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It's always been about praising the show. I literally got booted off this damn thread on one point because people were getting butthurt about me saying bad things. Literally nobody was even paying attention to the show half the time and just posting fan-art or something. Now you can chalk that up to "the hype" because any show can go through that in its first season, but even then, there were problems arising and nobody batted an eye. I'm even guilty of this. I didn't even realize half of the problems I go on about until I re-watched some of the episodes and actually paid more attention to what was going on.


Yeah, but the whole "I influenced" statement was just silly, but I read what you said about having fun, so that explains it. 


I don't mind opinions and criticism from anyone. I actually dislike when people backlash on others for stating the bad stuff. Although I will admit that I agree with criticizing too early when the volume hasn't finished, but it depends, imo.


Like for example, I still think despite of the disadvantage CY had against ME, the way they got destroyed was kind of dumb. I didn't want to say this because there's hints that Neo could have been involved. (I want a confirmation already.) If this was Emerald's semblance, then what the firetruck? Two users with similar semblances? If this isn't the case, I can't see team RWBY or any of the teams defeating the villains at all. They're going to have to find a good explanation on how they're going to stop them. I'd like to go on, but I'm already going on with more speculations lol. Point is I want to wait till the volume is done to criticize, but I don't mind others doing it for every episode or two. (Hell I even do that, but to a lesser extent.)

Edited by OmegaForte

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I think it would help if you can maybe tone it down a notch bc sometimes you come off a little hostile and that can lead to unnecessary fights. Thanks :)


I'm not being hostile to anybody but this trainwreck of a show. I already said that I'm not trying to force anybody to think a certain way, I just want to rant in peace.

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You can discuss what you hate that's fine. It's just that sometimes a hostile tone regardless of where it's directed can just lead to more hostility. We can discuss peacefully and honestly without going over the top :P


If someone feels threatened by what I say, that's not my fault. I'm not out for blood. I'm allowed to express my thoughts as clearly as I can. Nobody has to agree with me either.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Tbh, I never joined in Firaga's criticism because in my eyes, there's never been a major problem with the way things were presented, or at least they weren't presented in a way that inhibited my enjoyment. This is the straw that threw things under the bus, and it's so huge that things will be going poorly for a while longer because of this poor decision.


And I have to agree, how in the world does this show manage to mess things up to the point that RvB, a comedy machinima, is better at conveying plot and character?

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If someone feels threatened by what I say, that's not my fault. I'm not out for blood, I just have to express my thoughts as clearly as I can. Nobody has to agree with me.


I never said they feel threatened and I never said anybody has to agree with anyone. I'm saying let's not get overworked bc sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it. ( speaking in general not just you) That way we can have constructive debates of differences.

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I never said they feel threatened and I never said anybody has to agree with anyone. I'm saying let's not get overworked bc sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it. ( speaking in general not just you) That way we can have constructive debates of differences.


I'm not getting overworked about anything. And if I am, it's because I gotta keep repeating the same damn thing over and over whenever I get people getting their underwear in a twist when I'm providing criticism. And, mind you, that some of my outbursts are done for the sake of comedy because I have to balance my anger with funny in order to stay sane, which is part of the reason I why I say for people not to take what I say as fact.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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I'm not getting overworked about anything. And if I am, it's because I gotta keep repeating the same damn thing over and over whenever I get people getting their underwear in a twist when I'm providing criticism. And, mind you, that some of my outbursts are done for the sake of comedy because I have to balance my anger with funny in order to stay sane, which is part of the reason I why I say for people not to take what I say as fact.


Keep in mind I'm not just talking about you but also in general. But if you start having outbursts it's time to calm down ( bc it's just a show) Like I said let's discuss this in a friendly manner and respect each others difference of opinion ( also talking in general not just you)


Humor is always appreciated though :)

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With the Grimms potentially coming crossing Beacon Academy, i think the tournament will be interrupted and in exchange we get a fight with the Geimms.

 Also, I wonder if we're going to see Pyrrha/Sun fight since we missed their doubles fight.

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Wait what? theres very little difference between Positive criticism, and negative criticism. Both a criticism, and ultra negative crits can be more constructive than positive...


Both sometimes are unreasonable and make no sense.


But what firaga said, in my honest to god's opinion made quite a bit of sense, that reveal came out of left field, and left him wanting more, expecting more.



I even havre gripes with it.its an all out feminism fest, now, *puts shield* I have nothing against women, I am straight and I am "Hoping" to get a date with one I know soon, but I gotta say this,


I hate how only the female characters get any development, whereas male characters are either hateable or lovable, they have no depth, and are generally used as punching bags and targets for the female main cast, which i find really annoying.


That is MY only gripe with it...really, thats it. the rest, Firaga pointed out which I understood, pretty darn well.



Now I have to say where I see it, I don't attend this thread often, and half the times I do, theres people hating on Firaga, for no reason other than him giving HIS BLOODY opinion! negative or NOT thats HIS opinion and he gets attacked by it. Theres 176 pasges in this thread and good chunk if people hating on firaga for his opinion and (Rather well thoughtout) criticism.


I mean, come on. -_- I honestly didn't see any need for the hate.

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Wait what? theres very little difference between Positive criticism, and negative criticism. Both a criticism, and ultra negative crits can be more constructive than positive...


Both sometimes are unreasonable and make no sense.


But what firaga said, in my honest to god's opinion made quite a bit of sense, that reveal came out of left field, and left him wanting more, expecting more.



I even havre gripes with it.its an all out feminism fest, now, *puts shield* I have nothing against women, I am straight and I am "Hoping" to get a date with one I know soon, but I gotta say this,


I hate how only the female characters get any development, whereas male characters are either hateable or lovable, they have no depth, and are generally used as punching bags and targets for the female main cast, which i find really annoying.


That is MY only gripe with it...really, thats it. the rest, Firaga pointed out which I understood, pretty darn well.



Now I have to say where I see it, I don't attend this thread often, and half the times I do, theres people hating on Firaga, for no reason other than him giving HIS BLOODY opinion! negative or NOT thats HIS opinion and he gets attacked by it. Theres 176 pasges in this thread and good chunk if people hating on firaga for his opinion and (Rather well thoughtout) criticism.


I mean, come on. -_- I honestly didn't see any need for the hate.


Well... We don't have any male main characters lol

Jaune? Sun? That's about it.

Jaune gets lots of development though. Sun is just kind of there, which is unfortunate because he's kinda a badass.

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Well... We don't have any male main characters lol

Jaune? Sun? That's about it.

Jaune gets lots of development though. Sun is just kind of there, which is unfortunate because he's kinda a badass.


Exactly what I mean. Jaune is the only exception, which makes me sad that hes the only male I can actually care about.

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This is why I try to stray away from the RWBY thread. Normally, it's for the spoilers until after I've watched the episode. However, I get here and there's nothing but clashing opinions that end in arguments, not even debates. Someone tries to blame the other, but both parties are responsible. I wanna discuss the show, not mindlessly argue about something that both sides disagree on. To be honest, the Maiden thing is huge and can be good, except, there's no story to it until 3 volumes into a Season and that's just bad. We needed this information earlier, even in a WoR video. This is pretty much the final part of an entire season and we're just getting plot development that's so huge, that's so great, that it just adds to the questions rather than answering previous ones. It's like when Nintendo randomly placed Ganondorf into the second half of Twilight Princess just for the sake of having them here. The entire plot was about Midna using Link to defeat Zant and regain her powers and throne as the Twilight Princess, but instead continues to add on that Ganon is Zant's source of power and we have to defeat him. Why was Ganon the source? Why is it necessary? It just isn't. Same as this whole part about Maidens in RWBY. I don't like how it came to be, but I don't hate the series and I will continue to watch.

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This is why I try to stray away from the RWBY thread. Normally, it's for the spoilers until after I've watched the episode. However, I get here and there's nothing but clashing opinions that end in arguments, not even debates. Someone tries to blame the other, but both parties are responsible. I wanna discuss the show, not mindlessly argue about something that both sides disagree on. To be honest, the Maiden thing is huge and can be good, except, there's no story to it until 3 volumes into a Season and that's just bad. We needed this information earlier, even in a WoR video. This is pretty much the final part of an entire season and we're just getting plot development that's so huge, that's so great, that it just adds to the questions rather than answering previous ones. It's like when Nintendo randomly placed Ganondorf into the second half of Twilight Princess just for the sake of having them here. The entire plot was about Midna using Link to defeat Zant and regain her powers and throne as the Twilight Princess, but instead continues to add on that Ganon is Zant's source of power and we have to defeat him. Why was Ganon the source? Why is it necessary? It just isn't. Same as this whole part about Maidens in RWBY. I don't like how it came to be, but I don't hate the series and I will continue to watch.

This kinda reminds me of the U18 update in Warframe.


That shit had so many different opinion and arguments, 


I think this fits 



Posted Image



Trying not to start fights/disagreements with anyone in 2015.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Who feels sad that there is no episode until january :( ?

At least we won't have to wait long. Only three weeks.


Besides, at least we'll be getting something to look forward to that is RWBY related. Next week, we'll get a podcast from the RWBY crew. The week after, we'll get a World of Remnant video and the week after that, we'll get the next chapter.

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At least we won't have to wait long. Only three weeks.Besides, at least we'll be getting something to look forward to that is RWBY related. Next week, we'll get a podcast from the RWBY crew. The week after, we'll get a World of Remnant video and the week after that, we'll get the next chapter.

Hopefully this WoR is worth watching. The last one wasn't even needed, the show already made it obvious what graduated/trained huntsmen/huntresses did.

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So quick theory/note about Pyrrha here.


If her life becomes intertwined with the current Fall Maiden, wouldn't that endanger her own life? In a sense, they're basically giving her an Achilles's heel. *cough* Who her character is based off. *cough*

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