorry I must sound pretty insane now." I said and sighed. "I'm sorry." I added.

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"Uh...well...uh." I muttered, I had not expected a person to literally land a few feet before me. "My name's er...gah....Silver." I said finally, attempting a smile. Though with what I was experiencing, all I got was a headache.

"Yeah...just...call me Silver." I said again. "Kh13....?" I said, I really hadn't caught much of what the girl said, I was still rather confused. "Oh...uh, my username...is er, silver3drago..? Yeah." I coughed, shaking my head. Finally, after a few moments, my head cleared. "Phew..."

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"Screw homework. I am going to check out KK13 for a while." I said as I clicked on the link. "There is nothing new." I complained. I opened up the Who's Online and clicked on Snow. We started chatting about Final Fantasy 13 for a while. I started chatting with VanitasisKirby. I realized the 'The Boss' sent me a link that looked weird. I decided to to click on it anyway. "This is weird the screen turn all white. The computer probably froze, I guess I'll just have to shut it down." I whined. I noticed the computer wouldn't shut down. I heard laughter that made me jump. I was then sucked in the computer. I heard a voice that said open the door. I fell and land into a tree and then the branch broke and I fell to the ground.


"My head hurts, so hazy." I said as I was trying to see. "You all right." The voice said. Finally regaining my vision "Where am I?" I asked. "My user name is VanitasisKirby on KH13." The pretty girl said. "KH13 whats that?" I asked. "You don't remember? Well that was a pretty long fall. Do you remember your name" She asked. "Yeah, Ace and I think my username is King Demise. I told her. Her eyes widen "Your King Demise!" she exclaimed. "Yeah, I think do you know me?" I asked. She nodded her head "Well you are my husbando, never mind that." She said. We decicded to continue walking until we meet with two other people, a girl(Mist Layce Heat) and a boy(Sliver). More users of KH13 I thought.

Edited by King Demise

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I stared at the castle. "Oh, my God...." I looked around. We were at the castle postern. "Wow...." I laughed. "Well, there's to five years worth of birthday wishes!" I saw a group of about three talking to each other. "Hello...?" I walked over. "Hey, who are you?" I asked. "Name's Lexa. Lexa Infinite. I take it you're all KH13 users?" The three nodded.


"Okay, I'm Lexa-I-I-I-V on KH13. I'm the one with the Vanitas avi who likes to post a lot on Last Post Wins, if you three have ever been to that thread."

My mind turned to another thought. "I got a message from the admin, clicked the link, then Boom! Here I am. So, how did you all get here?"

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I was typing my head off for a new roleplay, AS USUAL, browseing my favorite site to find anime characters: animecharactersdatabase.com! "No good characters...forget this..." I said, clicking out of the tab and onto my youtube tab with the Vocaloid Piko singing "Piko Piko ☆ Legend of the night". I slightly hummed the tune and pulled back up my word document with a terriblely unfinished character sheet. I glided the mouse to the internet and clicked my favorite link: KH13!! I refreshed the page like five times. "A MESSAGE?!?" I yelled, clicking on it. "D.C? OH NO! What did I do? Did he figure out I secretly stalk people?" I whispered as I saw it was JUST A LINK. Risky, risky, risky...click! I clicked on the link and like MY ENTIRE SCREEN went white. I freaked out again, hitting random buttons and Piko stopped singing, I then felt a tug on my shirt, then EVERYTHING turned white again...aw man...

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OOC: Catch up time...


"Nothing." I shrugged, as the KH13 forum pulled up without a little red notification balloon popping up in the corner. "Just came back, so no real surprise there." I may be talking to myself, but the cats don't care. Anastasia stretches out, yawning before she falls asleep again in a blink. I rap my fingers against my sister's keyboard, trying to figure out what to do next. Work on some more custom trading cards? Watch Top Gear? I'd been thinking about restarting Bioshock lately...


But the choice was made for me as that weird-ass chat sound blurted out of the speakers. "God, I hate that sound." I went to disable the offensive ping when I saw who had startled me: the big man himself. DC. I froze instantly. I've never been good around those with authority (or authori-tay, if you prefer), but I hadn't done anything wrong, right? Wrong-right? Yes. Or no. I dismissed the entire thought chain, clicking on the bar at the bottom of the screen. The entire screen whited out, an action that can only obviously be solved by swearing. after that method failed, I began pushing buttons. Any button'll do. Or maybe all of them. Smack it. Smack the damn thing. Violence fixes any machine. But alas, the white void continued to laugh at me. and then it... laughed at me. "!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#" I mumbled pulling the laptop screen closer, tipping my glasses down for a better look. It was definitely coming from the computer, but there wasn-



"Bull." I groaned, opening my eyes. Apparently, I had made my way onto the floor without hitting the coffee table. And the cats were probably just staring at me. But a I was met with was an unfamiliar structure. No... I knew this building. It was... no, it couldn't be. "Merlin's house?" I bolted upright, my hair a frizzy mess. People I didn't recognize glanced at me as they walked past, a group of girls pointing. One giggled as they disappeared into the crowd. A part of my brain said "Hay, hold up, baby." While the other said "STFU we're in trouble." and that's when it sank in. "Radiant Garden."


I could hear the music in my head now. Duh-duh-duh-duh... it doesn't sound the same when I recount it here, apparently. But nonetheless, This was, in fact, Radiant Garden. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew someone who had to. DC had the answers I needed, and if he were around here, he would be... I turned to the castle in the distance. "Ansem's castle." I kept my head down, weaving my way through the people around me, and hoping that any kind of answer awaited me in that castle.

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"Omg!.So did I, I think everyone on at the time got it. Anyways~ to spare the headache I'm Sora's Baby or you can just call me Mist. " I As tilted my head confused. "Also I know that topic. Oh,Nice avy btw. Oh and while I'm talking we should spare on the KH13 lingo when we're here." I said a slight smile playing on my face.


I winked at Sliver. "You do remember me,right Roxas?" She asked Silver.


I gave kind of a smile nod to Ace, along with another person next to her. "I think we should try to stick together. Even though, I want to meet...someone anyone while we're and talk with them and maybe see if SorKu is a real pairing." I said and sighed.

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I rolled my eyes. "Of course I remember you. It's not like we weren't talking for awhile....I was talking to you almost 10 minutes ago!" I sighed, then thought about her calling me 'Roxas'. An inside joke...of sorts.

"If SorKu is an actual pairing.....I'm going to hurt someone...-not really-....but still, that would be the weirdest thing." I still felt slightly light-headed from what I guessed to be teleportation of sorts, but it was far better than how I was feeling moments ago. I looked about the place in wonder, takign in the grandeur of Radiant Garden.

"Never thought this place would be so beautiful..." I muttered.

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While the two were talking to each other, I was trying to remember exactly who am I. From what I know, I was sucked into a computer.

"I am Ace, usaername King Demise. And this is VanitasisKirby." I told them. The boy seemed to be looking around the area. Vani(short for VanitasisKirby) told me this area is Radiant Garden, a world in Kingdom Hearts. The next thing I noticed was a purple butterfly. I had a strange feeling coming from the butterfly, like it was calling me. I heard Mist say "We should try to stick together." It felt like the butterfly said "No." "No can do." I told her while grabbing Vani's arm to chase after the butterfly.

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I sighed. "Okay...go off. Just be wary of things and some people may not be what they seem." I warned giving Ace and Vanitas the go off hand wave.


"Leax, Silver I guess we should stick together. I mean as much as we would love...and I do mean love to explore....I don't think it's safe. I think we should see Merlin. That crazy wizard should know what to do." I said a slight smile playing on my lips.


"And Silver what's your real name, I don't think you've said it yet." I said looking at Silver.

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I opened my eyes, Wow I haven't blacked out in a while. "Where am I?" I asked looking around. The land of departure? Yes! I quickly stood up, clapping Spontaneously. "Awesome!" I exclaimed looking around. There are other people here, and there were talking to each other, But I didn't know who they were. "Hey Who are you guys? I am Sodom!" I said as I ran up to them.

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I stuck out my tongue, in a playful gesture. "Just call me Silver. I find it a much more interesting -and unique- name." I smiled and continued looking about the place we all had found ourselves in.

"Considering I'm not really familiar with the place, even though this is Radiant Garden, I'll just stick around." I was excited, really excited. How often is it you get sucked into your computer, then find yourself in a place you thought you'd never visit, and not only that, but you've got friends along for the ride?

Yeah, I thought so.

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I was drawing like always. Nothing out of normal day life. Then i decided: i´m gonna check KH13... i opened the site then I reached the Forum section. Hehehe time for have fun in the forum games xD. But then i noticed... A PM? but from who? When i checked.. it was from DChuich´s... The Webmaster?!! what have i done!! ... then i checked.. the mail.. then... the screen became white.


Nooooooooooooo a virus!! what have I done!! I tried everything to repair it... no use. But then i heared a laugh.... huh? that voice?.. but when i reacted... something came out from the monitor.. pulling me inside the monitor. WHAAAAAT!! HEY! stop this! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! then everything came white.


Welcome, child. You know what you must do.


Huh?.. where how?... everything was white.. then a door opened dragging me inside. When i opened my eyes.... the first thing i could see was the sky.... but somehow it was different. I get up.. but when i looked around... my surprise was... surprising... - NO way... Radiant Garden? What the hell? but this... this is not real.. i must be dreaming!!...


Somehow in that moment i would wish not to enter in KH13.... too late for that.

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(It's fine. Really, it is.)


"Okay, Silver." I said and heard a voice."Oh,hello,Sodom. I'm Mist,this is Silver and over here Lexa." I said and looked over at Sodom.


I smiled over and her and gave another smile to Silver and Lexa.


(I hope I'm spelling everyone's names right. *_* )

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"You guys will proboly DREAD meeting me...But why question that when—" I was about to say something when someone else dropped in, seemingly frimiar. "Who are you? Welcome to Radiant Garden! I thinkkk....ya! Radiant Garden. I seriously suck at KH memory..." I said.

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We chased the butterfly for what seemed like hours. When we finally reached the town the butterfly went faster until it stopped infront of a house. The butterfly suprised us as it went through the door. "I wonder..." I said as I tried to imitate the butterfly. "Your crazy if you try that." Vani told me. I put my hand forward and it went through the door. "Woah" said Vani. We decided to go through the door and were startled when a man said "Hello there." Vani then said "You're Merlin right." "Yes." He replied. "Did you see us walk through your door?" I asked. "The door was wide open." He replied. "But, we saw the butterfly go through the door and we did too." Vani said. "Oh, that butterfly has a magic power of illusion." He said as he pointed to the butterfly. "Magic, could you teach us?" I asked Merlin. "I have some things I need to take care of. but I guess I can teach you each one spell." He replied. "That will be great, thanks Merlin." Vani said. I decided to learn fire and Vani decided to learn cure. After some training we both mastered them. As we were leaving Merlin said "Hold up, Vani you have great potential. Here is a book of spells you can learn more if you want." "Thanks.'' Vani said.

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I rolled my eyes again, looking away from Mist for a moment. I turned back to the new comer, and gave a friendly wave.

"Ello!" I said, giving a large smile. Nice to meet ya', and like Mist said, name's Silver." I immediately found myself distracted by the pretty scenery around us again, finding it to be very soothing, even if this place was a big target for Heartless. That thought made me shiver.

"I hope no Heartless are around..." I muttered, looking at our small 'group', seeing how we didn't have anything at all for protection.

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"Um...I think this is post KH2." I said with a slight smirk.


I giggled and gave a big smile. It was a huge smile and I laughted with glee.


"Maybe my bunny, can help." I said smileing with glee still.

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I sighed, yet still trying to hide a slight smile. "Even then...Heartless is the embodiment of darkness right? As long as there is darkness is someone's Heart, there will be heartless." I gave my own cocky smile, yet still felt embarrassed. Sometimes I went a bit too far when it came to my nerdiness. Then I realized Mist said something else.

"You have a bunny? Cool!" I also had a tendency to be weird, random, awkward...you name it.

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