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So are we supposed to put everything about the show in spoiler boxes...? I'm sorry if I spoiled the show for people...GOMENASAI!!!!!! T.T

No clue, but I rarely put my posts in spoiler boxes, unless it's a big picture or something.

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I see :) did anybody notice that when Penny blocks Pyrrha's attack she uses the same block Naminé uses in Dead Fantasy "6". I don't know if Monty helped with the animation but if he didn't, it's a nice lil' tribute :)

Considering Penny's weapon/fighting concept design is pretty much taken from Namine in DF, it's not surprising at all.

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Thoughts on the 4th World of Remnant episode:




I can definitely see why Shannon McCormick (Ozpin's voice actor) finds this to be his favourite World of Remnant. While most of it was things that we already knew, I do enjoy the extra details it adds, expanding it a little bit. This story is definitely inspiring and I will without a doubt tell this story to my kids if I ever have any in the future.


I did enjoy the different art style taken with this World of Remnant.


All in all, I found this story to be very enjoyable and I think anyone can enjoy it by watching it on its own, even if they don't watch RWBY.



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I was going to watch the newest World of Remnant yesterday, but then it slipped my mind.


However, now having watched it, I feel as though I've wasted my time since this basically the same story that was told in episode 6 except longer. Yeah, it had the cutesy animation and felt more like a fairy tale, but seriously, they told us this already. Actually pretty well too. This was a pointless endeavor. Not to mention that some of these "new" details they add are just as pointless or just confusing. Wasn't this originally supposed to be a myth? Is this what really happened? What took Fall so damn long to get to the house when Winter, Spring, and Summer were pretty much there instantly?


I'll give it one thing, it works fine just on its own without the context of being apart of the RWBY lore. But that's not saying much. Also, I found this interpretation of the story to be much better:

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Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Hey guys, friendly reminder. Please keep posts on topic and contributing to the discussion, we don't want to derail the thread here. Thanks. 

Im not allowd to post RWBY memes in the RWBY thread? Your right that IS off topic.

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Im not allowd to post RWBY memes in the RWBY thread? Your right that IS off topic.


Memes without discussion or text are not considered contributing when in serious discussion forums, so anything not in random or forum games. We also ask that you keep them respectful too. 

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I was going to watch the newest World of Remnant yesterday, but then it slipped my mind.


However, now having watched it, I feel as though I've wasted my time since this basically the same story that was told in episode 6 except longer. Yeah, it had the cutesy animation and felt more like a fairy tale, but seriously, they told us this already. Actually pretty well too. This was a pointless endeavor. Not to mention that some of these "new" details they add are just as pointless or just confusing. Wasn't this originally supposed to be a myth? Is this what really happened? What took Fall so damn long to get to the house when Winter, Spring, and Summer were pretty much there instantly? Are the girls here actually named after the seasons and thus are the "original" maidens who came down from some weird god realm or at they just some of the earliest successors to whoever the Hell else originally had the powers?


I'll give it one thing, it works fine just on its own without the context of being apart of the RWBY lore. But that's not saying much. Also, I found this interpretation of the story to be much better:

Posted Image

To answer one of your questions, the maidens were the first to have the power. It was given to them by the old wizard remember x)

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ALL THE WARRIORS, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE, take your pick I really can't say anything else about this episode it was just ahhhh my face the whole time was my mouth wide open, a few things that I will say though, Ozpin seems to be joining the fight, Phyraa seems to have made her choice, Ruby using Pennys weapon for a bit Blake and Adam meeting again and seem like they will fight in the next episode, Ironwood kicking major ass and the new Grimm where amazing just ahhhhhh watch the episode!!


Edited by TheKingdomkid

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I haven't seen episode 10 yet, not a sponsor, but I just now watched the latest World of Remnant. 


Could it be that Oz is the wizard that the four maidens helped? I have a feeling it is.


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