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Roxas Seeking Light

KHBbS Why is Aqua suddenly extremely weak?

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I am playing Aqua's story and just beat the Deep Space level. I stopped playing for a day and when I came back, it seemed that Aqua's attacks were doing half the damage that they used to do? Is there a reason for this or is it just my imagination?

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I wonder, was it that you were using her commands a lot and therefore went into a command style? Aqua, in general, seems to have very low offense when simply using her Keyblade. I always use commands that'll send her into either Diamond Dust or Blade Charge, since her Keyblade alone doesn't seem to put much of a dent into the Unversed.

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I am pretty sure the OP got his answer from some of the feedback, so I'm going to lock it! c: (to keep it from being too repeditive with everyone saying the same thing)


pm me if you need it opened again!

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