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The opening is so anime now xD


And Sun looks weirder every opening since Volume 3.


Probably the fact that they gave him an eye color this time around.


Still a badass monkey though. Can't wait to see how this show pans out once I get to watch Episode 1 (But damn, only at 6 AM?!)

The new art style is so weird! Some characters like Jaune, Ren and Yang look great and then others like Weiss, her father and Sun look kinda bad. Ruby, Nora and Blake are right in the middle...I'm guessing they'll figure out how to make it look better as the series goes on, just like they did with first program from V1 to V3.

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The new art style is so weird! Some characters like Jaune, Ren and Yang look great and then others like Weiss, her father and Sun look kinda bad. Ruby, Nora and Blake are right in the middle...I'm guessing they'll figure out how to make it look better as the series goes on, just like they did with first program from V1 to V3.

I totally agree. Some changes I'll have to get used to. I thought the art direction in volumes 2 and 3 were fine but eh, let's see how they look in the show (I'm not a First member so I'm stiiiiill waitin')


Kinda wished Sun got a makeover too T^T everyone's new clothes look badass DONT JUDGE MEH


SUN'S CHAIN HAS PHYSICS NOW *Remembers Volume 1*

Edited by Clouded Sun

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I really need to watch the first three volumes again to be sure before watching volume 4. When does the episode come on youtube by Rooster Teeth?

Next Saturday, but you can see it today on the RoosterTeeth website for free if you have an account, which is also free. I don't know at what time though.

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In all seriousness, the episode was beautiful. The animation has definitely gotten an upgrade, and now we see what seems to be the Zazz of RWBY and the rest of the villains. Pretty cool.

Wonder if the episodes will go in a Ruby-Weiss-Blake-Yang order from now on (or at least from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4)


Edited by Clouded Sun

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How can you have an upgrade like this:

2013912-1446244749653-RWBY_NT_01.pngattachicon.gifCapture d’écran 2016-10-23 à 17.43.29.png

And a downgrade like this: 

mercury_black.pngattachicon.gifCapture d’écran 2016-10-23 à 17.46.08.png

In the same episode lol



Mercury looks weird as hell. Some of these upgrades are just bleh.

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Well then...



Mercury and Emerald nervous? Heheh they'll soon regret what kind of shit they've gotten into.

Emerald looks way more nicer than before. She'll be good in the future potato confirmed

Cinder got rekt. Bawhahaha! *Can't speak well* Oh shit. Kind of feel bad for her now, but she had it coming.

Salem is already demonstrating to be a wise and calm villain, like a counterpart to Ozpin... Oh... 

Ruby and co being awesome at the fight, especially that combo finisher!

Regirock was really a processor heartless? Shit...

Ruby's laugh had me dying!

The armor upgrade Jaune receives hit me in the feels once they showed Pyrrha's garment.



Overall a excellent way to start of vol 4! I'll be on my way reading a ton of potatoes on reddit, one being the six chairs+jewels on Salem's hair.

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I...am.... feeling... bad for Cinder  :huh:

I don't. 





Mercury looks weird as hell. Some of these upgrades are just bleh.

Yeah some characters look..."okay". Like Weiss and Blake I guess..Mr. Schnee looks horrible. I liked the drawn version better lol

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I far prefer the current animation style. It's far more dynamic and visually interesting. Some of the models got a little firetrucked up, but I trust the animation team knows what they're doing.


I'm going to be trying to play devil's advocate a little in regards to plot and stuff, but I'm not great at it so we'll see.


I found the new villains to be enjoyable if a little bland/stereotypical. They've not shown themselves to be anything special, Tyrion in particular is disappoint better in GoT confirmed since I get the insane thing, it's fun, but he doesn't seem to add anything to the cliche. There is simply no reason to feel bad for Cinder though. Feel bad for Emercury if anything, they've gotten themselves signed up for something far bigger than they originally intended it looks like. Also wtf was with the Farmer boy scene, like why. There was no reason to show that. If he's going to be a character at some point, introduce him then, because this scene did nothing but tell me he's a farmer. It was a waste of air time that could have been used for a few more solid jokes. The JNRR stuff was phenomenal, no real complaints. I liked seeing them all again, and they all were written about as well as expected. Jaune has a rocking bunny hoodie, p great. Loving Jaune's new gear too, it's really pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the team, but I think I'd prefer it if we saw more than one member of RWBY an episode (in a significant capacity at least). Maybe two or three? Idk I prefer it when shows switch perspectives more, but we'll see. Animation is really pretty and the combat was easily the best since Volume 2 (volume 3 combat was kinda bad imo), and I look forward to seeing more action sequences of that caliber.

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Wow, new episode was shorter then the first but alot of things happened. 

Weiss and her fathers relationship, I now know exactly why she didn't answer his calls

Weiss's brother. Idont know what to think of him. I just cant trust him for some reason. Owo

Nice 5 a clock shadow Ironwood 

Klein is all 7 of the 7 dwarves

Ren and Nora seemed to have a moment where they shared a look that made me think we will get their backstory very soon.

Rubys ptsd over the incident with Cinder

And holy crap, seeing how Jaune is handling losing Pyrrha was like sucker punching my feels in the nads

It seems to me that (I could be wrong) Ren and Nora are familiar with the group of bandits that attacked the village they went to given their reaction to the symbol on the ground. Maybe its the group that destroyed their home and killed their parents?



Edited by EMIYA

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This is exactly what I was waiting for in RWBY. From Ruby being haunted of what happened, the team seeing they can't save everyone, to Jaune's moments of training and not having Pyrrha's death in vain. Also that scene alone got me the most feels as of today.  


This episode did not disappoint at all.

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I'm a little late... but I have to say; Cloud Jaune is now my second favorite character. He has grown so much throughout the show while keeping his comedic persona. But damn... That scene with Pyrrha's video is just so powerful. I don't know why, but... (T^T) I hope Pyrrha comes back. Not like I don't like death but... Ruby's nightmares are giving me hope.

Edited by Clouded Sun

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I would just like to leave this message as I realised this recently.


So we have Christopher Sabat (who voiced Vegeta and Piccolo from the Dragonball Z series) who voices Dr. Watts. I'm not surprised by this since he had recently voiced another character in Red vs. Blue, another show made by RoosterTeeth. Another show that that started and ended this year that RoosterTeeth made is Camp Camp. In it, once of the characters named Snake was voiced by Dante Basco, who may know for his role as Zuko from Avatar The Last Airbender.


Now I'm not confirming anything, but this does make me believe that Dante Basco will voice a character in RWBY, maybe this Volume.

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Soooo much win from Sun this episode. Oh btw im sure you all know this but to understand a joke from this episode you need to know Sun is based off a character from a story called 'a journey to the west' 


Yang is handling her depression about as well as I thought she would. People were right about the robot arm but she doesn't seem to want to put it on or even look at it. Maybe she will fight without it or put it on when she figures out what she needs to figure out and gets back in the fight.

Soooo much win from Sun.

Yang is having  PTSD of Adam, seein him on the news, flashbacks to his attack.

Sun I love you.

Aquatic grimm attacks Blake while shes on the boat. I feel so stupid for not predicting that, they totally threw that that was going to happen in my face with the World of remnant vale section where Qrow talks about aquatic grimm and the Opening where we see Blake on a boat. Why didn't I put 2 and 2 together there? Im not going to say what kind of grimm it is cuz I love its design that much I want you all to walk in to seeing it blind and not knowing what to expect. 

Blake and Sun use their clones to help move around in midair, shoutout to Naruto amiright?

Sun you rock.

Looks like Salem has doubts that Cinder killed Ozpin. In-ter-est-ing.......



Edited by EMIYA

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RIP Sun's 8 pack abs.
This was a fun episode. It could've had more, but I thought Yang's PTSD was absolutely nailed. i can't wait till she's able to break through. It'll be so moving.


Animations are much more clean. The run animation for EVERY character seems to have been dramatically overhauled, and by god it looks good. The animators are probably gonna have a lot of fun with Blake's ears in this arc (honestly I hope she never wears the bow again). A little more realism would do it just right for me.


YESSSSS FINALLY SKIN SHADERS! Everything looks better with proper shaders that react to light. I've seen it in the last two episodes, but it was NAILED in this one with the day turning dusk and then night. So beautiful.   


And Sun's comedy was great. Can't wait to see Sun when Daddy gets involved in the show face shoves galore! But you can also see how much Sun really REALLY cares about Blake. They compliment each other so much (to the point of matching outfits?!) and Sun is just a boss overall. I love how Blake has these two-second moments of awe for Sun too that if you blink you miss it! Then Sun fudges it up by saying something silly. Sorry Bumblebee fans, this is the best ship in the show!



Although I really want to see more down to Earth Sun moments like in Volume 1 and Volume 2. I loved his balance of badass and bad assed. Blake did get snappier, so she needs his fun and serious moments. All in all good episode Hell yeah I'm biased! Any episode with Sun is guud!

About Cinder: I'm not sure right now is about time that we know what's going on, so I don't talk about her much. But I'm very interested in who Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald will become later on.





Edited by Clouded Sun

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About last week's episode...Loved it. The animation really grew on me! I'm digging Weiss's model now, Ruby looks great. But Ironwood, Whitley and Jacques...didn't look so good. I loved the animation and I loved that it wasn't really focused on action. It really shows that the show is evolving. The first half of Volume 3 was only focused on action and the previous volumes were also more about the action than the story. Now it seems to be the other way around. And of course...that training scene...Stay strong Jaune T.T


About this week's episode. Once again, I'm really liking the models for Blake and Yang although I didn't at first. I'm still not feeling Mercury's model...and Emerald is meh. I thought the animation was good overall but the fight scene wasn't really good. It just felt like the character movements were a little stiff in my opinion. Especially that part where Blake uses one of her shadow clones to project herself into the air...that didn't look right to me. I just know the team can do better after seeing the character short...anyway, here are the thoughts that went through my mind:

-Poor Yang...she looks so sad :( 

-Sun is too funny! x)

-Blake is real feisty now. Yang would like it lol

-Eww...what is that Grimm light ball thing. The sound it makes is sooo nasty.

-Cinder's name has just been added to Salem's blacklist...Quit lying girl. You gon' get yourself killed.



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