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For anyone who wants to see the RWBY Main Panel at NYCC, click the spoiler tag:





For anyone who wants a quick summary, click the spoiler tag below:




  • The RWBY Manga will be brought over and translated. The cover can be seen at 0:52 in the video above. So far the manga is canon as it covers the events before, during and after the original four colour trailers released before Volume 1 as well as some events between Volumes 1 and 2.
  • At 2:37 in the video above, they have shown all Series 1 collection of Blind Box Figures. These figures include all of Teams RWBY and JNPR, Sun Wukong, Neptune Vasilias and Zwei, with the last two stated to be the rarest. (Also, the Zwei model does in fact have an X butt.)
  • At 5:26, the Vinyl Figures of Team RWBY are shown.
  • At 5:50, the merchandise that can be purchased at Hot Topic are shown.
  • At 6:56, they announce and reveal a new RWBY Series 1 Collector Cards that will be available in January 2017. According to Kerry Shawcross, he thinks that there are 114 cards, but he was unsure.
  • At 7:55, they reveal a new RWBY calendar for 2017, featuring artwork of a few characters.
  • It was announced that team JNPR is in the video game RWBY Grimm Eclipse. They have also announced that the game will release on PS4 and Xbox One some time this Winter. Screenshots of Team JNPR can be seen at 10:30 and the cover can be seen at 12:45.
  • According to Kerry Shawcross at 16:45, Volume 4 will  be as long as Volume 3. The first episode of Volume 4 is 18 minutes long.
  • At 17:44, they show concept art of Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie.
  • Kerry Shawcross states that they didn't want to show Jaune's outfit and stated that it would be better for us to see it in the first episode rather than in concept art.
  • A 2 minute video clip was shown at the event, (from my understanding, it is a fight with Ruby and the rest of the gang against what I'm assuming to be Grimm) but it was exclusive to the event, for now, since this is a clip from the first episode.
  • From my understanding, they also showed the intro at the event, but was exclusive to the event, for now. (Note, I am not referring to leaks.)

The rest of the video is Q&A. If there is anything that I think is important, I will edit this post with these answers.




  • According to Kerry Shawcross, the show was always intended to go dark. Before the very first episode was even written, they knew about the events of the battle at Beacon. He also assures that the show won't be completely dark. He states that the stakes are high, but as was seen in one of the clips shown at the event, there will be light-hearted moments.
  • The people at the event (Kerry Shawcross, Miles Luna, Gray Haddock, Lindsay Jones and Barbara Dunkelman) were asked what their favourite scene to make was. Kerry answers with enjoying writing the dialogue of Qrow and Winter before their battle, Gray states that animating the very first episode was great but also that the episode 'PVP' gives him chills till this day, Lindsay says that voicing the scene between Ruby and Yang in the last episode of Volume 3 was a rewarding experience for both her and Barbara and Barbara says that the last scene of the same episode was her favourite.
  • These five individuals were asked what their favourite line from their or any character was. Miles states that it was when Jaune states when he's tired of being the joke. For Barbara, it was a tie between "I love your bow. It goes great with your... pajamas..." and her dialogue with Ruby in the last episode of Volume 3. On a happy note, Lindsay says it was "She does like tuna a lot," but on a sad note, it was "Leave her alone!" with Miles commenting how that line still makes him tear up. Gray maniacally screams, "Hahaha, it's good to back!" Miles quickly comments on this, saying that he loves writing the villains in RWBY Chibi, also stating that he begged for Neo to be Wile E. Coyote.
  • Gray Haddock was asked if he would be voicing anyone new in RWBY Volume 4. He states that there are no plans for him to voice anyone in Volume 4, afterwards stating to enjoy RWBY Chibi. Afterwards, Gray comments on that he wishes that every time a Grimm Griffon flies by, we would hear some murmuring.
  • Kerry states that they had reached a limit on how nice they can make the sets look back in Volume 3. He continues on this answer with the statement that The Vault in Volume 3 almost shut down the production and that they had finished the episode (my guess is Chapter 6) only an hour before it had gone online because every frame had taken about 50 minutes to render.
  • They were asked about the new style of the show and Kerry stated that this style was where they wanted to push the show from the very beginning but initially did not have the time or budget. He also says that this style will become the standard.
  • The team was asked who their favourite character that inspires them who wasn't the one they voiced. For Miles, it's Ruby and for Kerry, it's Taiyang saying he can't explain why yet. Gray says that it's very hard to choose, but he says that he finds himself summoning the spirit of Yang. Lindsay jokingly says Professor Port and Barbara says Nora.
  • The team was asked what was the most rewarding thing for them in the process of making RWBY since the beginning. Kerry says that it was the last RTX, seeing many people enjoy this new direction they're taking for RWBY. For Miles, it's watching reaction videos to the show. For Gray, it's meeting with the community and that the people making RWBY are "paying the bills" and such because of the people watching the show. Lindsay simply states, "Same," after Gray gave his answer. For Barbara, it's when a lot of people come up to them and telling them how RWBY changed their lives or that they made many friends from online and conventions.
  • The team was asked when the music album for Volume 4 would be released. The best answer they could give was, "After Volume 4."
  • The team was asked if they were glad to work with Vic Mignogna (Qrow Branwen's voice actor). Kerry responds with "Absolutely!" while also stating that they love working with him and that he's a really nice guy. Afterwards, Kerry confirms that not only will the World of Remnant episodes be returning, but also that Qrow will be narrating them. He also states that if you love Vic's work, then you should be excited for other voice actors they have cast. They didn't mention anyone; only that they have "some pretty cool people on this show."

Lightning Round Q&A:


  • The team was asked if there will be another Death Battle with another RWBY character any time soon. Miles responds with, "I don't know. Maybe." Lindsay jokingly says, "Ruby versus Duo from Gundam Wing!"
  • The team was asked what dynamics they were looking forward to work with for Volume 4. Miles responds that, without getting "super-spoilery", he's very excited for Blake this volume. Kerry afterwards replies with, "I'm really excited for Yang this season," with Barbara creepingly responding  with, "Me too." Kerry also states that they couldn't get into spoilers, but they are playing with a lot of different elements, so they're really excited.
  • The team was asked which voice actor would they want to be in the show in the future. For Miles, it's Billy West. For Gray, it's Mark Hamill. For Lindsay, it's Tara Strong. For Kerry, it's Joe Dimaggio.
  • The team was asked what is the most difficult thing about bringing the characters to life. Kerry responds with, "Bringing them to life," while Gray responds with, "Them not being alive anymore," before an awkward chuckle. Miles answers with trying to not make the characters too melodramatic. Kerry then gives his serious answer with trying to keep the characters unique to themselves. Lindsay replies with, "Going from Achievement Hunter to RWBY," and Barbara replies with trying to put themselves into the mindset of someone who you're not.
  • With the final question, the team was asked what is the inspiration behind the weapons. Miles and Kerry reply with thinking they're cool and so that the weapons need to serve one function and they try to figure out what other function could they add to them to enhance them even more.




Edited by Master Eraqus

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More famous voice actors if the Q&A is anything to go by?

Already hyped means we're seeing some new characters potentially 


That OP though like holy shizzle

Edited by TheKeyofRose

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Okay, you people saying that the opening for Volume 4 is all kinds of amazing is making me anxious! I get it, you guys saw it first, don't torture the people who haven't seen it! Gahhhh!!!! xD


OOOH, AND THERE WAS MENTION OF WANTING TO WORK WITH MARK HAMILL!? It'd be so amazing if he got on board the show at some point! That'd make me very happy! :')


Just 11 more days, people! 11 MORE DAYS!!!! :D

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RWBY Volume 4 World of Remnant episode 1: Vale
Sponsors only. Available tomorrow for users with Rooster Teeth accounts.


RWBY: Volume 4, World of Remnant: Mistral.
Sponsors only. Available tomorrow for users with Rooster Teeth accounts as well as Youtube.

EDIT: Youtube Link


RWBY Volume 4, World of Remnant: ATLAS.


Sponsors only. Available tomorrow for users with Rooster Teeth accounts as well as Youtube.

EDIT: Youtube Link


RWBY Volume 4, World of Remnant: Vacuo


Sponsors only. Available tomorrow for users with Rooster Teeth accounts as well as Youtube.

EDIT: Youtube Link

Edited by Lulcielid

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Due to technical difficulties (and people crashing the site as always) the first episode of Season 4 of RWBY will come out at 3 Central Time for first members but hey here's the opening I love the song and just how it looks it's so awesome!




It's been fixed sooner then they thought however it's still being really slow even on the app

Edited by TheKingdomkid

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So I just watched episode 1 of Season 4 and I have to say that it just looks so beautiful compared to the other seasons and the fight we see it's so great and the opening I just love it so much the song is amazing and I already can't wait for the Soundtrack of this season and to see the rest of it and where it will go

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The opening is so anime now xD


And Sun looks weirder every opening since Volume 3.


Probably the fact that they gave him an eye color this time around.


Still a badass monkey though. Can't wait to see how this show pans out once I get to watch Episode 1 (But damn, only at 6 AM?!)

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