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Why Obama Cant Win

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  • No one believes hell cut spending when hes spent so much in his first term
  • No one wants ObamaCare
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  • “Barack Hussein Obama” a Christian man? Whatever you say
  • Obama supports “Race to the Top” grant which gives federal government too much control over education
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  • Likes to spend federal money on myths, i.e. global warming
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Your list Loki had a lot of fringe.... and so does your Kinode but on the opposite spectrum. (Seriously, conservative? That's all you have to say.) In fact, there's been a huge conservative movement in the state these last two-three years.


I honestly believe that people aren't going to vote for Obama because they can see straight through his lies, and have stopped believing in this "hope" and "change" he promised them all. Not because of his name or his religious beliefs. Those are so minor.

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So anyone who wants to vote for Obama is basically oblivious through his "lies" ?



I was referring mainly to independents who don't vote for party lines, that voted for Obama in '08, and are either not or contemplating on not voting for him again in '12. You're always going to have those on both sides that will vote for a candidate regardless of their past.

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So anyone who wants to vote for Obama is basically oblivious through his "lies" ?



That's not what she's saying at all. What she's saying is people are tired of his crap and are no longer supportive of him as they were last election the people who do vote for him will still vote for him for their own reasons. No need to pull out insuations that are not there.

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Your list Loki had a lot of fringe.... and so does your Kinode but on the opposite spectrum. (Seriously, conservative? That's all you have to say.)


I clearly stated in my post that I don't have much knowledge about the subject, but I thought I argued pretty well if you read past that. After all, I found several of the reasons Loki listed flawed and completely stupid. Seriously, the thing about his name and Obama Care, per example. That's idiotic, intolerant, and simply ignorant. Something else would be the Global Warming thing he mentioned, which I think he has plenty of reason to believe he can try to make a difference on?

Any politician WILL have to make sacrifices, it's impossible to be perfect, but he's doing his best.

On another note, can I just mention how stupid they looked on the debate? They looked like children pointing out what each other did wrong lol

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Basically this. Romney is taking Women's, LGBT's, and basically almost everyone but the rich people's rights. I don't care what they say, I'm a Democrat and I believe on equality before the law.


We don't need a miracle worker, we need a person who does their job effectively.


How about you go there and try that out. Try being perfect and having everyone love you!

A politician needs to make choices, but there's no way he could choose to work on all the ones that matter.

However, if they should care about something, it's the safety, health, education, sociality and equality, and the economy, and I do understand how hard it is to have everything 100% fine.

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Basically this. Romney is taking Women's, LGBT's, and basically almost everyone but the rich people's rights. I don't care what they say, I'm a Democrat and I believe on equality before the law.


And yet the longer Obama's in office the more rights we're having stripped away.

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And yet the longer Obama's in office the more rights we're having stripped away.


I honestly don't know enough to comment on this

but I know that Romney won't really make it better at all

In fact

I'm sure he'd bring you back to the *1940's or something when talking about people's rights unless they are white men

*obvious exaggeration

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That's not what she's saying at all. What she's saying is people are tired of his crap and are no longer supportive of him as they were last election the people who do vote for him will still vote for him for their own reasons. No need to pull out insuations that are not there.


Well the way she said it wasn't quite as specific as she stated now.

It was a bit rude before the main explanation.


Your list Loki had a lot of fringe.... and so does your Kinode but on the opposite spectrum. (Seriously, conservative? That's all you have to say.) In fact, there's been a huge conservative movement in the state these last two-three years.


I honestly believe that people aren't going to vote for Obama because they can see straight through his lies, and have stopped believing in this "hope" and "change" he promised them all. Not because of his name or his religious beliefs. Those are so minor.



it kind of sounded rude but good thing she gave some kind of explanation :3



The only thing im afraid if Romney will do the stuff he promised as well, I bet all of you know that he switches his answers constantly to win the election. It's pretty difficult to see what he will actually do in office if he is such a pancake. Obama was more strict and has always sticked to most, if not all of his plans, instead Romney changes or twists his plans just to win.



I'm going for Obama, but hoping to see a better candidate in 2016.

Edited by Shana09

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Basically this. Romney is taking Women's, LGBT's, and basically almost everyone but the rich people's rights. I don't care what they say, I'm a Democrat and I believe on equality before the law.


How about you go there and try that out. Try being perfect and having everyone love you!

A politician needs to make choices, but there's no way he could choose to work on all the ones that matter.

However, if they should care about something, it's the safety, health, education, sociality and equality, and the economy, and I do understand how hard it is to have everything 100% fine.


I said nothing about perfection I simply stated that we someone who is effective in what he does and Obama has not done that for four years.


I honestly don't know enough to comment on this

but I know that Romney won't really make it better at all

In fact

I'm sure he'd bring you back to the *1940's or something when talking about people's rights unless they are white men

*obvious exaggeration


You know that for sure could you please explain how you came to that conclusion because the fact remains you already admitted you know little about the situation here which is fine. The fact of the matter is that media portays Romney that way it's up to you to do your own research and decipher what the truth is. Yeah Romney said some dumb things but no dumber then things said by the other presidents Obama included.






Well the way she said it wasn't quite as specific as she stated now.

It was a bit rude before the main explanation.





it kind of sounded rude but good thing she gave some kind of explanation :3



The only thing im afraid if Romney will do the stuff he promised as well, I bet all of you know that he switches his answers constantly to win the election. It's pretty difficult to see what he will actually do in office if he is such a pancake. Obama was more strict and has always sticked to most, if not all of his plans, instead Romney changes or twists his plans just to win.



I'm going for Obama, but hoping to see a better candidate in 2016.


Obama does the exact same thing.

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Obama does the exact same thing.


No not really. Even if he did, which I don't think so, he is much less of a pancake Romney is.

I'm waiting what he thinks of FEMA, since Romney wanted to cancel it or do something to the group after our latest natural disaster.

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No not really. Even if he did, which I don't think so, he is much less of a pancake Romney is.

I'm waiting what he thinks of FEMA, since Romney wanted to cancel it or do something to the group after our latest natural disaster.




No not really. Even if he did, which I don't think so, he is much less of a pancake Romney is.

I'm waiting what he thinks of FEMA, since Romney wanted to cancel it or do something to the group after our latest natural disaster.


I'm honestly wondering how you can say Obama does not flip flop his answers with a straight face but I digress I'm not gonna sit here and try to change your opinion nor do I want to. However I think you should do a little more independent research so that your opinion has some base to it.

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I honestly don't know enough to comment on this

but I know that Romney won't really make it better at all

In fact

I'm sure he'd bring you back to the *1940's or something when talking about people's rights unless they are white men

*obvious exaggeration


To be fair, Felipe, before entering debates or topics like these you should inform yourself. I inform myself because, not just because I like discussing politics, but because I need a basis or standard to get my point across. The impression you try to make doesn't come across like you intend it to.

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I'm honestly wondering how you can say Obama does not flip flop his answers with a straight face but I digress I'm not gonna sit here and try to change your opinion nor do I want to. However I think you should do a little more independent research so that your opinion has some base to it.


I did actually this is seriously my outcome? Romney is more of a pancake than Obama imo.

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I'm gonna be honest, I was wholly convinced that this was a thread in the Random section. Half of this list is completely irrelevant.

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  • No one wants ObamaCare "No one" is to big a generalization. I actually rather like some of the ideas behind it, myself.
  • “Barack Hussein Obama” a Christian man? Whatever you say Why the f*** does this matter?
  • Obama supports “Race to the Top” grant which gives federal government too much control over education Giving government more control over education isn't inheritantly bad. From the little I know about this program, it doesn't seem bad.
  • Were not going to be energy independent when Obama is killing the coal industry and oil drilling on federal property
  • Likes to spend federal money on myths, i.e. global warming This and the above go together. Look, I don't care whether you believe Global Warming is true or not. That doesn't change the fact that there are environmental problems other than the potential heating of the planet, nor does it change the fact that coal, oil, and the methods with which they are obtained are part of those problems.
  • The black card can only get him so far Really, this is an issue? *sigh*
  • Federal taxes should not go towards providing abortions I would put an argument here, but knowing how this community handles this topic, I would rather not start a flame war.
Edited by DragonMaster

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To be fair, Felipe, before entering debates or topics like these you should inform yourself. I inform myself because, not just because I like discussing politics, but because I need a basis or standard to get my point across. The impression you try to make doesn't come across like you intend it to.


I consider being fairly informed and knowledgeable enough to enter the discussion, though, and I believe I made some good points.

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