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Something I always liked with RWBY which I was worried would be lacking without Monty was how they matched different fighting styles


With RWBY, it's never a case of A is more powerful than B but more of A's fighting style is better suited against B's, it made the fight scenes alot more interesting to watch I was kinda worried I wasn't gonna see as much of this after Qrow vs Winter, which was pretty cliche, anime, teleport battle (I think it was actually my least favourite fight in the series so far)


But I gotta say I really enjoyed watching Mercury's fight and it definitely gives me more faith in the series future fights. Dare I say it but his animations and choreography almost seemed like Monty-level animation.


I can see them missing that level of fight animation for the characters with weapons but I think they'll get there eventually. And there's alot more to come this season, so maybe i'll be surprised

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Hey if you have a steam account you can now play the RWBY Grimm Eclipse game on Steam Early Access, so go ahead and go slay some Grimm. 


The game has it's own story and you can choice to play as either Ruby, Weiss, Blake, or Yang.

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Be warned its short. (It is early access, with approximately 8-10 months left of development.) At this point, it's more or testing out the characters, their skill paths, and some strategies. Although I do expect new content every week or two weeks as it looks like they haven't added other maps yet. (In sponsor-only beta, there was more stuff added a week after.)


But I will say it's pretty damn fun. I'm still testing out skills and combos, even after beta. I just hope they get to adding other characters in a few months. I want Coco and dat gattling gun.

Edited by OmegaForte

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Well that and it takes a long time to animate and to do the motion capture for an episode.  They don't do it all before they release the first episode, they do a decent amount, like four or five episodes, and then once they start releasing the episodes they start going back to animating episodes and doing motion capture for more future episodes.  I know they talked about this before during one of the first volumes of RWBY or during RvB about the process of animating episodes and doing motion capture for their shows.

It would just mean a change in their schedule, meaning releasing all the episodes as one at a later date. Regardless, it still won't happen.

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Hmmm, Grimm Eclipse looks like a well-done third-party early-access lower-budget (breathe) game, for now. Wish some moves were more true to the show, but ehhhh.

Will use as study material for my own projects hehehe


Awww snap sun be animating them 3D projects.

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It would just mean a change in their schedule, meaning releasing all the episodes as one at a later date. Regardless, it still won't happen.

I mean they would have to change a lot in their schedules, it wouldn't be that simple, they have three on-going shows in their animation department: Red vs Blue, X-Ray and Vav, and RWBY. Not to mention they bring out a short every now and then and they do have other projects. And they need the time for releasing episodes weekly to make sure they get it all on the DVD and Blue-Ray so that they can release a few days after the last episode of the season and that's a whole process on it's own.  Not to mention all the voice actors have other jobs in the company and they can't really commit a few days to just doing voice work.  And not just the voice actors the animators, the writers, and the motion capture people they would all have to commit weeks to months on just RWBY when they might have other commitments in the company to do.  And that is also a real easy way to get burnt out really quick, they have a nice system going where they release an episode every week, it's just like with actual TV shows, they can't just release the whole season at once, they need to pace themselves.  I'm not trying to act like I know how Rooster Teeth works, I'm just going by stuff I hear because of the many Podcasts that they have, their Tweeter, and other ways that they talk about production work.

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Yay more Penny!! Also I wonder who that lady said should go on a diet (I'm assuming Weiss because she seems like she would be more angry about it, but then again the way Ruby responded made me thing it was Yang and she did have the more shocked look on her face)  Also Ozpin is going to chose one of the Seven Guardians of Light confirmed 


Edit: I'm changing my answer to Yang because Weiss turned to look at her

Edited by TheKingdomkid

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Starts off with Penny in her fight with one of her teammates who seems to be very to the following a set time of schedule thing and Penny and Ruby have a little chat as well nothing that important, yet. Cut to Weiss and Yang starting their fight with Neo and Flynt (Coal yay hehe) part of team FNKI and I have to say Flynt has a very interesting way of fighting with a trumpet and Neo well she's energetic and fancy on roller blades.  Have to say this fight is probably my favorite one yet.  Now on to the baddies who seem to have discovered Penny's secret NOOOOOOOO.  Now Qrow and Ozpin talk about the latter's guardian and cut to who he is talking about while he is talking about them.  I have to say this ending much like every ending to the episodes so far this season has just made me really excited for the next one


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Great episode, minus how clunky the fight was at times. Maybe it was the site's video player, but it the animation just felt off in this episode.


The fight as alright, but if it wasn't for Weiss's nice attacks and Yang destroying the battlefield to screw up her opponent, it would have been kind of meh. I mean it really boiled down to getting Yang to use her semblance.


The music was awesome, but they may have overdid it with the beats or something like that. (Something was just off about them; will have to hear them again when the ost is release.)


Not surprised Cinder is going after P.E.N.N.Y., since she's a robot and all, but in full control? I doubt it, but I will say that Penny will do some involuntary actions. What is surprising is her name is an acronym.


The gaurdian? Ruby would be too obvious, although make the most sense, but then Pyrrha was shown. Then again that smirk at the end... #Neoiseveryone


Edited by OmegaForte

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Thoughts on Vol. 3, Episode 4:



- For a second, I thought we were getting "Time To Say Goodbye" as the intro again, but then I remembered that a game exists... meh.

- So how did a couple of fodders from Team CRDL get into the two-man bracket? I mean, really, even if it's a throw-away match for Penny and co., give us somebody somewhat legitimate to job out to her.

- Mooooooore characters.... and by more characters, I mean more wastes of space.

- Penny's partner is weird. Even weirder than her, actually. I can tell what they're going for, Miss Always Stick To Schedule, but it's probably gonna get old eventually. Also she looks way too much like Emerald. Gotta work on diversifying these character designs, team.

- Really? Cutaway gag? We're resorting to Family Guy methods? I know it was short, but come on. It wasn't even that funny.

- "Just remember to keep proper form". Seriously Weiss, you suck. Stop pretending you don't suck.

- Oh boy, even moooooore characters... but to be fair, I kinda like these two. Especially the guy with the fedora. And I guess bonus points for making the girl a Faunus due to most of the newer faces being human.

- So, oh the new girl can't make bad puns, but it's okay when you do it, Yang? I see how it is...

- Apparently "Shadow Clone Jutsu" is a Semblance.

- Oooooooooh, title drop!

- "You beat me in a match, so I forgive you for putting my dad out of business". Okay.

- Sasu-I mean, Mercury trying to show off for the camera.

- And Cinder wants Penny for her plan... still don't know what that is, so... neat?

- Oh God, the main plot is back.

- Pyrrha is going to be Ozpin's "guardian"... automatically, this at least five times better than her role in Jaune's dumbass love square that sort of was a thing last volume. However, "intelligent" is not really something she holds true to. But then again, neither does Ozpin really, so I guess we'll just see how this pans out.


Maybe this is just me petering out of the absolute hate sink I had for last week's episode, but I would actually call this episode... decent. Yeah yeah, I know, big 180, but I guess having your episode consist mostly of a fight scene helps matters. Most of my points aren't really criticisms either, they're just me being snarky for the sake of being snarky, and I even do that with shows that I really like. So bottom line: I think this episode something at least halfway right. Still bugged about the plot and everything else, but I guess not every episode has make me want to punch a hole through my wall. So I guess this episode's earned at least a 7/10 from me.


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Was pretty unhappy that the opening and game trailer took up over two of the only 13 minutes the show had.

That being said, Penny's fight would've been better had there been more time and content. I did like Yang and Weiss' fight, however and the fact that Cinder got a hold of Penny files didn't catch me off guard either. Now, what she'll do with 'em remains to be seen...


Wonder if she'll make Mercury or Emerald fight her...


Pyrrha being the "Guardian" for Ozpin isn't a surprise either (That or Ruby, as only Blake really had a notable connection with Oz, but she wasn't necessarily in the most stable mind during their interaction). Next up seems like the reps for JNPR and SSSN, as the other teams seem finished with their fight.


The talking is bugging me more now... In Volume 2, the interaction between characters had smooth movement, but this one basically has the characters "jolting" to a spot now, and that was very comparable and apparent between Ruby and Penny.


Edited by Sun Wukong

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*pretends I wasn't gone for weeks*

Man, that episode was cool overall. I like Flynt and Neon as characters, but I just think we have too many characters now. It's making me all confused. The neon vs. yang fight reminded me of the neo vs. yang fight... except neon's movements were much more bulky and unfitting for her character. The animation was meh at some points, I think what they need to work on the most in the combat sequences is the consistency and smoothness- the movements were too rough and cartoony, they don't provide as much of a badass feel.

I know that was Monty's thing, but I hope they figure something out! Neo's movements won't look right when she fights onscreen again!

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