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I know what a Chekhov's Gun is, don't insult my intelligence. Even so, it's not a CG unless it's being utilized. So far, the CG of Raven has not. Maybe that will change this Volume, but so far, it hasn't been used at all and shows no signs of being use, therefore classifying it as a CG irrelevant.


Qrow to Winter could be like Ruby was to Weiss before they started, but the former two never got close to each other. Alternatively, and more funnily, but kinda dumb, they could have had a thing with each other and Qrow couldn't commit because he became a drunkard at some point. I like that more lmao


What, you mean that Qrow and Winter were antagonistic to each before Winter acted "nicer" and Qrow supported her racism? Seems legit.


And while that other idea is funny, I still can't help but think Qrow could have been more sophisticated than this. I mean, "drunkard good-for-nothing" just sort of seems to come out of nowhere, especially since he was built as a teacher, the designer behind Ruby's weapon (before the retcon), and part of the reason she even got into Beacon in the first place.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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I know what a Chekhov's Gun is, don't insult my intelligence. Even so, it's not a CG unless it's being utilized. So far, the CG of Raven has not. Maybe that will change this Volume, but so far, it hasn't been used at all and shows no signs of being use, therefore classifying it as a CG irrelevant.

Being utilized or not is not related to how long it takes to be utilized.

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Being utilized or not is not related to how long it takes to be utilized.


The fact still remains that it's being pushed to the side in favor of new conflicts while remaining conflicts have no foreseeable resolution or eve any purpose or explanation. That's a problem.

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The fact still remains that it's being pushed to the side in favor of new conflicts while remaining conflicts have no foreseeable resolution or eve any purpose or explanation. That's a problem.

We are only 2 episodes in, for all we know Raven could appear in V3, you´re jumping the gun at this stage.

Edited by Lulcielid

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We are only 2 episodes in, for all we know Raven could appear in V3, you´re jumping the gun at this stage.


I'm just saying, there doesn't seem to be any focus on going back to that again, at least not soon.

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Well Qrow was really badass and the fight between him and Winter was intense, hehe and Winter called Weiss a boob also Ruby being that awkward cuteness that she has around Winter and than that cuteness around Qrow was nice, also the next fight should be very interesting 


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Emerald/Mercury fight hypeeeeee


Also, do Winter and Qrow actually have a history, or was Qrow just being a provoking moron? It was unclear, to me at least.


And that was easily the best fight of the season so far, which is excellent.

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Emerald/Mercury fight hypeeeeee


Also, do Winter and Qrow actually have a history, or was Qrow just being a provoking moron? It was unclear, to me at least.


And that was easily the best fight of the season so far, which is excellent.


I don't think they have a history I think it's more of Qrow doesn't like the kind of people that Winter has been dealing with in her company (as somewhat hinted in the second episode of Volume 1 by Blake) and it could be the whole he's a guy that plays by his own rules and Winter is the kind of person that follows everything to the letter and she doesn't really like people like Qrow who don't follow rules or really respect authority like the little respect he showed to Ironwood.  And Qrow seems to see a bigger picture than both Winter and Ironwood and don't like the way they are trying to deal with it.

Edited by TheKingdomkid

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Well Qrow was really badass and the fight between him and Winter was intense, hehe and Winter called Weiss a boob also Ruby being that awkward cuteness that she has around Winter and than that cuteness around Qrow was nice, also the next fight should be very interesting 



Pretty much what I wanted to say about those interactions.



I'm curious on what "things" are being created. I could assume it's stronger and bigger Grim, but it could be something even worse than them. I'm leaning towards toe former since the opening does hint at it. (Of course we shouldn't take everything in the opening literally, but still...) 


It's interesting that team CFVY is actually participating, but even more interesting is what exactly is Cinder trying to do putting her teammates against them. There's several ways I can see the fight going+whatever happens, it went according to plan. Whatever that plan is. They really need to explain it soon, although it's getting there thanks to the conversation the general had.


Edited by OmegaForte

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Thoughts on Volume 3, Episode 3


- I'd like to bring up that Winter's existence doesn't make too much sense in terms of how she relates to the Schnee family. I mean, if she's the older sister, why is Weiss the heiress? Shouldn't it be the other way around? If anything pops up about that in the episode, ignore this, if not, it's still a plothole.

- Cue random violence on Ruby for no reason...

- Huh. Winter exacerbating Weiss's crap fighting style. This might lead to something.

- I can tell that Ruby trying to be "eloquent" is the comedic highlight of the episode. lol

- Yeah sure, Qrow, attack her in public in front of all these civilians... oh wait, never mind, they're just carrying on with their day. Like ya do.

- Ah yes, the classic "slick back the hair like a badass" trope. Qrow, you really disappoint me.

- Really Ruby? First you're advocating racism with Weiss, and now you're advocating unwarranted violence with Qrow. You might have been funny earlier, but now you're just being stupid again.

- Oh hai, Mercury. 

- So I guess the "fighting in public" thing isn't really a problem anymore. Seriously though, why is everybody acting like this is a sanctioned fight? This is literally the equivalent of two people getting into a public brawl. Where the f*ck are the police, even??

- Despite my last point, this fight was actually pretty solid overall in terms of animation and choreography.

- Oh hai, Penny.

- Ozpin and Glynda on the scene because, again, cops can't do shit about this affair. However, I'll give them points for bringing up the "sanctioned fight" tidbit almost as if they were reading my mind.

- Bye, Penny... thanks for... standing.

- Once again, Ruby advocating irresponsibility.

- And now alcoholism, too. Someone just get this guy off screen...

- You know, I'm trying harder to be against Ironwood this time around, but with the combined idiocy of Qrow and the still unpleasant Glynda and Ozpin around, it's really hard to. I'm not saying he's right, but it's really hard to say he's wrong, is all.

- Good point, Ozpin, what are we supposed to be fighting? Grim? Cinder? White Fang? Magical dinosaurs? Better question, why? And what do huntsman do???

- Oh hai again, Sasuk-I mean, Mercury. So that's why he showed up to the fight... aaaaaand now it's wasted. Again, what is your plaaaaan...

- So next week: Sasuk-I mean, Mercury and Emerald v. Coco, the God of Destruction and Jap-African Dude... okay.


Alright, I might have rambled on a little with this one, but holy crap on a stick, this is just awful. What I feared the most is happening: the plot is returning alongside constant reminders of the show's overall problems and showing no signs of fixing them and just continuing on with the crap fest. Qrow is sucking as a character and I can't even register for Winter due to her being too boring. Even the parts I liked doesn't do enough for me. The only saving grace I can allow this episode as a whole is that I didn't have to fill in any RWBYngo slots, but you know what, at this point I feel like I'll filling in at least three per week... in terms of ratings, this episode is a 5/10 for me. Worst episode thus far.


Edited by Firaga Sensei

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My thoughts on Episode 3:




  • This was (for now) the best episode of the Volume without a doubt.
  • The battle between Qrow and Winter was amazing and the music track in the background was excellent.
  • Qrow is officially awesome. Him not taking things seriously (cause "he's always drunk" (Loved that part btw xD)) makes him a really lovable and hilarious character. I mean come one, he even made Ozpin have a surprised look on his face! xD
  • Winter was not how I was expecting her to be surprisingly, well, not completely. I was expecting her to be strict and well, a bit of a b****, but at least she actually shows care for Weiss and wished to know how she's been and if she enjoys her time at Beacon, instead of asking for her reputation in class and and her ranking. Btw, "Silence you boob,"... hilarious!
  • So far, this volume (especially this episode) has been doing a great job of balancing the action and the story.
  • "They're the reason for Autumn's condition." Cinder FALL anyone? Eh? Guys? Am I right?
  • This episode has definitely left me with some questions on the story, which is one of the things I really like about this show. It keeps things vague. It doesn't give answers immediately. They make us ask questions and make me question, think and even theorise on some things which in turn, keeps me interested in the series and want to see more. But we did get answers to something. We see that that virus that Cinder uploaded in Volume 2 was for her to choose who fights who in the tournament.
  • Ruby was simply hysterical. Her face when she gets punched by Weiss, her awkwardness trying to sound formal and best of all, her reaction to Uncle Qrow arriving.
  • Penny waving was just adorable.  :3  While we didn't get to see her much, I'm pretty sure we'll see her again later this season since we did see her with a partner for the doubles round on Cinder's pad... thing.
  • Completely excited to Coco again.

All in all, this was an amazing episode and I look forward to the next episode... which I found out will come out two weeks from now cause next week will be a World of Remnant episode. I also found out we'll be getting World of Remnant videos every three episodes.



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Oh my God, I saw the latest Episode two days ago, and it was just beast!!!  I loved the battle between Winter and Crow, it was all kinds of badass!  And I was very interested in seeing what Crow's ultimate attack was going to be!  Because if you notice, right when Weiss is about to attack with full force near the end of their battle, his blade starts to come apart, but then he smiles and stops because Ironwood's behind her and the battle stops, so we don't get to see Crow's ultimate technique!  I'm guessing it'll be some god mode super attack we'll get to see later on during Volume 3! Also, I just loved the whole awkward atmosphere with Weiss, Winter and Ruby, haha, hilarious!


And I just loved the final scene, where Crow, Glynda, Winter, Ironwood and Ozpin were all discussing about the greater threat looming large behind the scenes!  It got me hyped up with intrigue!


Also, did I mention I'm loving Vic Micnogna as Crow?  His voice fits perfectly! :3

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Wonder why they decided to make two World of Remnants before and after one episode.


Ehh, this one was alright. Didn't tell us much of what we don't already know (Besides Mantle being.... dismantled xD [insert bad pun reaction here]) 

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Wonder why they decided to make two World of Remnants before and after one episode.


Ehh, this one was alright. Didn't tell us much of what we don't already know (Besides Mantle being.... dismantled xD [insert bad pun reaction here]) 


Uhm, what do you mean? The first one came out before episode 1. The second World of Remnant came out after episode 3. Nothing came out between episodes 2 and 3.

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Uhm, what do you mean? The first one came out before episode 1. The second World of Remnant came out after episode 3. Nothing came out between episodes 2 and 3.

Oh, right, sorry! I remember now that they skipped a week due to the Extra Life stream.

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