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sora vs. chuck norris

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easily chuck norris, he could roundhouse kick sora straight to the realm of darkness :P


wat about if sephiroth and sora merge their powers together then wat? the universe would probably be distroyed . . .:P

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no, Chuck Norris would just have a good laugh and roundhouse kick them a second time. For Chuck Norris doesn't play God...playing is for children.

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He's a rather famous American actor/American martial artist from some old television shows like, "Walker, Texas Ranger," and he is now even more famous by those "chuck norris facts," that people do such as, "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried." or also, "Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the firetruck down." and many other jokes.


the website where you can find all the jokes is : http://www.thechucknorrisfacts.com/

and 'roundhouse kicks' is something generally related to him as well.

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i would say Chuck Norris because Giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse Sora could never do that .


HA that one actually made me lol

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Chuck Norris is very interesting to have some good jokes be originated from, basically all Chuck Norris jokes encycle around him being all powerful ,nothing able to beat or kill chuck norris. Such as this joke:


Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land.


I belive the first Chuck Norris joke was:


Chuck Norris is the toughest man in the world.


Even on that website, there is a list of Chuck Norris's personal favorite jokes. Also merchandise and goodies are sold on there.

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That is a lie! If Chuck Norris rounhouse kicks you and misses, the wind coming from the speed of the kick will shread your pancreas! Can Sora do that?

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That is a lie! If Chuck Norris rounhouse kicks you and misses, the wind coming from the speed of the kick will shread your pancreas! Can Sora do that?


fine, chuck norris wins. but wat about chuck norris vs himself . . . the freaking world would end

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fine, chuck norris wins. but wat about chuck norris vs himself . . . the freaking world would end


bahaha! That's funny! oh, picture this:

Chuck vs/ Sephy vs/ Sora vs/ Captain Falcon!


I think the universe would end O.O

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O_O you did not just say that! Fine, let me show you exhibit B!!!:



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Chuck Norris is basically God. We might be taking this too far, but its for the sake of every Chuck Norris joke ever! As in the vid I posted he is basically an angel, A GOD-LIKE ANGEL!

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well sora has a long keyblades..

then again, chuck norris can get his own long and hard keyblde fromt ehat viagra commercial...

chuck norris

^ >:3

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